E3 Day 2 PLAYSTATION Store Update

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As promised, we’re delivering many (most, really) of the videos seen at today’s PlayStation E3 press conference to the PLAYSTATION Store for your enjoyment.

As announced at the event, the video download service will hit the store tonight, and will *not* require a firmware upgrade. Recent PSP Firmware v4.05 also enabled compatibility with the video service, for taking TV shows and movies on the go.

As far as video of the entire press conference is concerned, we’re working on converting that video now, and will post it on the Store when it’s complete, so you can see everything we showcased today.

We hope you enjoy this fresh E3 update, and we’ll have more for you as the week progresses.

PS3 Store

*Super Stardust HD Team Mode Add-on ($4.99)

Rock Band
* Rock Band The Best of the Who Rock Band Edition Track Pack ($19.99)
(12) individual songs ($1.99/ea)

  • Amazing Journey
  • Baba O’Riley
  • Behind Blue Eyes
  • Eminence Front
  • Going Mobile
  • Leaving Here
  • My Generation
  • Good Looking Boy
  • Sea & Sand
  • Summertime Blues
  • Who Are You?
  • Young Man Blues


  • God of War III
  • Motorstorm Pacific Rift
  • Xam’d Lost Memories
  • Buzz PSP
  • Resistance: Retribution
  • Ratchet & Clank Quest for Booty
  • PixelJunk Eden
  • Siren Blood Curse
  • PAIN Amusement Park
  • Gran Turismo TV
  • MKU vs DCU
  • Blitz The League II
  • Valkyria Chronicles
  • Resident Evil 5
  • This is Vegas
  • TNA Impact! Wrestling

PC Store


  • Resistance: Retribution
  • Buzz PSP
  • God of War III
  • Motorstorm Pacific Rift
  • Xam’d Lost Memories
  • Ratchet & Clank Quest for Booty
  • PixelJunk Eden
  • Siren Blood Curse
  • PAIN Amusement Park
  • Gran Turismo TV

Comments are closed.


  • I was sorta satisfied. I LOVE the new movie downloads on the PSN. The best part was on monday microsoft was like you can download movies starting in August. But Sony’s like you can do that sarting today! Major blow!!! But I wish we could’ve heard more in the way of I don’t know…games?!! Yeah revamps to the PSN, Playstation Store, PSP, and PS2 are great but come on I want mor games! Also NO PLAYSTATION HOME RELEASE DATE?! Big blow! I wanted that the most. Come on playstation don’t turn Playstation Home into sony’s “Duke Nukem Forever”!!!

  • I love the video store and TV shows but I am just wondering if Sony will revisit the pricing structure for TV shows.

    I would prefer something like abc.com fox.com and the like do, where as they offer the shows for free but with 3 or 4 advertisement interruptions because honestly if I am going to buy a TV show I am going to do so on Blu-ray and not $1.99 times 20 some episodes per season that may or may not be in HD and on top of that in a digital format without a hard copy backup.

    These are my thoughts on the TV shows.

    As for movies I have a question do these movies come with surround sound? If so what hardware do I need to take advantage of surround sound in the movies?
    Will optical audio handle it or do I need HDMI with an HDMI receiver?

    Thank you, and still loving the video store!

  • Like Onna mentioned…I think it’s our countries laws too…

    I’m in Canada and don’t see the movie service, but the same with the 360 service for movies, the US gets it, but we still haven’t gotten it it Canada.

    Heck, we just got Tivo in Canada last year while the US has been enjoying that service for a while now.

    Not fair, but it’s not Sony’s fault…we gotta petition our Governments to act quicker for this Tech. stuff.

  • I have been waiting on my T-Shirt but it still has not turned up has it even been sent??

    Has everyone else got there’s???



    Has it been sent or am i not getting one because am from EU??

    Now that would’nt surprise me we get fu***d left right and centre over here.

