PlayStation Store Update

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Hey, everyone. It’s time again for the PLAYSTATION Store weekly update.

Add-on Game Content

Rock Band
Build your Rock Band library by purchasing these song game tracks. For song credits, visit

  • “You’re All I’ve Got Tonight” – The Cars ($1.99)
  • “My Best Friend’s Girl” – The Cars ($1.99)
  • “Moving in Stereo” – The Cars ($1.99)
  • “Just What I Needed” – The Cars ($1.99)
  • “I’m in Touch with Your World” – The Cars ($1.99)
  • “Good Times Roll” – The Cars ($1.99)
  • “Don’t Cha Stop” – The Cars ($1.99)
  • “Bye Bye Love” – The Cars ($1.99)
  • “All Mixed up” – The Cars ($1.99)
  • “The Cars” Album ($14.99) – This album includes “All Mixed Up,” “Bye Bye Love,” “Don’t Cha Stop,” “Good Times Roll,” “I’m in Touch with Your World,” “Just What I Needed,” “Moving in Stereo,” “My Best Friend’s Girl,” and “You’re All I’ve Got Tonight” by The Cars.

File sizes: 26.6 MB – 41.9 MB (singles), 288 MB (album)

Rock Band price promotion: “Gimme Three Steps” – Lynyrd Skynyrd and “Dirty Little Secret” – All-American Rejects are reduced to $0.99 until June 5th.

Game Videos (free)

Top Spin 3 Debut Trailer
Download the official trailer for Top Spin 3 and prepare to be fully immersed in the fun, action packed excitement of tennis like never before.
File size: 92 MB (1080)

Battlefield: Bad Company Dev Diary – Characters
Join Patrick Bach, the Single player Producer, as he walks you through the process of creating interactive, funny, and exciting characters in Battlefield: Bad Company.
File size: 164 MB (HD)

Battlefield: Bad Company Sweetwater’s Blog
Private Sweetwater isn’t one to laugh in the face of danger. In fact, he’d rather find a good cave to hide in, but in B-Company, he’s faced with dangerous situations every day! See how he’s holding up as he talks to his loyal video blog subscribers.
File size: 92 MB (HD)

Dead Space Animated Comic Issue #1
Explore the horror on Aegis 7 as it unravels through an animated version of the first Dead Space comic created by Ben Templesmith and Antony Johnston.
File size: 210 MB (1080)

Project Origin Teaser Trailer
In the highly-anticipated sequel to the hit game F.E.A.R, Alma, a girl with immense power and a thirst for revenge, has unleashed her wrath upon the city of Auburn and thrown it into chaos.
File size: 159 MB (HD)

Enemy Territory: QUAKE Wars Projectile Dysfunction
Experience the ultimate team-and mission-based multiplayer warfare, defined by award winning Return to Castle Wolfenstein Multiplayer, now set in the legendary QUAKE universe.
File size: 75 MB (HD)

Enemy Territory: QUAKE Wars Human Juicer Video
Experience the ultimate team-and mission-based multiplayer warfare, defined by award winning Return to Castle Wolfenstein Multiplayer, now set in the legendary QUAKE universe.
File size: 70 MB (HD)

Movie and Blu-ray Disc Trailers (free)

For princess-to-be Giselle, life is a fairy tale – until she’s banished from the animated land of Andalasia and thrust into the very unmagical, live-action world of modern day Manhattan.
File size: 249 MB (1080)

No Country for Old Men
When a man stumbles on a bloody crime scene and two million dollars in cash, his decision to take the money sets off an unstoppable chain reaction of violence.
File size: 167 MB (1080)

PS3 Wallpaper (free)

Prince of Persia Prodigy Arabesque Wallpaper
Customize the background of your PS3 system with this new Prince of Persia Prodigy Arabesque Wallpaper.
File size: 135 KB – 410 KB

Prince of Persia Prodigy New Prince Wallpaper
Customize the background of your PS3 system with this new Prince of Persia Prodigy New Prince Wallpaper.
File size: 268 KB – 1.27 MB

Hope you enjoy!

Comments are closed.


  • @RevNick86
    Seriously that was one of the best, most well thought out comments I have ever seen on this blog.

    Your right about everything.

  • Come on sony bring us premium content! Maybe the MGS4 cinema trailer hd.

  • i give up cannt type in what i want why is that

  • noel every time i try to link you to something it doesnt let me so here go to joy stick and read the end war story about endwar gets minority report esque gesture controls.i want wanted to here what your opion on its .

