Everyday Shooter Blasts onto PSP Today

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Hi all, it’s Rusty again from the Santa Monica Studio. We are getting ready to launch Everyday Shooter PSP on the PSN store today, and we are really thrilled about how it has turned out. Between Jon Mak, Backbone Entertainment and us, we have Jon’s thoughts about how everything went on getting this made. Hope you all like what we’ve done.
First things first: the seaweed is gone, but the hashbrowns are still in the freezer.

So Rusty wanted me to write a little blog post about Everyday Shooter for PSP. I don’t really know what to talk about so I guess I’ll start chronological and see where that goes.

I actually tried porting Everyday Shooter to PSP way back around December 20th, 2007, and stopped around December 27th, 2007. Here’s an old video I found from back then:


I thought the same thing until I remembered that it crashed every eight seconds, had a ridiculously low frame rate, was missing graphics and effects, and generally blew.

Yeah, Everyday Shooter PSP really worried me at the time. I was convinced to get the game running properly it needed to be hacked to shreds – reducing the number of enemies, changing all the
backgrounds, changing the enemy graphics – ugh, this is going to SUCK.

So I dropped the idea until Rusty contacted my agent, Warren, and I, saying Sony was interested in putting Everyday Shooter on PSP. Immediately, the floodgates opened to the stress of so many potential problems sweeping my soul to the faraway depths of darkness where it was then beaten repeatedly at three frames per second before crashing…

But Rusty said (paraphrased): “Jon, this is how it’s going to go down. We’re going to hire this developer [Backbone], and I know this guy, he is one of the best programmers I know. And the deal is going to be this: if they even hint at a suggestion of messing with your vision, we are going to fire them and find a new developer. This is going to be a straight port, we are not going to mess with your vision.”

Skeptically, I replied “and the boobies?” To which he answered “no boobies.”

Honestly, I was still skeptical.

I was also told that the original QA team for ES-PS3 was brought in to test the PSP version too, so I’m quite confident that it was left in good hands.

I’m amazed at the job Backbone did:

They actually ported it without altering any of the graphics, effects, or gameplay! How!?? No seriously, how did you do that!? Like, even the backgrounds? I was expecting to have to do this whole back and forth about what graphics needed to be changed and redesigned, what enemies needed to be reduced, gimping the game just for the sake of performance… NO! Not at all! They just somehow made it work. What is this sweet juice of hexadecimal that you drink from and where do I get it?

Then again, I’m not technically a great programmer, so maybe there’s some simple secret I’m not aware of. I generally just multiply things by negative one if they don’t work because in math, to get the opposite of something you just multiply it by negative one. Since the opposite of “doesn’t work” is “it works,” multiplying numbers by negative one should yield a correct result. Unfortunately, when
applying this strategy to Everyday Shooter PSP it still didn’t work.

Thus, and clearly thus, there was no solution.

Of course Backbone proved me wrong.

I think this is a pretty accurate port of the game. I mean, I played it till my hands cramped, jotting down every subtle problem, some bordering on imaginary, but yet still fixed. For example, the first
few builds I played, everything looked great and seemed to be in working order but something was weird. I kept getting beaned by the game! I mean, I couldn’t even get to level 4! Suspecting my own
skill level, I busted out the PS3 version just to make sure and to my surprise, I was still able reach the final stage with just three starting lives. It’s got to be the port.

Okay, so how do you convince someone that this is actually a bug and not because of some lack of skill on my part? I mean, otherwise, the game felt exactly like the PS3 version, so there was no factual information to draw from except for “well, Jon thinks it’s too hard now.” For weeks, I kept thinking they were going to ignore it, and it’ll get released, and the internet will swallow me whole, and then it will hurt a lot.

But amazingly, the bug was found. Apparently (and from what I recall — I might be wrong), it had something to do with timing issues since Everyday Shooter PSP runs at a much lower simulation rate given that the PSP isnā€™t as powerful as the PS3.

To this day, I’m still not sure if anyone believed me on this, and I’m not even sure if I believed myself (I’m quite positive it was way harder, though), and I totally see that the whole thing just sounded nuts and imaginary, but either way, Backbone was gracious enough to give me the benefit of the doubt and make this change. I know some people who paid a silver dollar only to have their ports birched by shoddy developers, so I’m very grateful for the amount of effort and attention Backbone gave to the project.

Anyway, we tried to make this as accurate as possible. Warren called me a few weeks before the final build asking whether I played the PSP port yet and what I thought of it. I replied, “I don’t know what to say. I mean, it’s basically Everyday Shooter PS3, except it’s running on a PSP.”

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  • great news

  • Can’t wait to download and play it!

    Thanks for the heads up.

  • i almost had my first first haha! this should be fun (although i probly won’t get it) PSP FTW!

  • So when is the PSP version being released on UMD?

    Cause I ain’t buyin’ it until then.