  • I’ve just registered to post my first comment which is unfortunately a complaint. It is shame that Canada is again left out. I was waiting for the Video Store to finally be able to watch good quality downloads at reasonable prices, instead of lousy Bell/Rogers Pay-Per-View/On Demand/etc…

    If it is CRTC again playing its games, we Canadians should get rid of it as soon as possible. CRTC in Canada is like an Inquisition in the middle ages – they keep our country from the progress and free market imposing monopolistic Bell and Rogers upon us.

  • Thank you Sony for giving us Canadians a giant F-U!

    The thing, I was honestly interested in Xam’d Lost Memories. Sony owns exclusive distribution rights, right? So I don’t see any excuse for not making it, and any other Sony-owned videos, available in Canada.

  • wheres that video menu on the ps store?

  • Surge I totally agree with you. I’m fed up with the CRTC and the unrelenting giants that are Bell and Rogers.

  • @302 wizardpsp….if you’re in the US, it’s at the top of the store….if you’re in another country, you won’t have it on the PS3.

    I logged onto the US store on my PC and did see the new icon, but when trying to view one of the TV shows description, it asked for my email and password and then gave me this message:

    “PLAYSTATIONĀ®Store is not available in the selected country or region. ”

    I’m from Canada and think like another poster commented, it’s the CRTC laws.

  • So far I’m satisfied with Sony in E3

  • Why did you guys take down the Killzone 2 video?

  • @294 Onna76_NL
    Yeah its surely something to do with laws and copyright stuff.

  • crtc always gives hassle to US content in Canada. Protectionist bs.

  • BStreakX | July 16th, 2008 at 5:48 am

    Thank you Sony for giving us Canadians a giant F-U!

    The thing, I was honestly interested in Xamā€™d Lost Memories. Sony owns exclusive distribution rights, right? So I donā€™t see any excuse for not making it, and any other Sony-owned videos, available in Canada.


    That has nothing to do with distribution rights, it has to do with local legal rights.

  • Game Developers,
    Learn to present your games take pride in your art.
    I am seeing too many interviews of good games go to hell because the rep does a poor job.


    I’m from latin America, and just before some of the a$$holes who are around here tell me to “go back to Mexico” or some other stupid thing, I’ll like to clarify that I was born and currently live in Costa Rica, and I’m pleased to know that you will be giving us more attention from now on as you mouthed on E3 day 2.

    Now I have a question, and please answer me there, What will happen to all of us, Latin Americans who already own a US PS3 (because we had to import it from US to have one!) ? I mean, will our current main account be redirected to the Latin American PSN server maybe via IP or something?

    Please note that we are a considerable amount of people down here that already own an US PS3, I guess you can check that just by looking at how many people connect to the PSN servers with Latin American IP addresses

    On a side note, we would like to have access to the Video Store too, since we are NTSC region TOO !!!

    And on another side note, to the Mexican guy that posted above, we are all Americans, just we were born on different countries, but those countries are in the American continent, therefore we are Americans ;)

  • Thanks for the update.

  • Movies & TV: If you want my $$$ you’ll need to switch to a monthly plan similar to Netflix & Blockbuster. I pay $22 per month and get 3 at a time plus 5 free in-store exchanges with the Blockbuster plan. Also, the blockbuster plan allows me to exchange my movie envelopes for $3 discounts off game rentals. There’s no way I’m going to trade that in for $6 HD downloads, and if you think a la carte pricing is the way to go, think again.

  • I am worried…

    Will Konami realese MSG4 for 360??

    we already lost FFXIII Exclusivity…

    Many game’sites are speculating that this may happen soon …

    and I do not want to boycott the konami too.

  • Hi I am not happy with you sony with the video store . I am Canadian and were part of north american continent TOO.You do not want me go on about the CRCT .


  • @314

    Yeah MGS4 only sold over 3 million copies. Konami is probably pissed that that and making a 360 version as we speak.