  • Noel, I appreciate you answering comments like these and also sympathizing with us. Of course I would like content to tide me over until Metal Gear Solid 4 releases, but I think everyone should understand that’s not always possible, especially for a FREE service (with a very nice store now as well).

    Also, your first comment ended with this:

    “If someone feels that it’s easy to create and program games, please let me know and I’d be happy to hook you up with the necessary channels to get your title evaluated. It can be done as Jonathan Mak showed with “Everyday Shooter”, so let me know!”

    Is there any way I could contact you about this? I couldn’t find an email address.

  • @199

    I understand your second reason to some degree, but frankly, the problem is they highlight and stress mediocre to flat terrible games. Pain, Rocketmen, Go sports, flow, and a lot of these other titles simply are not worth the spotlight. I’d rather have the problem off too much content, than one really great PSN game every six months.

    As for it being summer drought time, tell that to Japan and the EU, they got downloadable games. Tell that to Nintendo and MS, which both delivered new games to download, and continue to do so every week. Hell, Microsofts Xbox originals program is half as old as the PSone program, and has already lapped it several times over in terms of quality, and may even surpass it in sheer quantity very soon, and thats on a once every two months or so update schedule.

    If SCEA is incapable of providing weekly content on par with the other two consoles, then it should move to a monthly update scheme. It should also again be mentioned that Dark Mist is original, high quality, and already in English, like last week, it would have been a great time to upload it as well. yet they have decided for some absolutely baffling reason not to even give us a shot at the game at all, and now we have to jump through hoops to buy it, which is just plain nuts.

    But it is good to see a suck up finally arrive in the comments, I thought the SDF had fallen asleep at the wheel this week.

  • This is sad…

    But either way,we don’t have the PSN Cards…

  • @205

    Access to the Nintendo and MS online stores is also free, Sony is in a competition, and is not up to snuff. The free excuse doesn’t work. They either need to step it up, or admit they can’t run with the big dogs, and move to a monthly update.

  • CdnBacon (#177), with all due respect I must disagree with your last line:

    “Yes, I’d rather wait for good content than broken content and don’t expect to see a game or demo every week.”

    The problem here is that the competition (Microsoft and Nintendo) DO offer at least 1-2 downloadable games each week. In each of the last three weeks, Nintendo (a company not regarded for online strategy in the past) has offered no less than THREE games for download each week. Why can’t Sony at least match that pace? This is why Sony needs to improve their offerings here.

    I’m all for “quality over quantity”, but lately we’ve had neither.

  • Thanks for the more detailed responses, and at least some indication that our pining for ps1 games and titles like dark mist are heard. That little bit goes a long way. Heres hoping it does something.

    While we are on the topic of game republic titles, is it true that folklore was almost ignored for a US release?

    Also if possible, could you pass along a request for the remaining downloadable folks from the japanese/european store to be released for the US version? There are about 6. I’m sure they would like the one we got on their store as well.

  • Thanks for the effort and info noel. You are fighting a losing battle. Its kinda messed up sony pushed you into this with such little resources to deal with the questions being fired at you. Some of us arent making your job easy either due to the double standard. “YOU DONT READ ALL THE POST” and then they ask something you already answered because they dont read all your post.

    My concerns were the PSone games but you already addressed that clearly. I WAS WONDERING if you could show us links of some sort to get to companies like CAPCOM, SQUARE ENIX, and such to tell them to re-RELEASE THEIR GAMES. The more you help is with that the easier your job will become here!

  • I know what was written in last weeks blog about Sony’s American PSN not being able to get PS1 games that the japanesse has. That being said, I cannot accept that as a legitimate excuse. Sony needs to hire a team to upload PS1 games to the American PSN. Or they need to give gamers the option of having the American PSN have a section of the japanesse versions of the games then after the red tape has been complete, upload the American version. But, something needs to be done. This is pathic. C’mon Sony, its been a year now. You guy need to implement a system that keeps up the demands of your install base. Get some games on your network PLEASE. I don’t even like these Monster games you got. You need casual games for hardcore gamers, if that makes sense. Games like Blast factor or StarDust. I can understand the demos, but no games. With a back catelog like PS1 and 2, more games need to be on the network.

  • nothing on the store for me today but its all good. I’m still pluggin away at GTA IV! lol.

    Hey Noel – I’m not quite sure but I remember reading that someone on the blog here was going to post about making your own theme for your PS3. Can you follow up on that for us here. I’d really like to read it. And I have an idea for a post on here as well. can you guys post something on here about Linux for the PS3. I think this would be a great place to make an announcement to all the readers out there in cyberspace. I just got into and would love to read anything that you guys could share with us about it. I also have an idea for a future firmware update (if you can pass this along to that would be AWESOME). I don’t know if its even possible but could you implement the PSeye to control the XMB. I’d love to plug in the eye and control the XMB with my arms and hands. Perhaps even sound controls (i.e. snapping = triangle button, clapping = x button, whistle = o button). that would be sweet as hell.


