As you’ve no doubt read, Atlus is bringing Demon’s Souls exclusively to the PLAYSTATION 3 this fall. But what changes are they making? How does online play work? And is the game really that difficult? At E3, Atlus’s Aram Jabbari fielded questions…
Aram will be back on the blog to talk more Demon’s Souls, but if you’ve got any questions now, please ask them in the comments area. I’ll make sure he sees them :-)
will the people who imported the game from asia, not expecting a US release get F’ed over with possible DLC? i really hope not >.<
Definitely picking this one up. Now all we need is Vesperia to get announced for U.S. release.
Hopefully it’ll have connectivity with the Asian region game, so I can play with my friends who are getting it.
I’ve already gone through alot of the game, really awesome! GO PREORDER IT NOW! XD
I imported this game a while ago and I’m curious if the US released version will support multiplayer with the asian version?
Lol @ 0:15-0:17
I hope the game will be good. I’m getting sick of games that are being made to be amazing but turn out half-assed like Prototype.
Soul life has been extended!
Just keep the sticky white stuff Atlus. Some things shouldn’t be changed. I’m going to buy the game again once it’s released in NA. Best ARPG in years. Hoping for DLC or a sequel. :D
You\’ll be happy to know I was told by the translators that under no circumstances could we change Sticky White Stuff. You\’ll have all the Sticky White Stuff you can handle in Demon\’s Souls.
\”Soul life has been extended\” is gone, though!
I’m very hyped for this game, it look awesome, can’t wait to get my hands on it.
NA version demon’s soul has better shadow expression than jpn version!Possibly also has better framerate?
well i’m just glad took long enough and enough spamming by me to do my part now just need ppl to help me take down that dam giant spider
I am sooo buying this!
Is there any plan to do an option where you can play one on one versus a friend or 2 on 2 with 3 other friend in an arena type online match? Also, will there be mic support?
Hey Jeff:
Guy said “i think this fall” which could go into 2010. the game looks great but you gotto release before Uncharted 2 & final fantasy 13. once they release i’ll be hooked on those. But if you manage to release before they do i’ll be more than happy to buy demon’s soul as it looks great. Just tell me it’s nothing like world of warcraft (i did not like wow) thanks guys
Don\’t worry. Under the current Gregorian calendar system, there is no chance that fall can extend into 2010. It\’ll be out this year.
Jeff any chance we could get something on white knight chronicles in the near future, Id just like to know the offical release date
I hope that there’s a lot of exploration. Also, I hope that you can find places to level up, and also, I hope that when I level up it just doesn’t make the enemies level up w/ me.
It looks awesome!!
SO many games to buy this fall loll
hey Jeff you played the game?
you liked ?
it looks great!
can you guys let us play on World wide servers? there’s many importers who bought this game already and i would like to play with them.
Keep those RPG’s comming ATLAS! This game looks awsome
Amazing!! Day 1 purchase for me.
1-What else is gonna be different for the US version besides the voice changes? I’d like to see a less confusing way to tell the different World Tendencies.
2-Is online play gonna be available cross-region for the US version?
3-Is there going to be a Strategy guide?
4-Will the game have the appropiate marketing support at launch? It’s a very hardcore game, but it’s also a game which doesn’t tell much just by looking at some trailer. You MUST market this game the right way, there’s definitely a large audience for it. I don’t want DS to be another ignored Valkyria Chronicles. DS is THE BEST RPG this year (on any console) and people must know that and why.
will the dificulty level make it imposible to play offline therefor force me to play online?
epic, buying this for sure but what about a european release date because all the news i heard it was for a NA release.
Is the western version any different in terms of content compared to the asian version? Or will this simply be a translation? I’d be particularly interested in a PSN friend invite option.
JEFF! Please tell me where you got that shirt! I want one..
Hi, guys. It may too late for you to even see this comment now, but I have 1 question, and 1 request:
First, my question: will the trophies be the same in the American release as the Chinese release? I hope so, because the trophies were challenging and really encouraged multiple play-throughs (impossible to platinum in a single play-through). Don’t make it any easier, please! Also, don’t change the item drop rates. For instance, it took me 15 hours of farming to get my Pure Bladestone. I’d be upset if you made that more lenient and everybody who buys the American version gets it with much more ease.