  • Sony really can’t afford to take the loyalty of its customers for granted. It would be laughable on Sony’s part to think this could be pushed out to the rest of the gaming world 6 months or more from now and have them embrace it. That’s arrogance and called “taking our consumers for granted”… but hey, I’m sure any delay is really just “Sony wanting to make sure they get it right before they launch” ;)

  • Sony were are the games you and David Jaffe are making. Jaffe said Twisted Metal is being made for the PS3 and He might look again at making Heartland for the PSP. Buy that company then Heartland can get made too.
    Plus Jaffe is the man.

    What is the SCE London studios making. Is Eight Days and the Getaway secretly being still made.

    What is Bigbig Studios making for the PS3. A sand box version of Pursuit Force or a new IP.

    Incognito Entertainment Dylan Jobe has said they are working on a new game and there was no thing about it at E3 why not.

    Clap Hanz what are they making now more Hot shot golf or Tennis game or a new IP.

    Sony Bend was rumored to be making a new Syphon Filter game for the PSP and PS3 were were they.

    SCE Studio San Diego any chance of a new The Mark of Kri game.

    SCE Studio Cambridge what are they making.

    Any chance of new games of these IPs.

    Arc the Lad
    Colony Wars
    Cool Boarders
    Intelligent Qube
    Jak and Daxter
    Jet Moto
    Legend of Dragoon
    Legend of Legaia
    PaRappa the Rapper
    Sly Cooper
    Sky Odyssey
    Wild Arms

    Were are these games for the PS3.

    Were is the game you and Factor 5 are making.

    Were are they. pay for games only on the PS3.

    Rumor is Quantic Dream’s is making more then Just Heavy Rain for the PS3. Why can’t you show Heavy Rain.

  • Heavy Rain was showed for the press at closed doors in E3, Joe.

  • Good job…

    BTW – watched the MS conf and what a joke. Movie game (ala eye toy) and singstar copycat lol

  • we can’t lose MGs4, before I murda somebody!

  • I don’t like losing these titles either, but if I was a developer and had to pay staff to pgm. code, I’d also be looking at other consoles.

    It’s not great, but they have to pay their bills somehow too.

    As long as it’s available on the PS3, I don’t really care if the other consoles have it as well.

  • Pay EA and Bioware to make games for the PS3. I would love to see Jade Empire II on the PS3.

    Pay Sega for the RPG Skies of Arcadia 2.

    Buy Ready At Dawn they make great games and you need them.

    Work with Jet Li again for a new Jet Li game.

    Were is Primal 2. Psy EA for Road Rash for the PS3.

    Pay EA for System Shock 3 people would love Sony and EA for making this game.

    NFL Road to Sunday bring it back even without the NFL licence.

    Jet Moto:SOLAR sounded good why was it canceled for the PS2 make it for the PSP instead and give the PS3 there own version too.

    Sony people want games not Home so please give people games. I really think if you take what people say the PS3 would blow people away. Both the 360 and Wii together would not be great if you give people what they want. So please do that I love Sony I just want more games.

    Pay Capcom for Dead Rising 2 & Lost Planet 2.

    Also Marvel VS Capcom and a new Powerstone too. Plus pay Capcom to make Dead Phoenix for the PS3 too.

    Pay Kojima for a new Snatcher and Policenauts.

    Pay Mistwalker to make RPGs for the PS3.

    Wardevil were is the news.

    So many great ideas I have given you Sony so please ask these people to make the games even if you have to pay for them.

  • While I’m still disappointed about the loss of FFXIII-exclusivity (because that means there’s one less reason to own a PS3 over a Box), I must say some of these games impress me.
    Motorstorm 2 is looking absolutely fantastic in that new trailer and Fat Princess is quite intriguing.

    What disappoints me though are the lack of new PS3 (not PSN) titles, the lack of JRPGs and this overdone emphasis on shooters and FPS games…

  • saintfighteraqua

    Well, all in all I think Sony’s was the most impressive. N*nt*nd*’s was really lame except for one game, and MS’ was pretty much repeats.

