G’day lads, happy Friday! Chris here again, dropping in on you with a little update from the latest news from the smallest continent in the world… Australia.
As you’ve most likely already experienced (and shame on you if you haven’t) the greatness that is traveling through Hot Shots Golf (Africa, the Alps, Japan), there is no amount of text that could possibly describe the Dingo goodness that you’ll be sure to experience with the new course… drumroll please… Oceania Resort Course!
True, true – just turn on your PS3 and get a-downloading, once that’s completed, log on to the PSN store and purchase the key to access the content. Vegemite not included.
This is a complete 18-hole course (with a long and regular tee variation). It’s also by far one of the most difficult courses on the Hot Shots line up, with plenty of natural obstacles such as sand traps, waterholes, rocks, and kangaroos. Ok, maybe not kangaroos, but they will be on the course – so make sure to not feed the animals (especially the alligators!).
As far as design goes, we’ll, it’s always to the Hot Shot standard. You’ll have traffic flowing through, some hot air balloons floating about, etc. The course is littered with various “out-back” nods… and it even comes complete with a giant lobster.
You’ll be able to play this course both online and offline, we’ll have some special tournaments set up for it as well. Check out some more the images below.
That’s about it folks, I’m about to have a Tim-Tam slam and get going on another 18-hole round. See you guys on-line!
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