PlayStation Around the Web: What We Read

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Bit of a change here on What We Read…

We’ve been using this list for some time to let you know the stories that’ve caught our eye on any given week. Now we’d like to take things a step further, and allow *you* to spread the word even further.

Starting this week, we’ve taken the liberty of Digging each link on the list. When you click on any the posts below, it’ll take you to the Digg page we’ve teed up (or to the page that existed when we found it). At that point you can click through to the story, and if you like it, Digg it up a notch.

For those of you not familiar with Digg – stories that reach a critical mass (somewhere in the neighborhood of 150 Diggs, or “thumbs up” votes), show up on Digg’s Gaming page, exposing it to a new, larger audience. It’s our way of helping our favorite PlayStation/gaming sites reach as many people as possible. Thanks in advance for your help!

The PS Blog weekly reading list (Week of May 11, 2009)

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