    I do want more JRPG though.
    And I want them now!! Please Sony, hear our pleas!

  • Listen. I am a big fan of the Playstation 3. I have two in my household. After watching the E3 Press Conferences from both the PS3 & Xbox 360 it is sad to see that Xbox is so much ahead of us. We have great online play but online interaction is limited. I am eager to see what Sony has to offer wit Playstation’s HOME.

  • & what happened to all the exclusiveness for the PS3? I know some of the future games to be released are probably thinking about putting them out on XBox as well…SUCKS!

  • Can you guys get the whole press conference on the PSN by Thursday. It would be nice to see it as part of the store update.

  • Make PSN Via PC a application/downloadable software and not web-based.

  • At Stance
    “”While Iā€™m still disappointed about the loss of FFXIII-exclusivity (because that means thereā€™s one less reason to own a PS3 over a Box)”

    I would not worry about it too much. I think that this is good business for Sony and Sqare-Enix. Square is still standing behind the PS3 with this project, they are just trying to sell more copies in the States. Late and gimped copies at best.

    “Why the move to Xbox 360 in addition to the PS3? Hashimoto explained via a translator: ā€œWe considered the hardware, and because of the situation and the spread of the hardware, we decided that way.ā€
    * Will there be any content differences between the PS3 and Xbox 360? Kitase: ā€œThe game will be the same, but we have to consider Blu-ray and the other format, so it might be different [in that regard].ā€ Hashimoto later added: ā€œFor content and gameplay, we donā€™t have the intention to make so much difference according to platform.ā€
    * Whatā€™s the development update for the game? Kitase: ā€œWe are using new tools called Crystal Tools for development and developing the title on PC. From this year on, our pace is going a little bit faster. In the near future, we will probably be able to introduce further footage.ā€
    * Whatā€™s the development process for the game? Hashimoto: ā€œAs we announced at the Microsoft presentation, as of today we are ready to start developing the title for Xbox 360. First, we will complete the PS3 in Japan. Then after that we will start localization of ā€˜FFXIIIā€™ for PS3 for US and Europe. Then at the same time, we will start Xbox 360 the version development. Thatā€™s our entire process of development.ā€””

    Also Verses XIII is still exclusive, anyone who was going to jump at a PS3 for Final Fantasy still will. And Square gets to sell more copies of XIII.

  • Has anyone tried the video download service that went live last night? I really wish Sony had signed a deal with netflix and not microsoft but what can you do.

  • I think the video store is great. I like the price points as they are cheaper than my cable “on-demand” feature that my cable company offers. I don’t like having to keep these movies on my PS3. I bought a PS3 with a smaller hard drive and would like to not have to upgrade the hard drive…but you are driving me to have to do this. How about offering PS3 owners a discounted HDD upgrade option?

    I’d also like to have a website that shows you what movies are available on the PSN. The PSN website only shows you “highlighted” movies, which amounts to a few movies and a few tv shows. I’d like to look at a comprehensive list of movies offered and perhaps a “coming soon” list. That way I can plan on which movies to watch instead of searching through the alphabetical list.


  • Where is the video store??????????????

    Why is no one answering our questions in regards to the Canadian video store, you guys really chose your words carefully on stage didnt you, or lack thereof.

  • Not sure it’s been asked but when are us Canadians getting the Video Store?

  • @45 Are you on crack MGS4 could never be on 360 the developers even said it would never run and if they were going to its going to be way lower quality all around.

    To everything else…
    Why are people so misguided.
    There are over 150+ exclusives already out or announced to come out.

    The PS3 out sold the 360 yep believe it or not look up the actual numbers. The 360 only did better in North America.

    The major developers have said the Cell is easy to program for. Epic, Konami, Capcom have all said its not a problem. The porting of code made for a completely different CPU for multi platform releases is what makes games late.