  • @ Noel Silvia

    In response to my post, I have not stated anything about a conspiracy theory, I just think that Sony is underachieving in a major way. As far as the indie devs point, I stated this as there haven’t been any indie dev work surfacing, but Sony is claiming to be moving into the idea of quality and “Original” Content, however obviously the recruitment is not there as there haven’t been any indie work approach, if I’m correct there was a indie dev festival not to long ago, in which there hasn’t been any notices. This is all I’m saying on that point. To be honest, Original Content doesn’t have to be limited to indie devs either, I’d love to see Sony try to spark up some interest with other Companies to get some game ideas going.

    In response to your post to commenter #77, I don’t see how PSN and the Store being free has anything to do with the current state. First of all, it should be free, I shouldn’t have to pay to get online and play games, I already pay money to my ISP for my Internet Service, I shouldn’t have to pay to access online in a game, that developers have made available. I do understand servers are needed to play these games, however its first an accessed risk, second, the way to recoup some of the loss, would be to package a good quality game, that people won’t heistate to buy, as Servers are a cost directly tied into the game, especially with the pricing of games today. Furthermore, to get into directly into the Store aspect of PSN, it definitely should be free, as no one should pay to shop, I don’t have to pay to go to Stores, to get necessities and wants, so I shouldn’t have to online. Lastly PSN isn’t so free as I still have to buy the content that I want, on top of paying a high price to get such exclusive content (The PS3 price) Of course this is how business works and that’s how its suppose to work, and I wouldn’t have it any other way, however to say “Free” is an excuse to deal out garbage, especially when in the long run I’m paying for it, is just non sense.

    All and All I do understand that there is work to be done with content releases and such, however I don’t think you can honestly tell me that only a handful of games in 2008 at just about a 6 month period is viable, because it isn’t, shows serious underachievement IMO.

    BTW, I don’t think you fail, nor did I find your responses arrogant as others have found them, I think you should be yourself as you have been, as its fitting, not to mention that we do appreciate the responses, though we don’t show it, its just upsetting to have one day out of the week to look forward to content, and we faithfully wait in anticipation (Which some don’t do anymore due to the lack of content)only to get the same old stuff, that no one wants, or could find easily without logging into PSN.

  • What ever happened to Dark Mist? And is the US PSN getting the Siren game? It looks very good.

    BTW, when’s the next firmware update? Will you tell us about it a couple of days earlier then it is released? Have any ideas when?

    Thanks in advance Noel Silvia. I’d hate to give you or anyone else a hard time and make your job harder then it should be. And if you don’t reply I completely understand. If you do, thank you for doing so.

  • Oh look, sarcastic Noel showed up.

    Hey Noel, thanks for the informative rant regarding getting games published on the store. Apparently there aren’t really any games being developed hence why none are being published.

    Sure, we all know about the 6 or so titles SCEA has and the few that Capcom have. What else is there? Assuming from the tone of your posts, NADA, ZIP, ZERO.

    Oh and furthermore, you expect ME, the consumer, to go and contact Capcom, Square Enix, etc to tell them I want XYZ game on the store? Are you seriously telling me that? I guess your job at SCEA isn’t to be the voice of the consumer up the chain to the publishers you work with day in and day out. That’s my job… as the consumer.

    I think Sony has the stick so far up it’s collective “YOU KNOW WHAT” that you’ll all lost sight on one very simple concept: The customer is always right.

    The Playstation brand ship is sinking ladies and gentlemen, you heard it here first.

    Home? In-game XMB? Third party exclusives that don’t suck? Straight forward SKUs? Improved online services? PSOne retro support? PSP device online store?

    Where are you?!

  • Apparently Summer Vacation has come early for the PSN team.