And second, my recommendation: I think it would be really cool if you had an in-game compendium. Every time you meet a new enemy variety, it could put their entry in the compendium with a little description of them and a table with their statistics, like how much HP they have, etc. Also, it could list their weaknesses, but not at first. If you attack them with magic, only then does it fill in that portion of their strengths/weaknesses by saying either “Strong”, “Weak”, or “Normal” for that type of attack. Same for blunt, piercing, cutting, fire, etc. And it would be even more nice if it had the items that each enemy could potentially drop, and a percentage chance for each individual item to be the one that drops if it should drop anything at all.
Not sure if that last suggestion though is something that you would instead publish separately in an official strategy guide. If so, that’d be cool too, and I would buy the guide!
Anyway, thanks for bringing this game to the States so everyone who didn’t import it can enjoy it. It’s my favorite game in years!
PS3 exclusive?
It looks very massive game. Can’t wait!
We want it now! Too many great games coming this fall and this game will be great, but it would be like Valkyria Chronicles that nobody had heard off after two months of the release.
This game looks pretty dang awesome! i cant wait until it comes out
my friend has demon soul (got a copy shipped)
its pure sweetness!!
Jeff, you should of asked him whether we’d soon see Persona on PlayStation 3. =D
Cool, still…. Jeff i want some answers from Namco Bandai on Tales of Vesperia PS3 USA release please man shed some light :'(
Anyone knows if the Asian and/or Japanese a/o Korean releases will be able to connect on the same servers a the American version and be able to play in Cooperation?
Looks awesome. I have been waiting over a year for this game.
Awesome, I’ve been very interested in this game. I don’t care how hard this is, I want this game to kick my ass.I had no clue this game even had online! The more I find out about it, the better it gets.PS3 is finally getting a complete library of RPGs.
The only RPG we really need now is Tales of Vesperia for the US, please beat it out of Namco Bandai. Argh..Curse them for being so quiet about it, you can never tell with what they will localize, lol.
Been waiting for this game. There’s gonna be so many RPG’s coming out that i have no idea how im going to be able to play all of them.
Are we able to trade/sell items with other players?
Is there DLC already or planned for this game?
Is there voice chat to be able to talk to the other players?
Atlus, if you’re reading this, I have your company name tattooed on my left buttock.
The games looks mega sweet…..
Vesperia with DLC of tales of the abyss costumes!!! :( im about to cry lol
any plans on costumes for home like the ones in jp home
To Aram or Nich (or Jeff if you know the answer to this as well):
What, if anything, can we expect to see for the Spoils program? I talked to Sammy at the show and mentioned the HOME items/costumes that are currently up overseas but I’d also love a possible art book or soundtrack sampler. Having put in hundreds of hours on the overseas release I know there soundtrack is minimal but I would LOVE to have one. That eerie chant the Royal Mistress sings in The Tower of Latria sends shivers down my spine…great use of spacial audio there.
Please?!? This title deserves a little extra love and you both know it.
I would like to know how the if we will be able to invite friends from our friend list (as long as they are within the 10 lvl range) into our games or will all co-op be the random request for help thing?
also just so people know ive been following this game for some time and ordered the Asian Version rigth before talk of the US release..but I will be getting the US version as well when released (if things are diffrent) its going to be that good ;-)
This is a late comment, and probably won’t get answered, but I must ask!
When you get assistance from other players, or are just playing co-op, are enemies more difficult than when you take them on alone? IE: do they deal more damage and have increased health/defense when you are teaming up against them?
A lot of games seem to increase difficulty when in co-op mode, but I think it partially negates one of the reasons to play co-op: to get past certain sections with less difficulty.
Thanks if you decide to late reply to this! :D
This game is quite simply the best game of the gen for me.
Please leave it as is, voice acting, difficoulty, graphics (even with it’s glitches here and there) everything is perfect!
Wow. Nice to see Demon’s Souls coming to NA. While we’re on the topic of localization, is there any news on the localization for Vesperia on the PS3?
First of all, i think this game is great. Just one question. I have searched everywhere but but i never found an answer. Will the game be released in Europe?
First of all, i think this game is great. Just one question. I have searched everywhere but i never found an answer. Will the game be released in Europe?
Will there be any reward/in-game item for pre-ordering Demon’s Souls? Usually many games offer this, would be awesome if Demon’s Souls had something like this too. Ah, and also, any word on additional content the NA version will have that an import won’t? Maybe additional bosses/items?
Thanks and I’m looking forward to the game!