Day in LA: Ask Your E3 Questions, Share Your Pics

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Tomorrow I’m heading down to our Santa Monica studios (with a side trip to Insomniac Games) to shoot some pre-E3 interviews. In case you weren’t reading us last year (I’m glad you came around), we asked a number of producers the following questions:

    1. What game do you have at E3 this year?
    2. Describe it in five words or less.
    3. If you could sit one person in front of your game for an hour, who would it be?
    4. What game do you most want an hour to sit in front of yourself (besides your own)?
    5. How many E3’s does E3 2007 mark for you?
    6. Describe the pre-2007 E3 experience in five words or less.
    7. Most over used phrase or expression during E3 season.
    8. You are asked to make suggestions for an E3 survival kit- what three items HAVE to be included?
    9. What advice would you have for someone who has never experienced E3?
    10. Describe what you anticipate from 2007’s newly formatted E3 in five words or less.

The plan is to do something similar, only I’ll be shooting video so you can better get to know the faces behind the games you’ll be playing over the next year or so.

Looking at this list, I’m thinking not all of these questions are relevant this year. So what would *you* ask? Keep in mind I’m asking the same questions to everyone I interview, and that it’s more focused on the person and the event than the games – I’ll of course invite you to share your game-specific questions *at* E3. So please don’t post: “how many multiplayer stages will there be in R2??”

I’ll ask that *next* month.

Oh, and later on tomorrow night, I’m going to drop by the Hollywood launch of Metal Gear Solid 4. Anything you’d like me to ask David Hayter (the incredibly gruff voice of Snake) or any of the producers on hand?

Speaking of MGS launches, if you end up taking some good pics of yourself in line (especially if you’re dressed up like Snake or Eva or Ocelot), give us some link love in the comments.

PS if you’re lining up at the West Hollywood Best Buy, make sure to say hi.

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