This Week on PlayStation.Blog

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Waking up this morning is going to be rough. But once we get rolling, here’s what we’re working on for this week:

And speaking of Watchmen, that’s our topic for Question of the Week:

[poll id=”7″]

See you again soon!

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17 Author Replies

  • always nice to be officially informed of what’s coming up.
    thanks Jeff

  • the game and movie are both pretty great… for what they are.

    the movie is really well done. even if, like me, you’ve never read the novel. it’s just well made, and tells an interesting (if altered) story. and seriously, blue genitals is not a reason to not see this movie. (why is it that female nudity is either not mentioned or a big deal due to excitement, but if it’s a man’s, it becomes controversial..? only in america)

    the game is a really fun beat ’em up. the only real problems i had with it is the non combat sections. it doesn’t really have any exploration, and there’s no jump button. but it’s immensely satisfying for atleast the first play through.

    they are both over priced though.
    game for $20
    and i payed 15.25 to see the movie in imax.

  • When is Sony gonna spill the beans about the new Worms game for PSN?

  • Aww… just read that #2 already asked that question and you already answered too^^

  • Jeff is the Chat on Wednesday going to be about Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2?

    Oh and do you guys have a list of stores that will be selling the LBP shirts? I would love to purchase some of them.

  • I saw a video on the JPN PS Store for a PSN game called Gomibako. It looked really fun and I was hoping it would come out in the states. Any word on that?

  • waiting impatiently on the motorstorm pacific rift surprised lol

  • Jeff,

    Will Demon’s Souls be release on NA? Or would you recommend importing the game?


  • I’m guessing it’s X-MEN Origins: Wolverine Jeff, am I right??? :D

  • My guess is either Stan “The Man” Lee or someone from Raven making the Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 game.

  • I am thinking teh chat is either Ultimate alliance 2 or the Wolverine game. I would put money on Wolverine being more likely as the devs have been doing a lot of PR lately.

  • 2.70 ??????????

  • please oh please be x-men legends 3 and weak for the kiddies UA!!

    or they better at least have Gambit

  • Jeff!! :D
    I saw you on the hiphopgamershow and in game beefs.
    Trust me you and Hiphop aren’t ready for my Vega, but then again I play SFIV ALL the time.
    It truly is an obsession. lmao

  • I’m still trying to catch up on sleep after DST kicked in. Maybe next weekend I’ll catch Watchmen.

  • mhmhm the Blog is keeping better and better.
    I wonder why?
    Little Hint: The PS3 is getting better and better games. :)

  • Jeff do you know when we will be getting a preview of the next firmware update from Eric?

  • X-men Wolverine maybe?

    Personally x-men is my second fav comic and i cant wait to see the movie.
    i havent heard nothing new on magnetos movie tho .

    spidey is still my fav comic hero :P

  • Let me guess, does it involve bunnies?

    Give us some more vague hints of things to come, I need something to keep me awake today!

  • Don’t waste your money. The movie is 2 hours and 43 minutes of your life that you’ll regret not having spent playing COD4.

  • “Jeff Rubenstein replied on March 9, 2009 at 8:58 am
    Ok, another hint: Marvel.”

    I’m hoping for Spidey news! On that note, any chance of a Spider-Man Sackboy? Sony has the movie rights, so it shouldn’t be too hard right?

    ANOTHER QUESTION FOR JEFF, PLEASE ANSWER!: Have you guys spoken to Sucker Punch about a new Sly? You must be a fan, we have the same avatar. A PSP and PS3 Sly Cooper that have some sort of connectivity would be the business (meaning totally awesome)!

    On the Watchmen topic, I thoroughly enjoyed the film, but like most, I can’t wait for the Director’s Cut and the Blu-Ray version. As far as the game, I enjoyed the demo, but I think that $20 is a bit much. I’m hesitant to spend upwards of 12.99 on PSN games, ever since buying Jeopardy! at 15.99, then getting burned by a quick price drop and none of the support and DLC that was promised when it was first released.

  • You replied to someone who mentioned it, Jeff, but you didn’t answer the question. What happened to last week’s “teaser” about Motorstorm: Pacific Rift? We are a rabid fanbase, and we were told we were getting weekly DLC, and it’s been 4 months now and we haven’t even gotten a rumor about anything. Just the teaser from you last week which fell through.

    I know you aren’t in charge of what info gets released when, but let someone know that MSPR fans are really hurting for some info…!