  • Great Story. Thanks for the update. I can’t wait to try it out on the PSP again.

  • Looking forward to picking up this and Stardust both; thanks for the entertainingly candid story :)

  • Great to see that an excellent port was made =D
    Can’t wait to add it to my PSP collection!

  • YES!
    The fusion of music and gaming on the go!
    It comes out today too?

    Man Sony are you blowing your whole load today? Is there anything left for next week? lol
    I swear this is going to be the greatest PS Store update to date!

    Jon Mak your my hero!

  • Great to see you post again Jonathan. Huge props to Backbone for getting this right.

  • One of my favorite games ever J. Mak.

    Please tell me you have something else for PS3 soon.

    You’re what made PSN games something special from early on.


  • Nice blog, Rusty (and apologies for the mispronouciation of your name in my head…I keep thinking “Rusty Bucket” no matter how much I try not to)

    Everyday Shooter & SS are both instant purchases for me. I wasn’t anticipating that they’d both launch today, so I’m feeling a little giddy. These are the two titles I’ve been greatly anticipating for PSP for awhile now (I have a PS3, but am not online, to give a little context– I’ve been drooling over the origingal PS3 versions for awhile now).

    Just to show that I’m not being all sunny and semi-fanboyish, here’s my little sliver of grey cloud:

    Does this not just reinforce the wild inconsistancy that has been the PSP library release schedule? Just over a year ago many of us whined about the lack of PSP titles…then boom 1stQ of ’08, we get hit with a steady stream of great titles… God of War, Wipeout Pulse, Patapon, etc.

    The PSP store has been essentially dead these last several months, and now we get two quality releases today (Hey, at least I’m not bringing up the lack of PS1 downloads..oh wait a sec…)

    Still, a 5/5 for me. Unless ofcourse they have to delay one or both games, or the entire store update…..

    I’ll stop now.

  • … who copied whom??

    super stardust portable or everyday shooter psp??

    These titles will have DLC , soon??

  • wheres the store update? oh and home is amazing just to let you all know!!

  • See, that’s what’s up!

    This is the level of interaction that we – PS3 owners – receive from our game developers that I just don’t see anywhere else. If the developer of a game is skeptical about a port, and then is later convinced in the end result – then it’s good enough for me! I think I’m going to pick up the PS3 version (I’m sorry, I always said I’d buy it, and just haven’t.) as well as the PSP version.

    To Backbone –
    If you PWN so much PSP that you can pull off amazing Mak with this port, then I want a PSP and/or PS3 original from you guys! Wow us, I dare you! *Double dog dare you!*

  • Nice, i’ve got this on PS3. Some trophy support would be nice ;)

  • Now THIS could’ve just used remote play.

  • I’m confused as to how you will accurately shoot on both this game and Super Stardust Portable without a second analog stick (err, “nub”).

  • And I agree with 16, why not just add remote play to the PS3 version?

    Oh yeah, now I remember… $$$$

  • Free or reduced price for those of us who bought the PSN version?

  • Sir, you won me over the moment you mentioned boobies. What a fun word! Boobies. Still makes this grown man giggle. teehee

  • This blog post made me laugh… >.>

  • Well, I don’t have a PS3 so remote play sure wouldn’t work for me. I can’t wait for the store update today, I need to not let these games take up too much of my time since finals are on the way.

  • will there ever be trophies for the PS3 version?

  • Yay can’t wait to get it.

    I would get it day 1 but I’m getting the PSP 3000 Black bundle that also has Everyday Shooter so I’ll wait since I dont wanna buy it when i can get it for free with the new psp :P

    Yea this was one of my favorite PS3 games. Glad to see a PSP version!

  • Yes! Yes!

    I’ve been waiting for this! Everyday Shooter on my PSP! I love you, I love you! Heh. ;)

  • Could the PSP ever see trophy support? Everyday Shooter and Super Stardust Portable would be a great place to start.

  • Holy Crap!!! ES, Stardust Portable, and Soldner-X all in one day?!?! Happy Early Holidays!!!!

  • Also, @SantanaClaus89

    Jonathon Mak has said numerous times that Everyday Shooter is MADE to use the D-Pad and the face buttons, so control is actually a bit better in that control scheme.

  • Sweet…. Looks like the PSP finally gets some attention this week!!! (I don’t have a PS3, just the PSP)

  • hahah this is the greatest post the Playstation Blog has had yet. Anyway I love the PS3 version – just wish it had Trophies now :P

  • Great post. I liked the story, glad it all worked out.

  • Cool news, I still play this game once in a while to take a break from all the madness. I can careless about the trophies not being there, people should still play it anyhow. But if you come out with part 2 then I suppose.

  • Great news. Now how about some trophies for the PS3 version?

  • Nice! loll funny story

  • Trophy support could lead to a second coming of the game similar to Super Stardust HD…

    Also, what new projects are you working on Jonathon?

