PS3 System Software Update (v2.41)

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Hi, everyone. As many of you know, we released PS3 firmware update v2.40 last week, but had to take it offline temporarily because, for a limited number of users, the XMB wouldn’t display after the update was installed. We’ve been able to fix the problem, and I’m happy to report that firmware update v2.41 will be released shortly.

We want to extend our apologies to the PlayStation community for any inconvenience. Now we’ll be looking forward to seeing everyone online and racking up those trophies!

Comments are closed.


  • @395….the only way I know to contact that’s worked for me is to email Sony.

    They do get back to you, may take some time, but they do respond.

  • You guys don’t get what am saying i would never
    bad talk sony if it wasn’t 4 sony the gaming industry would never be what it is today
    we all know microsoft just trying to capitalize on what nintendo and sony has done in the past
    but i just want them to blow microsoft out the water,
    i hate that company so much i don’t even use windows get my point

  • I for one don’t want custom music on all my games, just the ones that make sense (e.g. online multiplayer games, SHMUPS, and casual games like calling all cars or high velocity bowling). I am glad the option is there for deves to implement and for costumers to use.

  • Sorry for the double post, but I just wanted to second everything that HoLaLa said in 373. Every last dang thing.

    Guys, YOU NEED in game voice chat.

    YOU NEED cross-game invites.

    YOU NEED in game internet browser access.

    For that matter, YOU NEED a more refined browser.

    YOU NEED a more refined controller battery/clock overlay.

    YOU NEED these updates no later than 2.45

    Finally, YOU NEED to put the pressure on your third party partners (and break your foot off in the keaster of your first party developers) until they patch existing games for trophy support.

    We’re not asking for much. We’ve spent $600 on your system and another $600+ on software. We’ve given you over a grand of our hard-earned cash. Give us some love.

  • @400…not disputing you…but have you seen the billions of dollars Sony has lost in the last couple of years as well.

    Things are coming…slowly, but they are coming.

  • @Funky Bastard and anyone having a problem installing the SSHD 4.00 patch.

    The same thing happened with me and others last week. All you need to do is this. When you start SSHD and it asks you to update press circle to ignore it. This will sign you out of the PSN but the game will start. Go to the main menu and go to the in-game store that’s in SSHD. When you go to it it will ask you to sign in. Do so. After you sign in it will prompt you again to download the v4.00 patch. Press X to download it and it will work fine this time. This is how me and many other people had to download it. I don’t know why but this way works. I think the game trying to start right when you go to update may have something to do with it. Most games don’t have this problem. this is a weird one.

  • OK GGCAN GOT you’re invite thanks

  • @175 so u want music over the games music?
    what are u commander Data from the star ship enterprise?

  • well no prob 4 it is downloading has we speak and everything seems fine

  • dling sshd patch 4.00 right now 9% from starting the game and being asked to update

  • Great to see Sony getting on the ball and fixing 2.40 with 2.41. The symbol used for the trophy is a question sign. Does 2.41 change it to a trophy instead. I find myself searching for the icon because i look for atrophy and not a question sign. Can Sony someday change the icon to a trophy. It changes only when i am playing a game but it would also make sense if the icon was a simply trophy so i can locate it much easier. Thank you.

  • Anyone know why when I go to the website (not through the PS3) it says the update is 2.36?

    I do not have access to internet at my house so I need to download it and transfer it by thumb drive.

  • @408….it seems to always take time before the update is there.

    PS3 has it the earliest I’ve seen.

    Guess that’s one thing with get them a bit later.

  • i didnt have any problems with FW2.40.

  • @408

    Agree with 409. It usually takes a day or two for the website to post the FW update.

  • @407 its the theme you are using… play around with them and you’ll see which ones have a trophy there

  • @ 400

    I’m well aware that Sony’s taken a loss on pretty much every console they’ve sold and are some $3 billion in the hole.

    Remember that Microsoft’s 360 business was in the red until almost a full two years after launch (not including shelling out over a billion dollars for warranty extensions).

    Sir Howard Stringer, Sony’s CEO has said that returning the PlayStation division to profitability is his absolute #1 priority, so I expect everything to start falling into line shortly. I’m just saying the best way to ensure profitability (i.e. getting customers to buy your system) is to give them what they want.

    Which is precisely why I said that SONY NEEDS those functions in future updates and not necessarily us, the consumers.

  • 2.40 worked fine for me.

    Did anyone ever actually figure out what, if anything, was wrong with it?

  • @414

    According to reports its something to do with the harddrive btw..

    I just hope we get another game with trophy support soon.

  • @413 agree….little slow coming…but they are coming and it seems Sony is listening to us.

    Let’s see what E3 is going to bring.

    I’m willing to give these guys a chance.

  • @416

    Me too. Sony always manages to give us what we want sooner or later. That’s why I’ve owned the PSX, both PS2’s and am now the proud owner of the PS3 and two PSP’s (Darth Vader & Kratos, heck yeah).

    It just seems that this generation, Sony’s still playing catch-up. But I have no doubt it’ll get fixed.

  • Hum, I still get no music in PJM even with 2.41…

  • u could also pay microsoft 59$ a year and end up with an even worse support.
    i’ve dealt with Microsoft, and they want to get u as fast off the phone without them paying anything or fixing your bricked xbox360 with sony u at least know u have support and don’t have to pay 59$ a year just to start an online match with your friends…

    u would think being gold meant u got extra service, but instead u get extra crap.