  • @210

    If you go to Capcom’s US site, there’s a link for asking a question and choosing a category and subcategory for that question. I would just choose general or PS3 as the category and leave the subcategory as the default. below those options is space to ask your question and they’re pretty quick about getting back to you. I think I got a response in about 2 days. I’ve never wrote to Square-Enix but I’m sure they must have a similar setup. I think Noel’s right about letting developers know we want their games re-released on the network and contacting them can only help the process. If it helps, this is the letter I sent to Capcom:

    Hello Capcom,

    My question is in regards to 2 of the 3 Playstation Resident Evil titles that have made their way to the Japanese Playstation Network for play on the PS3 and PSP. I live in North America and would really like to
    download these classics but cannot download content from other regions. I had thought that shortly after Japan got Resident Evil: Director’s Cut for their Playstation Network store that the U.S. store would be sure to follow but it’s been over a year and the
    title still has not made it to these shores. More disappointing still, Resident Evil 2 has recently been made available to the Japanese market and still no word on when if ever, North America will have access to these great games. This last Christmas, I got my dad a PSP and Resident Evil is his all time favorite game so I’d like to be able to call him up sometime soon and let him know that it’s available for download to his PSP. Considering the recent petition to Capcom suggesting a Resident Evil title be developed for the PSP got over 30,000 signatures, the PS1 games would be a must have for PS3 and PSP owners alike. I did submit this inquiry to the PSN support team but only received a legal disclaimer back stating that I cannot download content from other regions if my PS3 is registered in North America.

    In closing, Capcom has always been and will always be one of my favorite game developers. From Street Fighter II to Resident Evil 4, my videogame collection is chalked full of timeless Capcom titles, none of which I would trade for anything. I Understand that with games like Resident Evil 5 in development and Devil May Cry 4 coming in Febuary, getting PS1 games that are over a decade old ported over the the Playstation Network is a pretty low priority for your company but I felt the
    need to let you know it would be appreciated by your fanbase.


    xxxxxxx xxxxxxx


    Thanks for the response and forwarding on our input to the appropriate parties. It makes a difference knowing our voices are being heard.

  • 187, then go buy a 360 and spare us the complaining. If you want your system to break down on you within a month, then good for you! As for me, I’m hanging in there.

  • This update is crap. I don’t give negative feed back up seriously. Is this sony?

  • Its sad that people are actually complaining about this. Complaining about something that is free. i do understand how people feel, but i dont think they do it just to piss you guys off. It is a process to get content through the Psn store. I think if it was that simple sony and microsoft would deliver us content everyday. thats not the case. lets all grow up and stop [DELETED], because thats what everyone is pratically doing.

  • hahahah@179 i said that last week on the update post or at least close to it my idea was doing it as part of the store and i think its a really good idea and then i wrote an email to sony about it still no response i wonder if there is anyway i could get a few email adresses from noel for the people to send it too please

    ps ill be your new bestfriend

  • I agree with the guys who’s talking about Noel’s status. He clearly not qualified. It very cowardous to send someone like him to answer our questions.

    That being said, I just can’t accept what you said about licensing. Sony needs to spend the money. They were starting to be proactive around the holiday season, however they’re back to where they were last summer. We need content. And IP licensing is not a legitimate excuse. Nintendo and Mircosoft is doing it. Sony, you can to. Just stop with that excuse, that is going no where.

    Back to Sony sucking. Ya know, 50 a month isn’t looking too bad anymore. You know the PSN isn’t free either. We buy games on PSN like fanboys of Xbox and Wii do. So don’t go there with the free stuff with me. I thought you guys were trying to get stuff done. They sent a art design intern to anwswer our questions w/ smart elick remarks. This is also unacceptable. PS3 is still my favorite system. I fight for Sony everyday on Gamespot blog (just look for awheaten), convencing my friends to buy a PS3. But after today, Sony and Noel has shown me that you simple don’t care. By the way, the apology was a not honest because I really do think he might loose his job and he recognized that too late. If he doesn’t, that shows me all the more that Sony don’t care. Please reinstill my faith in you, and deliver something next week anything. This is pathetic. It is a shame. When I get me some money, later this summer, and buying me a Xbox360. I still say that buying a PS3 is the best 600 dollars I’ve ever spent, however I have to get my hands on some classics and new games. I’ll probably sell it once Sony comes more correct on the gaming and content front, however right now thats what it looking like right now.

    PS Metal Gear is coming quickly. Can’t wait!

  • What a sorry update. Where are the demos?

  • I agree with the guys who’s talking about Noel’s status. He clearly not qualified. It very cowardous to send someone like him to answer our questions.

    That being said, I just can’t accept what you said about licensing. Sony needs to spend the money. They were starting to be proactive around the holiday season, however they’re back to where they were last summer. We need content. And IP licensing is not a legitimate excuse. Nintendo and Mircosoft are doing it. Sony, you can too. Just stop with that excuse, that is going no where.

