What do you want to know about… inFAMOUS and MAG?

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The pre-E3 PlayStation press tour continues, now from sunny Seattle. And so we want to know: What do you want us to ask Sucker Punch and Zipper Interactive about, respectively, inFAMOUS and MAG? Just ask away in the comments area below the post.

We were able to get dozens of your previous questions answered yesterday – can’t wait to share those videos with you beginning next week.


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1 Author Reply

  • All regarding MAG…

    1. Will it be first or third person? Will there be options for either?

    2. Will there be any kind of fees aside from buying the game?

    3. I only have a 756k internet connection. It works fine for every other game but every other game doesn’t have 256 players. So will I be able to play?

    4. Vehicles? Tanks? Airplanes? Boats?

  • What ESRB rating are you guys “going for” with MAG?

  • In Mag will there be planes? if so will they be manually controlled by the player or AI controlled?

    Can you jump in Mag?

    Will there be proximity chat in Mag?

    Is there a melee hit in MAG?

  • For Infamous:
    Is there any plans currently to support this game with DLC such as new new episodes? Like GTA IV: Lost and Dammed DLC episode?
    Is there any plans to support DLC at all for this game?

    Will this game have a Party System? That way it is going to be a lot easier to play with your friends and be on the same team.

  • How can we get into the closed BETA???

  • Well I have seen the girl character in inFamous so is there a possibility of a CO-OP?
    And is there going to be something like take this thing and you can throw it with the lighting ’cause the physic engine looks really good.

    Are they really going to get the 256 players to MAG or is it just bull***t to get it on hype radar?

  • MAG:
    * Will there be female avatars?
    * Will there be a monthly, annual or some form of fee to play?
    * There has been much talk of leadership within the game… is there any chance of some form of karma system that might distinguish good “leaders” from simply highly ranked players that don’t have team tactics? Also are there any penalties for not obeying a higher ranking players objective orders?
    * How will gamers be able to find/team up with their friends and will rank have any impact? (can they all be high ranked/low ranked or mixed ranks?)
    * How long would a typical round last and are there any “leaving early” penalties?

  • MAG:
    will it be respawn based or round based ?
    will it have a LAN mode?

  • @ Zipper – Is it class based? Will it have any sort of offline multiplayer component?

    @Sucker – How big is the city? Is it a solo experience, will it have any other modes?

    Felt really weird asking in such way, lol.

  • inFamous:

    – What level will be playable in the demo?
    – What sorts of collectables will there be? (Skins, cheats, etc.)

  • InFamous:

    1) In terms of the good karma/bad karma system, will the choices very obvious? Or will there we some choices that make the gamer think about their decisions?

    2) Will there be multiple endings based on the karma system?

  • you do well

    but whats about PS3 HARCORE ADDICTS

    we need to kmow………………


  • Please ask Sucker Punch to not make the inFamous save file locked and uncopyable, as many developers have been doing recently. It makes things very inconvenient to back up. I have to back up my entire hard drive just to preserve the save files for 3 or 4 games, and this process takes over 4-5 hours. In addition to that, I also can’t bring my save file over to my brother’s house and continue my game progress on his PS3.

  • Infamous:
    1. Is there any other type of power that can be unlocked, besides electricity??
    2. Is there any other abilities, skills, powers that Cole possesses?
    3. Is there a particular arch-nemesis for Mr McGrath??
    4. Will there be multiple bosses?
    5. Being a comic book inspired game, will there be a nice amount of love drama and multiple character development?
    6. Is there a back story to some of the other characters that will be presented along with Cole?
    7. Will Empire city be available to you from the moment you boot up the game?

  • inFamous:
    -how long is the estimated running time? (with or without the side missions)

    -Is there any planned DLC for infamous in the future?

    -We haven’t seen virtually ANYTHING about this game for almost a full year……..why so secretive?

    -is this gonna play like a massive, first person SOCOM?

  • Do Infamous and MAG have custom soundtrax? Is MAG a 3rd persom shooter with a cover system? Will MAG have vehicles and blindfire for the player?

  • What do i need to do to get in the MAG beta? Seriously, I HAVE to play that game!!!

  • @Solid-Snake-Eyes

    Amen to that, and also if your PS3 breaks and you get a replacement, none of the locked files that you back up will work on the new PS3, thus loosing everything you worked for. This happened to me with RockBand 1 and 2, Rainbowsix Vegas 2. Its not cool when you loose all your data.

  • I want to know if MAG will have a monthly fee? And will we be able to switch to third person?

  • Question for MAG:

    Are there going to be sever lists or a match making system, or both?

    I’m asking this because I hate match making, and I think sever lists are better when searching for games and having game nights.

  • How Many Guns Will There Be in M.A.G?

