Warhawk v1.3 Patch details

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I’m excited to announce our new, and FREE, update for Warhawk – the v1.3 Patch!

There are 5 key additions in this update that add a ton of value for our current and future Warhawk players. First, I’ll cover the 2 new troop items that we are adding to the game.


So far, Warhawk players have logged over 7.3 million hours of gameplay and have scored over 206 million kills! And during this time, we’ve keenly observed the battles, looking for opportunities for us to further balance Warhawk’s gameplay and over-arching “combat economy”. The result of our observations comes in the form of two upgrades for ground troops – to help promote teamwork, lengthen troop lifespan, and expand Warhawk’s fast-paced, emergent gameplay that players around the world have come to love.


This is gonna be a long post and I want to give you all a rundown of the new equipment but I can’t ramble on for pages about it so I’ll just write a quick summary here. I can always follow-up with you guys later in the comments….you know how I love to respond to comments :-)


#1 Mechanic’s Field Wrench:

As you might expect, this piece of equipment is used to repair vehicles. Once you get the pickup, you swing it just like the combat blade. Then, just walk up to, or onto an allied vehicle and “whack” it with the wrench. It repairs wicked fast so it’s very effectively during combat. On the offensive side, not only is it still a one-hit-kill against troops, but it can be used to damage enemy vehicles as well!


#2 Bio-Field Generator:

To use a Bio-Field, grab the pick up and throw it down like a proximity mine. It sticks to walls, ceilings, anything…including vehicles. Then, if any ally stands within its bio-reactive field, his health will quickly regen. Alternatively, and this is where some neat tactics emerge, if an enemy walks into the bio-field (yes, bio-fields are color coded), they’ll take damage – their lungs sizzling like bacon….mmmmm bacon.


This new equipment makes life as a ground troop more balanced, and we’re really looking forward to seeing how the battlefield changes once the patch is released!


#3 HOME Game Launching:

Yeah Baby…So our HOME integration is coming along nicely and this update includes a great, and much needed feature for Warhawk. With the release of v1.3 patch, players will be able to form groups, meet in their apartments, discuss tactics, and then launch a game of Warhawk…all together!

When you’re in your apartment, all you do is whip-out your virtual PSP, select ‘create game’ and pick Warhawk. From there, you get to start your own player server, pick a game rotation, set server options and then…BAM !! Launch Warhawk with all of your friends!! You can also pick to not make your game viewable to the other Warhawk players around the world, or you can make it a ‘public’ game that puts all of your friends into the server together, and leaves open slots for other global Warhawk players join.

Games launched from HOME show up in the global games list in an attactive gold color.


Now this is just the beginning of what we’re gonna to be doing with HOME and there’s some really neat stuff on the horizon. I’d love to show you more of the cool HOME stuff that we’re working on but I suspect I’d get a PR-shank to the spine…or possibly a lung.

So I gotta say that I’m actually super relieved that we’re putting in *REAL* legit value for players and *NOT* making HOME a portal for SONY to jam branding and marketing schwag down player’s throats!

As a gamer, I’m excited *and* relieved to see the direction HOME is taking.

#4 New VOIP Options:

We have also received a lot of feedback about VOIP stuff. There were a couple of features that players really wanted, and hopefully this gives them a big chunk of their crazy, crazy VOIP desires. :-P

We now allow players to select between PTT and Open-Mic. Players can also tune the voice-activation level so they don’t accidentally broadcast their girlfriend or boyfriend blabbering-on in the background. Players also now get to more clearly see who’s talking. It’s displayed on the right side of the screen. And yes, the picture below is correct. We also now support an “all-talk” server option so that you can enable cross-team trash talk.


What else…oh yeah, we now display which player is speaking at the score screen too. And…we let you pick players from the score screen to mute/un-mute their VOIP.

#5 New Paint Schemes & Insignias:

If you’re an avid Warhawk player and/or read this blog with any regularity, then you know that we are sponsoring a contest that allows players to submit their own, custom, paint schemes for the Nemesis and Warhawk. We’re also allowing players to submit custom insignias too. We’ll be picking the winners and including these new customizations with the v1.3 patch.

Now I’m not posting these because they have already won…but these are some neat designs and I wanted the blog readers to see some of the great paint schemes that have been coming in.