    Back to Sony sucking. Ya know, 50 dollars a month isn’t looking too bad anymore. You know, the PSN isn’t free either. We buy games on PSN like fanboys of Xbox and Wii do. So don’t go there with the free stuff with me. I thought you guys were trying to get stuff done. They sent a art design intern to anwswer our questions w/ smart elick remarks. This is also unacceptable. PS3 is still my favorite system. I fight for Sony everyday on Gamespot’s blog (just look for awheaten), convencing my friends to buy a PS3. But after today, Sony and Noel has shown me that you simple don’t care. By the way, the apology was a not honest because I really do think he might loose his job and he recognized that too late. If he doesn’t, that shows me all the more that Sony don’t care. Please reinstill my faith in you, and deliver something next week, anything. This is pathetic. It is a shame. When I get some money, later this summer, I’m buying a Xbox360. I still say that buying a PS3 is the best 600 dollars I’ve ever spent, however I have to get my hands on some classics and new games. I’ll probably sell my 360 once Sony comes more correct on the gaming and content front, however right now thats what it looking like right now.

    PS Metal Gear is coming quickly. Can’t wait! And sorry for the spelling error, its late here.

  • Noel,

    Thank you very much for replying to these posts. You wrote, “I’ll talk to those that are, however, and bring to their attention the demand for this title and the well thought out and valid points you listed.” My first question is, Why aren’t they reading the blog?

    Grace seems like a very nice person from the video explaining how to use the new PlayStation Store. Unfortunately, there is a lot of hostility because she is the only one who posts the content on the blog and she writes the exact same introduction every time. She has yet to ever respond to any comments positive or negative. This gives the end user the impression that we don’t really matter.

    As far as making announcements too early – we are still waiting for many of the games that were announced up to 2 years ago. The “company line” seems to be “comming soon” which ends up meaning “maybe someday.” Games that are hyped up and then delayed (Haze) for very long periods (I know its not your fault) and then being very poor games do not do Sony and the PlayStation Community any favors. We seriously hope LittleBigPlanet won’t fall into this category! But again, maybe it was announced too soon?

    The network specifically needs to be addressed by Sony. We’re not sure what is wrong with it, but we are forming opinions. Nearly EVERY game with an online mode has required a patch. Some still do not work properly. We have beat the developers over the head with emails but at this point it seems like they have our money; C’est la vie. Is there an issue with the actual network or is there a problem with the PlayStation 3 Hardware? Downloads should NOT take 2 hours or more for the files that are being placed on the PlayStation Store.

    Background downloading is nice, but I still have to decide if I want to put my PS3 out of commission for several hours to download content or do anything else. With background downloading (if I want it to work), I cannot watch a movie or play a game. About the only thing I can do is look at my pictures, videos that have already downloaded or listen to music. The Metal Gear Online Beta took over 4 hours to download. The 24 Hours of Nurburgring Introduction in Gran Turismo TV took over 5 hours and it was only a 7 minute video!! On my Linux computer, my upload is
    [URL=][IMG][/IMG][/URL] I shouldn’t have these issues from poor service.

    I paid $632.00USD for my PS3 on launch day and somehow I feel this is unacceptable. We just want answers as to why the network seems “gimped.”

    Again, we appreciate your candor in the previous posts (except the first two :P ) and we want the PlayStation 3 and the hardworking people at Sony to succeed.

    Thank you.

  • Noel,

    Thank you very much for replying to these posts. You wrote, “I’ll talk to those that are, however, and bring to their attention the demand for this title and the well thought out and valid points you listed.” My first question is, Why aren’t they reading the blog?

    Grace seems like a very nice person from the video explaining how to use the new PlayStation Store. Unfortunately, there is a lot of hostility because she is the only one who posts the content on the blog and she writes the exact same introduction every time. She has yet to ever respond to any comments positive or negative. This gives the end user the impression that we don’t really matter.

    As far as making announcements too early – we are still waiting for many of the games that were announced up to 2 years ago. The “company line” seems to be “comming soon” which ends up meaning “maybe someday.” Games that are hyped up and then delayed (Haze) for very long periods (I know its not your fault) and then being very poor games do not do Sony and the PlayStation Community any favors. We seriously hope LittleBigPlanet won’t fall into this category! But again, maybe it was announced too soon?

    The network specifically needs to be addressed by Sony. We’re not sure what is wrong with it, but we are forming opinions. Nearly EVERY game with an online mode has required a patch. Some still do not work properly. We have beat the developers over the head with emails but at this point it seems like they have our money; C’est la vie. Is there an issue with the actual network or is there a problem with the PlayStation 3 Hardware? Downloads should NOT take 2 hours or more for the files that are being placed on the PlayStation Store.