  • inFamous
    -How much melee abilities does Cole have?
    -Is it enough if someone wanted to play the game with mainly melee?

    -Why First Person, why not stick with Third Person?
    -Since it is a FPS, will we be able to use the gun’s sights/scopes like in such games as Call of Duty or Killzone? Firing from the hip isn’t the most effective way to fire a gun from my understanding.

  • Zipper:what motivated you guys to create a game like MAG?

  • Questions regarding M.A.G.

    1) How is it going to support 256 players? Can a server be ran from a users PS3 & handle them or is it going to be dedicated servers & if that is the case, is there likely to be monthly/ subscription fees? (Not that it matters to me)

    2) Any plans for non mission objective team deathmatch & possibly last man standing game modes?

    3) Any implementations to prevent 150 players (exagerated example) from being sniper or running around with rocket launchers?

    4) Info on the classes would be great too… Can’t wait

  • Will there be a subscription fee for MAG?

  • M.A.G.

    1\ What I don’t usually like in online games is when someone ā€œleaves near the end of the game?ā€ So is there anything to give incentive to stay the whole game. With 200+ players I donā€™t want the game to end when Iā€™m about to win or lose. Example, labelling an online ID as quitter or something embarrassing in the online environment because it can get annoying like in Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare or better yet having a filter out the quitters?

    2\ Will they be taunts, proximity voice chat, squad chat, or team chat?

  • inFAMOUS: About how long will the game be and how many side-missions are there?

    MAG: How will respawn work and will this be pay-to-play?

  • Correction

    2\ *Will there be taunts, proximity voice chat, squad chat, or team chat*

  • I have a MAG question or two:

    Will the game be in first or third person? (First person please!)

    Will there be character customization?

    What are some of the weapons we can look forward to using? Will they be modern, fictional, or futuristic?

    Thanky! Really looking forward to both these games!

  • when? thats all that really matters!!!!!!!

  • oh and for infamous….. when? cus thats all that really matters!

  • In regard To MAG’s perk system, which game/developer are they trying to out-do? How robust is the systme going to be, are they trying to blow us away and set a standard like COD4 did?

  • who cares if there’s a monthly subscription. if anything wow has proven that if u give people a quality product they will gladly support it. i love the constant support wow gets from developers and i dont even play it. i just respect that a company stands behind its product as an avid video game player. and if they really wanna test it they do what warcraft did before where they gave away the game and see whose willing to pay that monthly fee. if the game is great people will pay trust me.

  • In MAG, will there be customizable characters like in Warhawk? If so, please give me a tank top and an option for tattoos. Thank you in advance.


  • I have 1 question for MAG.

    Will it have a single player?

  • What’s happening with the name?

    We already know ‘Shadow War’ will somehow be incorporated because if you go to *www.magshadowwar.com, it will take you to the MAG site.

    But will the game be called MAG: Shadow War or just Shadow War?

  • inFamous
    What do you use to upgrade your powers? Is it some kind of money, progression, or skill?
    How large is the Empire City? I know its two islands and 180 hexes (whatever that means)but I have no idea how big that is. How big are we talking?
    About how long would it take to go from hero to infamous with the karma system if you just went down streets blowing **** up?
    I heard MAG uses some kind of revolutionary FPS aspect. Can you ask what this is.
    Also, does it cost a fee outside the game?
    Can you play any mode with 256 players?

  • Can mag be TPS ? please say yes >.<
    i know its an FPS , but we had alot of those already…

  • Infamous:

    – How big is the city?
    – How long is the game?


  • Will we get the weapon like the one with gamecrazy’s preorder????


  • Will we get the weapon in INFAMOUS like the one with gamecrazyā€™s preorder????


  • Lots of MAG gameplay video. Maybe from disk startup to mission completion. If a picture is worth a thousand words, imagine what you can do with a good movie…

  • I need the most realistic FPS ever… Is M.A.G. the answer ?

  • inFamous:
    – cover system in this game looks strange – why did you put it there?
    – does the main character talk?

  • I want to know what is the most stupid question U have heard about M.A.G. or inFAMOUS.. Besides this one!!!

  • for MAG

    will it be 3rd person? or at least an option?
    will there be a beta?
    will there be a monthly fee?
    plans for teams include what?
    release date?
    split screen (if not, you lose me)?
    split screen with different psn? (won’t lose me if this don’t happen)
    structure of games?
    ability to have smaller games like less than 256?
    ability to host own games?

    I am really looking forward to this game.

  • This give the question more value: Will there be a beta for MAG

  • Is MAG only FPS?
    Will they charge to play?


  • inFamous
    -Will Cole be able to wear different clothes? -If so, will they appear in the cut scenes also?

  • Zipper, what will be the connection requirements of MAG?

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