    Yes the major selling point for me isn’t exclusives anyway its the fact that I have a blu-ray/DLNA Media player for under $900 and
    it play games that I want to be able to play. The games for it look better. More chances for user created content like in UT3 on ps3(360 will no have user mods). Online is free.

    The 360 is not cheaper its just stripped down if you wanted the 360 to do everything you would of had to pay 100 bucks for wifi, 200 for the HD DVD attachment, and yearly fees for online. If your internet is down with 360 you can’t access any downloaded content or games while the only ones we cant so far is Warhawk and GT5pro.

    Stop the myths about PS3 its all bad press.

  • Canada get left out with the video store. Surprise, surprise. And FF13 goes the 360 way. I’m not sure if Sony even put up a fight. You know, I don’t want to know either. Its such a disappointment.

  • MGS on the “box” no way have you played it there is way too much PS3 chatter in it.

    It would work i think after all it installs like 5 times through the game maybe 5 dual-layer disks worth and its already seperated due to the instals but hideo kojima has said it will NOT be on the “box”

    Even if it was going to be on the “box” it would be quite a massive overhaul to take all the PS3 chatter & PS3 peripherals out of the game.


    Game On

  • QUESTION(s)…

    Do the HD videos come in 720p or 1080i/p? I understand there may be some underlining reasons as to why many HD movies/videos cannot be purchased via the store. Though, having the option to purchase the 720p version would be great. Knowing that if I wanted the full 1080 experience, I would need to get a BD copy. I’m mean, with such limited HDD space, I won’t be purchasing very many HD videos.

    I’m sure having the 720p option would also reduce file size and download times.

    BTW – Thanx for the HUGE (over 1000?) update last night! Just too bad I live on the East Coast and won’t be able to test drive any of this new stuff till tonight…

    Keep up the great work SCEA!

  • Once again to everyone out there who can’t open up the video download service:

    The service is only available within the United States of America according to registered national IP addresses. That means if you live oversea (even in Canada) the video download service is blocked, even though you have an US account.

    My biggest guess is this is due to local legal rules, so not really Sony to blame for.

  • I was about to download Jumper from the movie store to watch with my wife tonight, but no HD version. Why would I spend my money on SD content when I want to watch the movie on a HD set?

    I love the fact that I can slap these films on my PSP and hit the road though.

    The store is a great idea in the fact that this is done directly with the movie studios and not just a link to an already available service. If the library grows fast enough this could even replace my Net Flix account. But all new releases need to be in HD.

  • Does anyone know when Canadians will be able to access the video store? My store is still locked out.

  • Still no comment from Sony? Come on Sony, thats what this blog is for. We want to know whats going on with the Canadian video store service.

  • Okay I am one of the few people really interested in Playstation Life partnered with GOOGLE…

    My question is how will the ingame replay saving service work? Will it be available for all games? And How long can the videos be?

    Also I hear this will be out b4 the end of the month, will all of the features be available at launch?

    Can’t wait to make some sick Socom Confrontation Vids!

  • Just got my hands on the new video store, and I’m extremely impressed. I just have a few questions and do hope they can get answered…I’m thrilled about this new addition to my ps3, and have been since it was first announced. What I eventually want to do is to eventually just get rid of cable and have everything available to me on my PS3. Life with Playstation looks to fill the weather and news gap, and this new videos store has the potential of allowing me my favourite tv shows.

    We know there will be updates pretty much every week with new content…there’s no doubt about that. But what is the time frame for television shows during their normal seasons, and will television shows eventually be available for purchase in HD?

  • As an extension on my previous comment, I just want to reiterate how exciting the new video store is. I believe it has such extreme potential as to replace my cable box, my blockbuster card, and remove any reason for a netflix account. Alongside life with Playstation, I can’t remember the last time I was so excited for non-gaming apps on my gaming console =D

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