And one last thing…we want insignias too. Send us your insignias…and please DO NOT just scan something out of a magazine. Seriously!

Well that’s it for now, there are some other features in the new patch too, like some new server options, but we’re not sure if we’re going to ship them or not. They need more play testing.

So this patch is a big update for Warhawk: New troop equipment, HOME Game Launching, VOIP updates and player-created customizations!

~guy in back of room yells “yeah, yeah….but when’s it coming out”~

We’re testing the Warhawk v1.3 patch right now and we’ll update you on timing in another post. Sorry I can’t be more specific…you know how it goes. As soon as I have the “official” release date, I’ll let everyone know.

As always…
rock on

Comments are closed.


72 Author Replies

  • Cool update, going to check it out…

  • Dear Mr. Jobe…

    I am excited about the new additions to the game… but PLEASE MAKE SOME FEMALE CHARACTERS!!!!!!!!!!!! I’m tired of my soldier running around looking WACK with a hot pink martini glass on his back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOVE DA HAWK :) lol

    SUTRA79… So UnladyLike

  • i know you said you guys where working on some ideas for passengers on the aircraft, how a about a parachute or a glider for the passenger ONLY because you will hardly ever get any kills in the skies if the pilot could bail. I’m so sick of nuts that can’t listen when you tell them “PUT ME DOWN”

    QUESTION: will there be any expansion coming that might add some use to all that ocean you fellas have out there like an aircraft carrier, jet ski, etc?

  • Hey Dylan, do you know what button you will have to press in order to use the items?

  • Dylan

    My PSN ID is Stew122

    my stats arent counting

    could you help me out?

  • Hi there, is there any chance we might be able to turn off the minimap display for split screen games? When playing four-way split screen, the little mini-map actually takes up quite a large portion of your screen area. It would be great if we could turn this off or make it transparent. Thanks! :)

  • Hey Dylan, the patch sounds awesome. And a new map add-on maybe too, Warhawk just gets better and better.

    I know this is a bit off-topic, but my brother uses my account and it looks like he has cheated. I have all of a sudden got a ridiculous amount of flag saves and over 30000 points in a round? Can these 30000 points be erased or if not my stats wiped please, I don’t want to continue playing now only to be erased later.

    My user ID is The_Shuffle and the points are on Badlands if you want to look at the stats. Thanks!

  • @ Danger-X

    Your balls opinions are completely out of place. We aren’t talking about home or XMB music playlists or any of that garbage.

    This post is about WARHAWK. If you and your children buddies have a problem with Warhawk, stop playing. Children like you ruin the game, so chill out and leave. I want you to.

    @ DYLAN

    so stoked

  • Ooh, one more thing, the guy that suggested accruing points for holding an enemies primary zone – this is a fantastic idea! Hello from New Zealand :p

  • just a little suggestion,
    read about someone being annoyed with the points system.
    on CTF why dont you have a scalaed points for the return of the flag. i understand that you dropped it from ten which was great – got rid of a lot of campers. but i dont think its fair to give two points for a quick return still in your base and still give only two points when youve chased someone across the map, battled, killed them, staved off several more opponents to return the flag and get two points.
    how about a range of 2 to say 8 if the bar is full?

    other than that, best game online ever and this update is gonna be amazing

  • @ Danger-X
    fu@k you and get out of her

  • DangerX, you realize if you wanna get your point accross about Warhawk, acting like that isn’t the way to do it..


    *runs around*


    This is….SWEET!!

  • ^^^glad you’re trying to restrain yourself.. :P

  • Hey dude, Jobe!

  • ^^^^ LOL!! Why should I? The update rules!

  • dont my this kind of ppl dyan u guys are doing a great job!

  • GE MISTAKE WITH THE CONTROL OPTIONS! I play with my control analog switched over from default.
    Have you ever tried to move forward with the right stick and jump and fire at the same time. YOU CANT so why give the option for your analog sticks if YOU CANT switch the BOTTONS. THATS NOT RIGHT! Its a huge disadvantage HUGE.
    So I was wondering if MAYBE in the next patch 1.3 if I could switch to the R2 botton sents its NOT USED. PLEASE.
    Please notice me I know Im NOT THE ONLY ONE

  • Whoooah… hold on! Hey Dylan, In that Home game joining screenshot, there’s deathmatch game taking place 3 games below the home game in a map called Vaporfield. What’s up with that? Are we gonna be seeing an Alpha Sunset booster pack anytime soon?