    Background downloading is nice, but I still have to decide if I want to put my PS3 out of commission for several hours to download content or do anything else. With background downloading (if I want it to work), I cannot watch a movie or play a game. About the only thing I can do is look at my pictures, videos that have already downloaded or listen to music. The Metal Gear Online Beta took over 4 hours to download. The 24 Hours of Nurburgring Introduction in Gran Turismo TV took over 5 hours and it was only a 7 minute video!! On my Linux computer, my speed is 8784kb/s with an upload of 1554kb/s. I shouldn’t have these issues due to poor service from my provider.

    I paid $632.00USD for my PS3 on launch day and somehow I feel this is unacceptable. We just want answers as to why the network seems “gimped.”

    Again, we appreciate your candor in the previous posts (except the first two :P ) and we want the PlayStation 3 and the hardworking people at Sony to succeed.

    Thank you.

  • To say that I’m disappointed in this update is an understatement as (like many have pointed out) the lack of worthwhile content to gamers all around is absolutely pitiful. Japan has been receiving excellent updates (like a demo for Disgaea 3, which I highly doubt will appear in the North American PS Store window, even after the game’s release) while we get Rockband add on after Rockband add on.

    What really annoys me is that there are all these reports of PS One games rated for release in the Stateside PS Store, but are left out of the updates repeatedly. In the RPG circle, it’s been known for a while now that Suikoden, an excellent game from around 1997 (and obscenely hard to find outside of Ebay) is one such title. Kotaku reported Suikoden’s possible arrival and fans of the series who were unable to get the first title have been anxiously waiting for it’s release (myself included).

    The PS One Classics section really needs some more titles outside of action and sports, and the above mentioned game (a JRPG) is a very welcome deviation from it. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed my purchase of Wild ARMs off of PSN, but I really, REALLY wish to play Suikoden, the one title of the series I never had the chance to try.

    Which makes it all the more infuriating when the PlayStation Store New Downloads Email I get consists of nothing but a few minor add ons to a game I could care less about.

    So yeah pretty much what it boils down to for me is, nothing interesting yet again and where the blazes is Suikoden?

  • @noel

    thanks for the speedy reply. I wish more of the people on the playstation blog would do that.

  • Why winning that someone is keeping in touch with us? that why sometimes they just keep quiet and we never know anything. i will prefer that someone tell me something even if they tell me I don’t know but I will let you know.

    Another thing is I don’t understand all the PS1 games thing, I just want to play new games and awesome ones not revive old moments. That’s why i love watching new original PSN games than arcades ones. But something is for sure, isn’t japan already have biohazard (Resident Evil) so why isn’t here yet? is third party but japan have it.


    I’m with you in some parts, about that the PSN is free but content is content and we have to pay for new things like the other console so that’s not an excuse. I will love to pay something (not 50) yearly if I can have more speed in my downloads. The online game in PS3 is just fine to me.

    something offtopic, you can just stream the videos instead of downloading them? like the games previews? The game previews is awesome but if I can watch the videos in the same store streaming it will be perfect.

  • @ cmargary

    “something offtopic, you can just stream the videos instead of downloading them? like the games previews? The game previews is awesome but if I can watch the videos in the same store streaming it will be perfect.”

    Watching the video while it downloads is available now. The problem with it is; it is so laggy to be utterly useless. The video takes far longer to download than its total length, so you get to watch 2 seconds and wait 30 seconds.

    The network has to be stable before there is a use for that feature.

  • I feel bad for Noel Silvia now after reading all the responds made to stuff that poor SOB is running tried I can tell,

    You know we all love the PSN Store redesign and content that could come out on it, so you can see how we get upset when all we get is game trailers and wallpapers right?

    Its nothing personal to the staff at all, you guys do have a hard job I will give you that. Its just that when we see crap like this, its get us mad as to why can’t they give us something better at least a new PSN game, PSOne Classic, Soundtrack to download, movie to watch something for us.

    Complaining about a free service is low but we were promised so cool stuff and new features and have waited a long time, now some have come yes true but now you have a standard to live up too.

    But before all that you guys did win a Award now didn’t you and since Grace Chen has yet to accept maybe Noel can I mean its a heavy award.

    The Award was “Weakest PSN Update of all Time For 5-29-2008” so come on up here and accept the award already.

    Remember if the game is too hard, throw it in God Mode and have Fun.

  • LAME… Come one SONY, you need to put out some good stuff.

  • I’d like to see Original versions of
    old-skool games like Pac-man, Space Invaders, Scramble, Dig-dug etc etc on the PSN Store ;)
    Sony are reading this so we should get some of the things soon! ;)
    +PSN Cards for the U.K would be nice to ;)

  • I find it upsetting that the fact the PSN is free seems to be an excuse not to update the store with content.