  • lol @ the votes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

    it seems no one gives a **** about watchmen XD

  • Doh! Totally forgot to submit my picture to the Facebook group >.<

  • I’m loving the new PS blog :) keep it up guys.

  • what about bomberman Ultra? this week? next week? how about EVER?! i’ve been waiting since like november, or something.

    PLEASE tell me if its sometime soon!

  • Is anyone going to post anything about the Titan Pack for Unreal Tournament 3? The pack is exclusive to PC and PS3, so it would make sense to give it some publicity here. It’s also free. It’s also HUUUGE

  • good day Jeff, any idea when we’ll be seeing Wheel of fortune this thursday?

  • the watchmen game is much better than i thought it would be. i wished they put some more into it maybe some online co-op.

  • Holy ***, thats good ot hear that you keep up with soccer. We’ll I am even more happy as inzaghi scored a hatrick!

  • Aw dang, I was wrong. Thanks for the extra hint though Jeff. Since you said it wasn’t for The Punisher, could it be the new Wolverine game??? That’s actually looking very promising for a movie inspired game.

  • I saw the movie after a friend of mine convinced me to go. Saw it on an IMAX screen. It was awesome! I hadn’t even heard about the comic book before this, so I knew nothing about it. Also, the male nudity really isn’t a big deal. If it bothers you then you need to mature a bit more before watching the film.

  • Oh, forgot to add, this is gonna be a GREAT movie to buy on Blu-Ray!!!

  • Watchman…uh i guess I get around to installing the demo (some day). I’m sorry but I been a busy playing a little game called KILLZONE2!

  • So is the rumor about the new COD map pack coming out today completely inaccurate?

    • You well know that we rarely have anything hit the network on days other than Thursdays! And when we do, we tend to announce them.

  • Are we going to see the PSN game GoMiBaKo here in the us saw it in a Famitsu wave video from japan it looks intresting for a puzzle game.

  • superhero movies are at their end.
    or at least coming to their end.

  • My guess is news about the MMO

    anyway, its gonna be a great week

  • I think Zack Snyder’s stuff is pretty bad and overly stylized.

    I’ll stick to my beloved Alan Moore book.

    I will probably rent the flick when it hits blu-ray.

    Hard to believe someone can stay so close to the material and still have a poor end-result with characters you don’t care for.

    Hollywood molested my Watchmen.

  • I saw the movie, but I have yet to download the game.

  • If its Marvel Vs. Capcom PS1 downloadable for PSP then thats really great. Need an great fighting game to play out on the road for my spring break trip next weekend.

  • I only said “So what’s all this Watchmen business about anyway?” because there wasn’t an option saying “I saw neither”! D:

  • man cant w8 to see kung fuu ragdoll it looks fun to me

  • Sounds like another good week. Can’t wait to hear more about MS:PR…

    I also watched Watchmen this weekend. Loved the novel and loved the movie. I find it hilarious that everyone is complaining about seeing a certain blue fella but are completely fine with over the top violence. This goes for everything. Only in America.

  • Yikes! Nice poll results!

  • “This is why rumors suck. Don’t believe *anything* firmware-related until you read it here. Seriously.”

    What nonsense. Come on; we’ve played this game before. Here how it works.

    Step one: Some idiot site makes up some BS rumor about the next firmware and claims it’s from “an un-named insider.”

    Step two: Someone tries to contact Sony, but . . .”we do not comment or rumors or speculation (BTW, I lol’d when you said that during Beyond, Jeff).”

    Step three: The rumor spreads like wildfire, and everyone acts as if it’s the truth.

    Step four: The new FW comes out, but is lacking the features in the rumored “insider” report.

    Step five: Everyone posts everywhere, upset at Sony because “Sony lied11!!11!!” although they had nothing to do with the rumor.

    Step six: Sites everywhere make “PS3 iz teh doomed,” articles, saying that they will never catch up to MS.

    That’s the way it works. We’ve all been there before, and it’ll happen every single time.

  • Please, please add party mode to Killzone 2. I want to play the damn game online with my friends but until then, I’ll be Callin’ the Duty…on Xbox360…

  • I didn’t see Watchmen this weekend even though I planned on going. Oh btw Jeff, what’s going on over at I can’t log on to see my stats.

  • this whole watchman thing is dirveing me crazy i soo dont care

  • I really want to see what that new marvel game is well i know it’s X-men origins Wolverine i just wanna see more gameplay.

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