  • @418…..only 3 games have in game music that I know of so far:


    Others need devs to add.

  • I’m curious as to a previous post in a thread before this is why do we need in-game xmb while watching a movie. I think that should be dead last on my list. I get annoyed watching a movie and see so and so logged on or off but having to stop the movie while watching a movie with the wife or whatever and then tell her give me one moment let me say whats up to is asking for trouble lol. If anyone can state a great reason for it please enlighten me because I can’t think of any it is more of a waste imo.

    Good to see Sony is on top of this anyway good job. Keep the updates coming. My only suggestion is give us drivers or w/e so we can use our wireless keyboards on PS2 games (hint hint FF11). I got my first thing I wanted which was a clock. A few update skins or w/e would be nice for the clock but I’m happy with it as it is.

  • @421…..good post.

    Maybe in a future update, Sony can add in if you want to turn gamer posts on or off.

  • @420

    Sony used PJM as a demo for In Game music in those videos. Does PJM still need to be patched?

  • Wow, this is racking up the comments fast! — I didn’t have any issues with 2.4, but I’m happy to see how on the ball PS was with fixing this…

    I’ve been playing Stardust HD again and trying to beat some scores and get trophies — sheesh that game takes some major concentration! Loving the in-game XMB, trophies, etc… I wish the XMB would come up in-movie too! :D

  • @423…yep they did…but remember he also said…this is only a concept right now.

  • @424….I had to stop playing that game last week for a hands and fingers went numb
    and one thumb really swelled up.

  • Well! Amazingly enough my 2.40 only gave me problems whenever I played Battlefield BC. If I play any other game I don’t find any issues. I had an instance where I could not watch some of my BD movies, but yesterday I watched one fine. (!)
    I’m glad to know the update is coming, hurray!!!

  • @425

    Yeah, I remember that. I thought that was talking about the way the music screen looked in the XMB, not having anything to do with PJM. But I guess that makes since. :)

  • “@418…..only 3 games have in game music that I know of so far:


    Others need devs to add.”

    Meaning, 99.999999% of all PS3 games still can’t use it. It’s a separate entity from the game so you’d expect it to run like you run 2 different pieces of software on your Computer… Looks like we have to stick to the good old separate CD or MP3 player custom soundtracking for unpatchable games *cough*ratchetresistance*cough*.

  • i wonder when american company’s stop saying that 512K is broadband, all the laggy games with those 512K lines is terrible.

    in Europe/asia we have 20+mbps for 35$, and never had lag once in euro/asian games..
    Sony/Microsoft/Nintendo need to get internet providers to up their crappy service to European/Asian standards.

  • @ XD9 (372)

    I’m right with you cat… or should I say Penguin ;)

  • It’s funny how fast I became uninterested with trophies. I don’t even care anymore! How can I with the system only supporting one game at the moment, which I don’t own and am unwilling to buy? I just don’t get why Sony would choose to release this with such limited support. Possibly to force people into buying an underselling game if they want trophies? No, they’d never do that…

  • @429…..I’ve tried in game music on SSHD and HVB and really like it.

    I’m willing to wait a bit for more games having it…it’ll be here soon enough.

    Lots of devs have said now that they have the option, they’re willing to use it.

  • Everybody…check out

    If they’re right….we should be seeing more trophies coming this month and on.

  • Please SONY we want Custom MUsic patches as soon as possible. I need to listen to my own music while spinning aroung in GT5 Prologue. Hurry up on this please.


  • where do i find the co op pack for super stardust hd i updated both the game and my playstation yet i cant find it anywhere.



  • I’m so excited for the new update. Can’t wait to get home and download it. If developers are smart I’m sure there is some way to make the trophies retroactive, because I just 100% complete Ratchet & Clank Future and Drake’s Fortune.

  • @437…..go to the Online store option….not sure if it’s there yet or not.

  • @437….Online store within SSHD

  • well i downloaded the 2.40 update on july 2nd n had no problems with the ps3 until sunday the 6th. everything seemed to work fine i played cod4 for an hour n got bored. came back 2 hrs later to play. everything looked normal but the that the blu-ray wasnt reading any disc movie, game, and cd’s. now earlier today i looked for a new download n updated 2.41 and everything is still working but the blu-ray. I THOUGHT SONY WAS GOING TO FIX THE PORBLEM THEY CREATED. does anyone else have this problem?

  • I love how they say the cant wait to see us collectiong trophies….WTF are u talking about? u cant collect a thing?! no support for these trophies at ALL…..I am not buying that gay stardust game to get some trophies I dont care about..

    here is a thought sony, make trophies usable for some GOOD games why dont u try that? buuuut nooooo u choose the lamest game ever created in the history of mankind as the only titles with trophies. sorry sony but u are not conning me into buying your crappy little space shoot em up game..

    no wonder u guys are losing the console war, look at the other box all of its top titles have achievements are you telling me you cant even get trophy supprt for your biggest sony exclusive to date??? MGS 4?

    wtf is wrong with u guys.

  • @442….it’s not Sony again…it’s the devs…and they’ve said they’re coming.

    Have you checked post yet ?

    Many more are coming.

    Maybe one of those will make you happy ??

  • @420:

    Since those game use their own implementation, technically there are no games right now that have the XMB music feature. Even SSHD requires that you go to the game options and do it their way. Seems silly, what with it being patched for 2.40 and all.

  • PLEASE tell me the Bluetooth and PS2 crashes were fixed..

  • @442

    stardust is sweet

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