  • Nice! And Super Stardust PSP is out today too? Ouch, and I thought my checking account was already too low… Well, payday tomorrow :P I can buy these tonight.

  • I’m genuinely curious as to how developers think that alienating a portion of their audience, by not giving them the option to buy the game as *they* want – not as the developer or Sony wants – is going to help their sales.

    I’d like to see them justify it.

    Come on – I dare you.

  • @37, it’s dramatically cheaper. For small games, it’s unlikely these games would be released at all, ever, if UMD was the only option. Downloadable games allow a wider range of prices (a $10 game on UMD would make no sense for any publisher to touch, as shipping out a game at that price point would almost always mean losing money). Out of curiosity, what is your objection to digital distribution?

  • Great Story!!

    Now I need to get some money together to get this and SSHDP. Both of these games are great on the PS3 and I can’t wait to have them on my PSP.

  • @37

    Well,your game actually gets sold to a customer and doesn’t end up in the used game rack at Gamestop where publishers get nothing on used game sales. I know you don’t like downloads( you mention in everyone of your posts)but,you’d better start facing reality in a new downloadable age. Especially in the economic times we have today,where a person with a internet connection can get a cheaper and most of the time very good game than traveling to the local brick and mortar. Time to stop living in the past and move on up.

    In regards to the Remote Play questions,latency issues would be the first reason as it’s easier for a older PS1 title or PSP RPG game to run in remote play than a shooter with all the animations and objects running in the back ground.

  • $10 for a downloadable title, will have to wait for a little while.

    Definitely looks good, reminds me a good deal of Trigonometry Wars and the homebrew games like them.

  • I keep holding out for trophies on this title for the PS3. As for the PSP I just keep wishing Sony would come out with a PSP that has 2 analog sticks. It seems like an obvious next step in portable gaming.

  • “I know you donā€™t like downloads( you mention in everyone of your posts)but,youā€™d better start facing reality in a new downloadable age.” – enewtable

    It only works if users accept that format and we will not know that for quite some time yet. Just look at DRM on music nowadays. It is slowly going away because users don’t want the content they buy to be restricted in such ways. Even some PC game companies are realizing that DRM is bad for their legitimate users which is bad for them too in the long run..

    There are quite a few people who do not like that buying something is locked to your own hardware for multiple reasons. One of which is the need to sell games to buy new ones. I certainly would not be able to buy as many new games as I do if I could not trade in a few every once in awhile.

    With that said I do buy some downloadable content but if all of it went that route I would probably jump ship unless the downloadable versions were much cheaper to offset the inability to sell the stuff I buy.

  • “Out of curiosity, what is your objection to digital distribution?”

    Control. DLC is *not* ownership. Companies want to sell digital copies riddled with DRM to make you buy the same things over and over again.

    “Well,your game actually gets sold to a customer and doesnā€™t end up in the used game rack at Gamestop where publishers get nothing on used game sales.”

    Yes, because the games industry is *really* lacking in money and just about going bankrupt right now, isn’t it? It’s a pity you’ve already been brainwashed with that line of rubbish.

    “I know you donā€™t like downloads( you mention in everyone of your posts)but,youā€™d better start facing reality in a new downloadable age.”

    Why should I just be forced to sit back and accept something I don’t want? If no one speaks up, nothning will change. Remember, it’s the *customer* who is always right, *not* the corporation.

  • “Especially in the economic times we have today,where a person with a internet connection can get a cheaper and most of the time very good game than traveling to the local brick and mortar.”

    Yes, except for the fact that telecom companies in both the U.S. and Canada have *openly* admitted to throttling the connections of people who are downloading, and nothing is being done about it? Why would I wait five hours for something to download, when I can go to a brick and mortar store and have it in 30 minutes *and* sell it later if I want to?

    There’s *nothing* that is defensible about DLC.

    (Sorry for the double post but the blog said my original was too long)

  • To me, your complaint seems pedantic and rooted in ideology rather than any practical effect, but hey, it’s certainly your right to not buy stuff digitally. I’ve bought dozens of games this way, and love it for the convenience and portability. I’m not sure why you expect the publishers to make a money-losing proposition in order to assuage your concerns, though.

  • Because making a physical copy isn’t a money losing proposition.

    Don’t take propoganda spewed by corporations and regurgitate it as fact.

  • That, or it is a money losing proposition for a game that has already made most of their sales as downloads.

    Regardless, interesting conversation.

  • If it’s already made most of its money as downloads, why bother to release a PSP version at all?

    Won’t most people have already bought it for their console?

    For the people who don’t have a PS3, and for the people who don’t have cable or DSL, this type of delivery is simply not an option.

    And yes, there are plenty of people in both Canada and the U.S. without cable or DSL.

    This business model is just plain unacceptable.

  • Thanks for the post :)

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