Life in LittleBigPlanet: Episode 2 (Plus Some Beta Keys for You)

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FINAL UPDATE: Everyone who’s going to receive a beta key from us should have already received it. I’ve noticed a lot of, um, pointing out that “I sent mine in before [that guy] and I didn’t get one and he did.” The way we did it is – we gave keys out in the order they showed up in our inbox. With the amount of emails we received, it’s entirely likely that they didn’t arrive in the order that they were sent. Of course, we’d have no way of knowing that… so goes the interwebz.

UPDATE #2: The beta keys are sending out now, so check your inboxes (and spam filters). All should be reach their destinations within about 2 hours (it’s 4.23pm Pacific right now). Good luck!

UPDATE: You can stop sending emails now, we’ve gotten more than enough. We’re processing them now and we’ll update right here again once we’ve begun sending out beta keys. Thanks for the awesome response!!!

Our first dive into the world of LittleBigPlanet taught us all about the SackBoy, now it’s time for another visit! The second episode in this series takes us deeper into the wonders of LBP. This time we answer the question- “How do SackBoys Play?” You’ll soon find out, alone or in a pack, these little guys know how to have a good time.

Oh, and a few days ago, we stirred up a bit of a frenzy by handing out the remaining 50 beta keys we had left over from our Orlando Meet-up. Some of you thought that, as the official PlayStation blog, we should have a bit more than 50 to give away. Well, we here at the PSB don’t like having our Bloghood called into question. So, as of the time of this writing, I’m sitting on a monstrous stack of burlap-covered LittleBigPlanet beta keys, and they’re there for the asking. So ask away, send an email to [address removed, all codes have been sent] and we’ll get them out to you.

Now we’ve got *a lot* of beta keys to give away, and I’d hate for you to develop repetitive-stress disorder from whacking your F5 button to refresh your inbox, so expect it to be a few hours before the codes are sent. We’ll update this post when we have it lined up and start pressing the “send” button.

If you receive a code, this paragraph becomes relevant to you:

    1. Public Beta Ends October 11th, 2008
    2. You must use a consumer PLAYSTATION 3 system that is connected to the internet.
    3. You must have a PLAYSTATION Network Account.
    4. If you have previously redeemed a LBP voucher code, you must delete any old LBP data (along with save data and game data) and download this version (go to Download History and redownload the new code).
    5. This version does not require a DNS redirect and levels created here will be available for consumers at launch of the full title.
    6. Please refrain from creating anything inappropriate, as we do have moderation in place and it may result in your account being suspended or banned.

Downloading the LittleBigPlanet Public Beta.
After you have signed in with your PLAYSTATION Network Account, select [Account Management] on the XMB interface located under the ‘PLAYSTATION Network’ tab, then select [Transaction Management] and click on the option ‘Redeem PLAYSTATION Network Card or Promotion Code’. Enter the following unique code to start the download of LittleBigPlanet.

And once you get in, you can start getting creative. What’s that, you’re looking for inspiration? Have a look at Wired’s Top 10 User-Created LittleBigPlanet Adventures.

Comments are closed.


8 Author Replies

  • I’m complaining because it clearly was not first come first serve.

  • @1509 i agree man :(


  • man…we are screwed again, why sony ?? why ??

  • Ok, done complaining. I GOT AN INVITE. It wasn’t from this though ^_^ WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

  • hey congrat Neo Nugget, hope that people who suppose to get it gets it.

  • BAH! Got over looked again, no key :( hahahaha win some and lose some….. Oct 21st is just around the corner :) Shame though I wanted to have some fun before then.

    Thanks anyway guys for at least giving people a chance to get in on the beta, this site rocks… period.

  • Thaaaaaaannnks the people at SCEA!!!!

    I finally got my beta keys, and I was very impressed with what I saw so far, sadly I didnt have too much time to do too much (was watching the Canadian debate) and finish to install LBP beta a bit late and now gotta go to bed, working tomorow!

    The presentation and tutorial are really nice and cool! Already give a pretty good ideas of all the free time I wont have anymore ahahahah! Maybe ill have insomnia too ;-p

    Looking to see everyone else creation tomorow and during the week-end.

  • ok.. it was first come first serve y did i get mine before you when i sent at 2:18?

  • Sent mine at 12:59 #1517

    Still haven’t received anything :(

  • what should i do
    i want one

  • Yeah got in Thanks Playstation blog I love you !!!!!!!

  • sagr, if you didnt email jeff then its too late. Lalala im still waiting for mine

  • Got mine thanks

  • well think about it guys theres a time differance

    if its 12am near NYC then its 3pm at cali

    like i sent mine at 1pm eastern time

    so maybe u guys are just getting confused idk..

  • I got my code…Thanks Sony!

    I was already in thanks to Eurogamer, now my friend is in!

  • @scoop24 did u just get urs now or did u have it for some time and just posted now? and were do u live?