    This is a STORE! This is not a service! We ARE PAYING YOU WITH EVERY PURCHASE!

    No one is here complaining we couldnt log on to multiplayer in GTA4 for the first 24-48 hours. We’re not here complaining that when something does come up, we’ll have to wait till friday mornings until its finished downloading. We’re here complaining that you don’t want to sell us wares.

    We don’t need to pay to walk into EB Games/Gamestop. We don’t need to pay to buy things from a brick and mortar store. What is this? The price club? Costco? Get your act together.

    Can you honestly tell us that if you charged for this service, you would do a better job?

  • Update sucks. Tell us more on 2.4.

  • What I don’t understand is if “Sony” wants to hear from us via this blog why not send the appropriate people to read and actually respond. I am sorry but to me a PSN artist doesn’t cut it. Although I am sure many are thankful for Noel Silvia’s responses why not send soemone who can actually make some differences when it comes to the updates.

    Instead of just leaving us in the dark why not tell us your plans on what might be coming, IE PS1 titles. You do know WE WANT THEM right?! I see about 20 PS1 titles already rated by the ESRB, what’s the friggin hold up? Bugs? Can all those games have bugs? Excuse after excuse is all I see. Things take time right? How long have the updates been poopie? Quite a while in my eyes you have had enough time PSN people. But hey, people get to save their money and your competition only looks better week after week.

    I love Sony products don’t get me wrong but you guys are digging your own grave with the PSN and the constant delays of Home (I know pretty random but I’m throwing that in there as well). Ok I am done forgive my errors I am tired both physically and mentally, it’s been a long day and it’s only 8:47 am.

  • @Noel:

    I apprecciate you take your time not only to read every one of our comments, but also to respond to our questions the best you can.

    I will greatly apprecciate if you pass along the message to “the mechanics” about of the huge demmand on PS1 games, and please tell them to forget the idea that we Americans don’t like Japanise-styled games, because that’s why they seem to think. Besides, even if that went for the peple from the US, there are lots and lots and lots and lots of Americans from other countries (like from Central America, South America) who own US PS3s and connect to the US PS Store, and I can bet my Masamune ( ^_~ ) that those people are more “Japanise-liking” than “typical” US people; now don’t get me wrong here, if you read carefully I said “even if” ~_^

    And just to make the “pressure” bigger, I still would want to get Dark Mist, and some PS1 games like Chrono Trigger/Chrono Cross or maybe some other RPGs ;)

    Now, I nice reply from Noel would be very welcomed

    Thanks for taking your time on reading my post (because if you don’t do, I’ll slash you into pieces (role-playing Sephiroth obviously))

  • I just can’t comprehend how Grace Chen thinks this week’s PSN update is at all acceptable. Even if there needed to be a week with only videos, why are the videos so lame?

    The attitude with the PSN seems to be one of indifference. It’s like you guys just sit there and hope companies will send you stuff to put up, but don’t actually pursue anything. I find it hard to believe that if you requested the latest Dark Knight, Hulk, or Indy 4 trailers, they wouldn’t send them to you. That type of thing should take 10 minutes to coordinate.

    Not that it makes up for the lack of gaming content, but it’s just a general symptom of the PSN’s lameness, that major movie and game trailers are absent.

  • i think most of you guys need to just chill. you guys are actually crying about 2 weeks of so called ” no content”. its only 2 weeks. i think sony is doing their job at bringing us some content and games.

  • Okay guys, I finally registered on the blog, as I consider myself a very patient person when it comes to the content on the PSN store for NA, (as I usually limit myself to the forums), but SONY, someone’s NOT telling the truth here…

    From Post 103:

    This is what Noel gave us as a comment:

    They are the original publishers for this region; they can’t appear on the Store without their approval.

    Yet from post 168:

    Noel, I actually contacted Capcom months ago after Japans PSN got Biohazard 2 suggesting they try to get one or more of the Resident Evils on the US PSN as they are a sure money maker for the network even at $6 a download. Their response was that Sony needed to initiate an interest to them in order for a licensing agreement to be met which makes a lot more sense than 3rd party developers of 10+ year old games contacting SCEA to get their dated games on the network.

    So _someone_ is out-and-out lying to the North American customers.

    The members on this Blog have previously, and constructively, asked Sony to initiate the process to allow us to obtain some of these games (See the hundreds of Dark Mist requests), which they say that the developers have to do, and now we have someone who asked the developers to initiate the process (about possibility of RE games… and note they did NOT say “no, we can’t do that”) , and they say Sony has to do it.

