“Insert witty opening BLOG greeting here” :-)
Most of our readers and Warhawk aficionados know that we recently held a contest for players in the US to submit their own insignias and aircraft paint schemes. The response was fantastic and we received a ton of entries. Thus why it has taken us so damn long to review them all, then pick the winners, contact them, and secure all the paper work required by our lawyers.
Welp… the winners are now selected and integrated with the upcoming Warhawk v1.3 update!
Before we reveal the new designs, why don’t you take a gander at this brand new v1.3 trailer and get hyped up for the awesomeness that these new designs will be flying around in:
The team was really impressed by the quality of the submissions. Many of you spent a lot of time designing really great stuff and it’s going to make a great addition to the game — aside form the fact that it’s just plain sweet to get your stuff in a game!
And like I said before the team was really impressed by the paint schemes especially since they clearly took the most time to create. Our artists were so happy with the results that they took the time recently to generate hi-res renderings of all the winners.
The images turned out pretty damn cool and I thought that I would post them here as the announcement rather than a standard text list — text is soooo old-school :-)
Thanks you all for entering the contest – all your great designs add a lot of value to our new v1.3 update!!!
Fellow internet-peeps (not to be confused with the seasonal, addictive Peeps), here are the winners!!!
Here are the winning insignias!
We really liked these insignias be cause they were so diverse; from simple abstract shapes all the way to literal items. These should really help our players personalize their troops and aircraft!
Now of course I can’t leave this BLOG entry without updating you on the v1.3 patch and the upcoming Booster-Pack Operation: Broken Mirror.
The v1.3 patch is “basically” done and our international teams are in the last few days of test so I should be able to announce a release date very soon.
Operation Broken Mirror is also “basically” done but hasn’t gone “gold” yet…in hindsight, I wonder if there is a law or some form of internet etiquette that limits how many words I use in a single post with “digital-air-quotes“? Doh…there’s another one.
I will be making an announcement about this very soon as well. And I must say, the team and I are really happy with how much fun this new Booster is. Between it and the new equipment added in the v1.3 patch, Warhawk feels like a fresh game!
So I’ll leave you all with a little treat, cause you all know how I like to embed little treats in my posts. Here’s a small teaser image from the upcoming booster. But….I fractured it into a bazzilion little pieces — like a digital jig-saw.
And I totally realize that making a puzzle out of a preview screenshot *does* prove to the world that I am a huge game addict!
(Engage digital reverb filter)
ENJOY! — ENJoyyy — ENjjoooyyyy — Ennnnjjooooyyyy — eeennnjjjoooyyyy —–
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