  • @wocyob

    we are not confused, we can simply look at the time we sent on our hotmail/gmail whatever and then convert that into Pacific time by using the helpful

  • This is bull. I sent it in at the same time and earlier than some people who got Beta Keys. Please explain this to me Jeff, or let us know that you aren’t done sending them out. We need an update.

  • Its been more than 6 hours, wheres my code??

  • @1527 Yeah, we really do need an update…

    If he’s given out all the codes, perhapsto the late people by accident, I’m hoping he’ll be able to get more for the rest of us to make it fair.

  • @kaishou
    im sure u were smart enough to do such a thing but im sure theres some people that didnt even think about it… and it happens .. im not calling them dumb or anything… just telling them to do some simple math and see what time they really sent it…. cuz its 1:05am when im finishing writing this and im sure it will say 10:06pm when i click submit

  • I was like number 427 and I haven’t gotten an email. *crys like a baby in the closet, so no one can hear him cry like a biotch*

  • @1528
    dude its been more than 10 hours..
    I hear feel your pain.
    -going to bed
    later everyone

  • Thanks so much for giving me the code. Sony, you’re the best!!

  • @1533

    When did you receive your code and when did you send your email?

  • This game is amazing!!!!

  • Thank you!

  • to””

    dateThu, Oct 2, 2008 at 12:57 PM
    subjectLBP Beta key please!

    hide details 12:57 PM (9 hours ago) Reply

    Hey thanks for the great blog and it would be even greater if I could get a LBP beta key! Thanks

    Email sent, thanks PS Blog, hopefully its a 1st come 1st serve basis and the beta keys are sent today cause i really want to try out this beta ASAP. Thanks again

    Jeff Rubenstein replied on October 2, 2008 at 1:05 pm
    Yup, first come, first served.


  • First come first served my eye. Unless they wanted some intricate email. I just asked for a key so I could get it sent as soon as possible. How can we get a hold of Jeff Rubenstein’s email?

  • @1538 Judging by the typing abilities of some of those lucky enough to get in, it is unlikely that anything close to “intricate” was needed.

  • Ok guys come on… Take a deep breath, it is just a game… The full game is out very soon. These guys do not even have to give out keys hahaha and you are complaining and throwing fits because you were not chosen?

    Who cares if he said it was first come first served…. Maybe he only had 100 or so to hand out. I bet anything that they got over 1000 emails in the first hour of the blog news post alone. So go outside enjoy the fresh air before winter hits… Then you will have a game to keep you warm all winter.

    Remember to breath! hahaha To those that got a key enjoy the game.

  • I forgot to say. Thank you for the code! I hope a lot of you people got one! Cya ingame.

  • Didn’t he have like 2,000? That is more than enough. Oh well.

  • sigh it sucks to see there are people out there like me TRYING hard to get a key. but usually its the jerks that try to “sell extras” get it..

    i had a mail asking $20bucks for one!

  • Lol I got my key, but it wown’t work!!!! It says that either there’s a typo or it has already been redeemed?????!!

  • Well I just got a email it said congratulations with over 1000 emails in the first hour the server crashed. If your in that group you’ll get a email in the next 48 hours, I guess I didn’t make it. I don’t know when the first hour was I sent it in at 4:14est. I left work early because I was sick and stayed up this late to get email I really am sick.

  • How can my key not be valid anymore??! Just got it in my mail, but I can’t use it in the transaction management!?

  • @1542 Sorry to hear. People who have submitted later than that have obtained a beta, though.

    Here’s hoping we are both in that group.

  • holygnome, you either got screwed by sony or you’re using a europe account to activate your code. (to be honest, dont even know why im still here. I just want to see what people say about the first come serve crap)

  • @1520

    You need to re-check your time zones. If it’s 12:00am in NYC, then it’s 9:00pm in California… lol.

  • @Holygnome

    Do you live in Europe, or using a european account?

  • Yeah, that Google company, totally unreliable when it comes to email delivery. Those timestamps…total lies as well.

    The Interwebz, huh; is that why PSN is usually as speedy as a slug moving uphill?

  • Aw crum, the day there’s something really good, I have to be in traffic court and then spend the rest of the day studying for an exam. Oh well, I’m planning on getting this game anyway. I can wait another couple of days.

  • yeah european.. can I create another one? or change country temp?

  • @1546

    im checkin according to PST, i thought i mailed this one pretty early too, but i guess not now. :S

  • Unfortunately Holygnome, there’s nothing you can do. The beta is region-locked. =/ Sorry brother.

    Now, I don’t mean to be an @$$ or anything, but since you can’t use the beta key… It would be very nice of you to pass it this way. ;)

    Up to you, but the suggestion is there. lol.

  • oh, and lol @ being the 1550th post! I haven’t seen this many posts since everyone got upset about having to pay for Qore.

  • That figures.

    I only have two opportunities left to get in, hopefully one of them won’t fail me like they feel like they inevitably will.

  • See the Final Update in the post above folks. All keys have been sent.

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