What is up my PS brethren? This is John D from Capcom and I’ve got some exciting news again.
1942: Joint Strike is now available on the PLAYSTATION Store for only $9.99! Rejoin the battle with an all new mission featuring arcade style action and stunning HD visuals. This time, you can recruit a wing man online to take on waves of enemy aircraft and engage in huge boss battles. Here’s a trailer to get you hyped:
We’re going to hold a 1942 contest next week at www.capcom-unity.com, so start training! Some of the prizes include exclusive apparel featuring this vintage-style, nose art:
Also, here’s Bionic Commando: Rearmed update #2 from the Producer Supreme himself, Ben Judd:
So welcome to our second great installment of the Bionic Commando Rearmed blog. First off, let me clarify a couple of things: The “cool secret” that we will be mentioning is not trophies although we have seen that a majority of you are very excited about trophies and we are seriously looking into how they can be implemented.
Actually, the Medal system in the game was intentionally created so that we could easily back-tag save data so that people who buy the game when it is released and “unlock” medals, will have the trophies associated with those medals unlocked from the start. Yeah, yeah, this is probably just sneaky Producer double-speak but we wanted to set the game up so that those of you who purchase the game on launch day will make sure their hard gaming hours do not go to waste. I can say that trophies will not be available at launch but we are seeing how quickly we can get them out after launch.
Over at the official Bionic Commando community site (www.bioniccommando.com) we are occasionally running a series of blog posts that talk about “Interesting Things You Probably Didn’t Know About BCR” and I would like to mention another point in the game: Interesting Things You Probably Didn’t Know About BCR #2: Although the stages are about 95% faithful to the original, some special sections have been added on to the original stages. If you are a veteran to the series and can remember how the original levels are laid out, then you could probably guess where some of the secret items are hidden based solely on differences in level design. Actually, although the game is technically being billed as an homage to the original game, there are 4 brand-spanking new stages that never appeared in the original game. I won’t spoil it for you, but let’s just say that there are going to be quite a few surprises anyone familiar with the original game.
The Leader The megalomaniacal fascist held by the Imperials to be an ideological demagogue, The Leader died during the 20th century, many decades before the formation of the FSA. However, an ideology does not die so easily. in 21st century Generalissimo Killt, the leader of the Imperials, sought to bring back not just The Leader’s ideology, but to bring The Leader himself back from the dead. Having stolen the long-lost plans for Project Albatross that were created nearly a century before But despite being resurrected by the Imperials for the sole purpose of activating the Albatross, will The Leader, one of history’s most evil men, be content to be a pawn in Killt’s plans? The resurrection process has already begun…
Vector Cannon The Vector Cannon is an ingenious weapon used to pick off enemies in those hard-to-reach areas. The Vector Cannon fires a laser beam that bounces off most surfaces, increasing in intensity with every bounce. The unpredictable weapon is able to tackle enemies who have taken the higher ground, making it especially suitable for soldiers who have trouble jumping.
Medal #2: The Emperor’s New Clothes The modern commando can’t get by on green jumpsuits and sneakers alone. Today’s snappily-dressed commando has three essentials that not only impress the ladies, they also stop bullets! The Shin Guards, the Bulletproof Vest and the Helmet are the fashion to be seen in in the battlefield, and if you find all three, The Emperor’s New Clothes medal is yours.
We’ll be updating you more in the future. Keep checking back at this space. Ben
John D again. I’m going to be at ComicCon this week so, if I don’t get to your answers right away, I’m probably in no condition to. LOL. You know me by now, I’ll get around to it soon enough. Talk to you again next week PS faithful. Yadadamean?
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