Looking for a Hot Shots demo? Today’s the day.

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Now that this week’s humpday is done and over with, we are but a working-day (and then some) away from the glorious freedom that is the weekend. I for one, plan to take some time soak in some rays and join a couple of Hot Shots Golf: Out of Bounds tourneys using the new Oceania course and perhaps maybe some Highland CC action as well.

Hot Shots Golf Chip

But enough of my plans… lets talk Hot Shots Golf: Out of Bounds update, and particularly about the blog post for each update… which among other things, usually had a comment such as this:

So is there never going to be a US demo of this game? I’m not dropping $60 on a game I’ve never played before.

or one of these:

Will the demo of this become available on the US store as well? And if so, when?
Really want to play this game, but would love to get the demo first.

or sometimes something like this:

Is there going to be a demo of Hot Shots Golf for those that would like to try it in order to make a decision if they want to buy it?

Well, for all of you that so patiently waited for the Hot Shots Golf: Out of Bounds Demo, this one goes out to you: as of today, Thursday, June 26, 2008, all North American users can now download the HSG:OOB Demo from the PSN store!

The demo is quick in-depth sample of the Hot Shots Golf experience. You’ll be able to start off with beginner character Jasmine, perfect the new advanced swing system and graduate onto intermediate player Felipe. If you’ve got a friend about, just jump into the offline multiplayer option (max 2 players) and hit the links.

Hot Shots Golf Multi-Player

So now, with the demo being released, you’re weekend should no longer be plan-less. Here’s how I see it playing out:

Thursday: Play demo with Jasmine; perfect character and new advanced swing system
Friday: Perfect Felipe; buy Hot Shots Golf: Out of Bounds
Saturday: Build up your favorite character’s loyalty
Sunday: Get online and join a couple of tournaments; dominate the competition.

Hot Shots Golf Winners Circle

Looking forward to seeing you guys online!

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