Waking up this morning is going to be rough. But once we get rolling, here’s what we’re working on for this week:
- This afternoon, we’ll be selecting (at random) 20 people who participated in our Killzone 2 Facebook Pic Collection to receive a free BradyGames strategy guide. I expect you winners to get those Field Agent and Iconoclast Trophies!
- You’ll hear more about Patapon 2, Rag Doll Kung Fu, and this week’s Spring Fever PSN release.
- We’ll be attending the San Francisco launch of Resident Evil 5 on Thursday night. Are you in the Bay Area? We’d love to meet you!
- We’re setting up another live chat for Wednesday. Like last week’s Watchmen developer chat, this one will have a comic book theme – we’ll tell you who it is tomorrow.
And speaking of Watchmen, that’s our topic for Question of the Week:
[poll id=”7″]
See you again soon!
always nice to be officially informed of what’s coming up.
thanks Jeff
the game and movie are both pretty great… for what they are.
the movie is really well done. even if, like me, you’ve never read the novel. it’s just well made, and tells an interesting (if altered) story. and seriously, blue genitals is not a reason to not see this movie. (why is it that female nudity is either not mentioned or a big deal due to excitement, but if it’s a man’s, it becomes controversial..? only in america)
the game is a really fun beat ’em up. the only real problems i had with it is the non combat sections. it doesn’t really have any exploration, and there’s no jump button. but it’s immensely satisfying for atleast the first play through.
they are both over priced though.
game for $20
and i payed 15.25 to see the movie in imax.
When is Sony gonna spill the beans about the new Worms game for PSN?
Aww… just read that #2 already asked that question and you already answered too^^
Jeff is the Chat on Wednesday going to be about Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2?
Oh and do you guys have a list of stores that will be selling the LBP shirts? I would love to purchase some of them.
I saw a video on the JPN PS Store for a PSN game called Gomibako. It looked really fun and I was hoping it would come out in the states. Any word on that?
waiting impatiently on the motorstorm pacific rift surprised lol
Will Demon’s Souls be release on NA? Or would you recommend importing the game?
I’m guessing it’s X-MEN Origins: Wolverine Jeff, am I right??? :D