Want into the PlayStation Home Closed Beta Test? Here’s How to Apply

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Today we’re announcing the expansion of our closed beta test for PlayStation Home to begin at the end of the month.

Home Theme

Later today, the PLAYSTATION Store will be updated with a PlayStation Home theme. By downloading the theme, users are submitting an application to join the PlayStation Home Beta test community. We will be using a variety of criteria including activity on the PLAYSTATION Network to determine eligibility for the Beta community. Existing beta testers have automatically qualified to be part of the expanded beta.

We’re really excited about this milestone and want our most loyal fans to be a part of the evolution of PlayStation Home.

In Europe, SCEE is also beginning their expanded closed beta, directly targeting consumers who have been most active on PLAYSTATION Network and PLAYSTATION Store. SCEE will be in email contact with their PSN audience very shortly.

Let us know what you think.

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10 Author Replies

  • I got a friend named S_C_E_A-tim and he’s asking for my E-mail and password. He says he can get me home and saying he works for sony so does he really, Jack

  • O523 dont believe him if it was real he wouldnt be asking for a password the only reason someone would need a password is to go on your account

  • I have a question. I play mostly single player games but I play while im online. does this count? or do I need to be playing in an online game against real people?

  • i cant wait to see if i get in i been waiting for hom ever since first release date of fall 07 plase let me get in

  • i cant wait to see if i get in i been waiting for home eversince first hearing bout it

  • me too i been wanting to get into he home beta for so long please send invite

  • i am a dedicated player i even have platinum trophy i love new experiences

  • please send home beta nvite lilmaine1292@yahoo.com pleaseeeee

  • I have heard that Europe’s beta invites went out tonight! Is this a sign that the US’s will coming soon? I sure hope so!!

  • dont know if you still read this but ias there any truth to the emails going out today or tomorrow? and i have to say pick me pleaseeee haha

  • i want in especially since ive had my system since launch, wasted loads of money on the playstation store (even more with movies) and play just about every night when i get home from work and all day almost on my dayz off!

  • loverboyjzd@yahoo.com

    I hope I get in. Im tryin to keep my account as active as possible so I can get in.

  • So is there really anything to how active you are on the PS Network affecting selection for beta or is it more of random hit or miss invitation?
    Also doubt this comment will be read but
    wanted to say great job on the home theme and the whole searching for “Willy Wonka’s Golden Ticket” rush to my email every night.

  • i love this
    i have seen so much and now finally we can try it out
    but i have to ask one thing
    how r are we going to know if we got into the beta?

  • thought id update all of you europe invites have been going out over the last few days, us should be very soon ive even heard of some us who have gotten in so good luck to us all!

  • i can only hope i get in HOME is the reason i bought a ps3 when it first came out any one out there feel free to add me lordevilpoptart lets get our game on!

  • i’m not that lucky when it comes to things like this, but this might be different
    super excited though, thanks!..

  • I cant wait until playstation home beta comes out in the ps stores, i hope iam in. THANKS! Sony

  • I believe the reason they’re not giving us any more info on home is simply when they have to delay it for another year we won’t be so disappointed. Hence how the PS3 has gotten it’s new nickname. “Sony Delaystation 3” Does that make any sense to you guys?

  • Please send me an email
    Please i want home
    We want home please

  • I know what theme ill be using for a bit, lol. Great job.

  • is it true they will pick the people who has the most paid purchase content downloaded

  • My birthday was on the 13th. HOME would be a Wonderful Present :)

  • I’ve been waiting for this since I heard about home last year.

    I want in!

  • My b-day in a couple of days! Hoping to get in!

  • I’m glad you guys have opened the closed beta to more of the public. I was hoping I was going to be one of those testers. I am on the gamer advisory panel and i may not be an active member but i initially tried to get into the first beta and failed. I just wanted to know what you all based the beta testers ps3’s on i know you said activity on the psn but what did you mean. How many trophies they had or how many games were purchased or the amount of time spent within a game on the psn?, Im just curious could you help me out here.

  • As we all know the original beta testers have gotten their emails for the new version of Home.
    Do you have any idea when of when the emails will be out for the new beta testers?

  • yay home :D

  • Hello there :) I cant wait to try the new beta… Please send me a code :)
    US PSN ID: AxeCain
    E-Mail: Mattnkaycee@indytel.com


    Home Will Change the WORLD!

  • PPL!!! You don’t get in by putting your email and/or psn id here, you get in by downloading the theme x.x

  • I hope i get the home test.
    send it to me

  • My friend has it already

  • I wont in so bad

  • have your friend invite you XD I thought they were doing the gmail thing

  • hi im wondering i live in australia why is australia and new zealand missing out on home beta USA and eroupe are having home betas please reply thanx

    psn: Madkillz-18

  • I have a question for the developer.

    When HOME is finalised and released – at least for the open beta – will users in one country be able to converse and play around with users in another country?

    I live in Japan and have a Japanese system, but I would much rather be able to interact with my friends back in the USA. I have been a very staunch supporter for HOME and would hate to have one of the features which I have been greatly anticipating become something I won’t be able to use, essentially.

    This is especially troublesome when you factor in that I play Warhawk on my US account (I do go to the US from time to time for work and have a legal address there) and *not* on my JP account. So if I were only able to connect to the JP Home servers and not interact with US players, then I would pretty much completely miss out on the awesome features for which I have been salivating because Warhawk would be unplayable on the JP account – and non-Home-accessible on my US account.

    Please offer some response to this query with something more definitive than “we don’t know at this time”. I am extremely worried about this now.


  • i cant wait for this. I so ready to play this and meet fellow gamers. Plus im ready to to show people who say that it will never come that its coming and im playing it.So i hope that i get picked

  • Dude my friend told me how the first one was and now I bet it will be even better and I’m glad your given the people who haven’t played it a chance to enter even me please invite darkspine1 to the beta if I’m lucky I will see u all there

  • i want ps3 home real bad please pick me…….and who ever wants to add me can my psn tag is jstn96

  • :O OMG THE DAY HAS FINALLY COME!! I hope i get in! Just one question, i heard that u have to be 18 or older is that true? but anyways SWEET PS3 HOME!!!

  • Please pick my IM INSANE FOR HOME MAN!!!!! my ps3 account name is pandabear14 PLEASE PICK ME!(i come from china go asians!)

  • USA PSN NAME darkspine1

    my birthdays in late aug so if I’m invited to the beta that would be a dream come true
    so please!!! invite me and do you already know are emails?

  • i will trade you a socom beta code for a home beta download.

  • I love how people post their birthdays and think that the home developers will give them a free home beta code just because its their birthday

  • Hope i can get in!!

  • I want into the home beta!!!!

  • Also in addition, my friends list is kinda bare. Syndikyt is my name. send me an invite so we can hit the sticks.

  • Well I hope someone gets this. I downloaded the theme have alot of activity on the PSN. I realized on the 15th that my hotmail account linked to the PSN was refreshed. So now i don’t know if i ever got it is there another way to check. Im really excited to be on the team if so!

  • Thank you!!! Hope to get in!!! Add me as a friend my name is J__T__B !!! Thanks again!!!

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