    I understand that Noel doesn’t have control over the content in regards to what’s in the store.. but in that case (and no offense intended, Noel, we appreciate anyone who gives us feedback in regards to our comments), but shouldn’t someone who’s aware of what has to be done let us know what’s going on?

    Don’t get me wrong, there are weeks when I love the resulting content, but then there are MAJOR dry spells (the past two weeks for instance, or just about the entire month(?) Before High Velocity bowling came out… at least then we got demos.) when the NA customers _are_ getting the shaft , whether it be by Sony or developers, or the store-content controllers.

    No, I don’t want to see the “shovelware” that’s showing up on the Wii network… and I like the fact that I’m not having to pay (like the XBLA)… Sony you _have_ the opportunity to hit the “perfect” middle ground for NA users, and you’re refusing to do so (and as of right now my finger is pointed at you guys, not the developers, as you’re the ones who can get the licenses for releases).

  • i’m rather disappointed in these music-related games.. suppose you already own the CD the Cars have out.. or Aerosmith.. or whomever else adds a CD to the Rock Band/Guitar Hero/SingStar stores of music.. why should we have to pay for the music all over again if we already own it..?? Activision or Sony or someone should have these games be able to verify that you own this or that music so you don’t have to pay for something you already own, especially if you bought the CDs… im not at all interested in these musical genre games because of things like this.. i have a ton of CDs.. not interested in buying the music all over again just so i can sing along to it.. apparently, plenty of people have paid for it, so, i applaud the developers for that..

  • Half_life000111

    Thank god Noel for answering these questions… come to find out we do all have an understandable passion. Hopefully the work for 2.40 will make up for this. I personally believe it was the delay for Bonic Commando Rearmed and Inertia that set back this update, am I right, you expected these games and they were delayed against your will and/or plans…. but honestly… plz impress us with the next update *this is your chance to satisfy the main complaints* and on top of tht just announce the release date. It’s not too early since it should come before MGS4. All you’d be doing is gathering hope and providing happyness….. and a little bragging from your sony fans :P

  • Half_life000111

    PS: I can see how you lost your temper in the beginning… I dearly apologize for providing to that but truly appreciate your calming down and continuation of guiding us through our questions. It’s not necessarily your job to do this Noel so I thank and appreciate what you do for your fans. Thank you!!!! :P

  • …and the high-pitched whining from all the petulant little children with exaggerated feelings of self-entitlement continues…

    I wonder how many game submissions Noel will receive from all impatient brats who say they could do a better job providing content for PSN?

    I’m guessing ZERO. Because you’re a generation of impatient, spoiled, losers…who complain when they aren’t handed things…and have no idea how to produce things of their own.

    It’s a shame that Noel has to “tow the company line” here on the blog. I’d like to hear what he really says about all your whining when he’s chatting with his buddies at the office. (For those who don’t know: an office is where you go to work and earn a living, not to complain about getting stuff for free).

  • @ 238 dasaintsfan..i dont think you understood the post. no one is lying about licensing those games to come to the PSN store. everything is dont through a contract. since is money involved for both i think sony and campcom (just using them for example). they have to get the licensing privledges and come to an agreement how much to charge, how much capcom gets, how much sony gets on the game. i think sony should get some profits, since they are providing the service so their game( capcom) gets more sales. its a 50/50 thing i believe. I am not sure if what i post is 100% correct, but it might something close to it. it all boils down to they both (sony and third party) have to meet eye to eye to bring the content to the psn store.

  • Sony, I love you guys but this is embarrassing. MGS4 is 2 weeks away. Why not try and cut a deal with Konami and post up wallpapers or something on the store to hype up the game? No demos? I know this is a free service but the store only updates once a week. I don’t think it’s too much to give us at least one demo a week

  • Sony writes “Releasing new games and PSone games is hard guys. There’s lots of steps involved”

    So what? You’re not facing any challanges your compitition isn’t.Correction the apparent inability for SCEE, SCEA and SCEJ and any other branches of Sony’s gaming division(eg SOE) to work well together to acomplish anything is a unique challance that Sony faces that Nintendo and Microsoft dont have to worry about because they’re not that stupid.

    You’re supposed to accomplish things despite the challanges not fail to accomplish anything due to the challanges.

    Once again I think it is clear that the total lack of content is an intentional business decision by someone at SCEA and that person needs to be replaced.

  • Guys and gals ,SONY is not the one to blame!.
    They are not who make the content.
    ie. You all wants demos and more demos , nice but if any developer send demos ,how the hell will it be demos on the Store ?

    And Noel, please dont answer no more posts of this kind ‘i want psone games ,sony sucks,i want demos’ is not worth your time seriously.
    keep the good job

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