  • @362,
    Why would you switch the control options for the analog sticks? It’s almost like wanting to change the controls for Burnout Paradise: completely asinine.

  • OMGZ Dylan Jobe u so awesome. I can’t wait for teh update. Gimme more rawr. :3

  • @364
    Maybe he’s lefty and it’s for him natural to play like that. I have one friend that has the same problem…

  • I really hope this doesn’t reset my stats again, like the 1.2 patch did. I lost incentive to continue playing for a long time because I didn’t want to have to re-build my stats.

  • I meant L2 ON YHAT LAST BLOG

  • @X1rtam

    that why you was one of the kind of people that just rank up for no reason… they just correct the stat of everyone to be fair… I glad to be in the normal rank but I loved the customizations that I had lol

  • No You all can F***..I play it by the books I’m not a Newbie I’ve been playing this game since it came out you fools!.Don’t you ever call me a Newbie again that is such a Childish name coming from you kids today Really grow up.Or Does the word Immature stay with you still.God Seriously Shut up!.lol.I complain because I have the right to.Who made you God anyway?..Dylan Jobe never replies to any problems that this game is having he only talks about updates yeah like when?.1.3 is not due out until HOME is out that is Ridiculous!. And when this update comes out there will be more cheaters and more cheaters.When will it end!.

  • Dylan,

    I would enjoy Warhawk much more if I wouldn’t have trouble connecting to servers?!
    It takes me sometimes up to 20 minutes to finally joining a game, and that’s not just ranked servers but also private ones.
    As much as I like the game (and I even switched back from COD4 to Warhawk just for the bigger fun factor), that’s just a major show-stopper.
    Will this be fixed in 1.3 ? or is it just something that affects New Zealand, cause I don’t see anybody else talking about it.

    PS: great news about the addition. it gets better and better and you guys do a great job! thanks

  • What? hey man speak in English how did you ever graduate like that that is sorry man horrible Language skills..No your wrong I definitely earned those points!.I should be by now past Wing Leader this is ridiculous. And have my badges for all On Ground Combat.because the funny part is more then 5 days ago it said the top of the screen That I earn my War Hawk badges for Machine Gun, Turrent, Flame Thrower, Mine, etc.And what did I get out out of this nothing!..Its sad that there Servers are this damn slow.Thats why they need to charge to play for this game!.A Monthly fee of $10.00 $15.00 bucks perhaps?.Or A yearly Subscription of what I listed!?.Why not it would get rid of those damn kids in this game from Cheating!..Its Time For A Change!.

  • @Danger-X

    If you are talking to me, yes.. I don’t speak english.. in fact, is my second language… if it wasn’t to me sorry… you never specify to who you are talking too…

    About the newbie yeah, I hate that word too… people trying to be better than you or something I don’t know…. and isn’t that you can’t complain because I do that too here… but isn’t in the way you are doing it…. and yes.. dylan respond beyond the updates and everything… in fact if someone have stats errors he respond.. is just that many people doesn’t read what you need to rank up….

    About to charge to play that will be the worst move ever… will be more expensive than live… but the thing is that I never experience a lag in the official servers…. what slow down you are talking about? when you enter to the game?

  • @AtomicTokyo

    I don’t know why it takes to long to you to join the game… because to me is less than a minute… that is something to ask to Dylan or to check your connection… but if only happened to warhawk then is weird…

  • The game lags you out.they also need to fix how long it takes you to get your weapons that to me is ridiculous!. lol I waited for the weapons to respawn in like what it seemed like Jezz almost the whole round in a 15 minute game. Shame on the game producers for having to wait an Eternity to fix these issues with War Hawk. Sorry about you not being able to speak completely in English I apologize..I had a very Strict teacher when I went to school Language skills etc..But I’m sure you would agree with me on this subject. War Hawk needs a good Fixer up. before 2009!

  • Hey Dylan!
    It’s always nice to get a post about additions to warhawk (especially when it’s free :-D )
    A few questions:

    1) About how long will the wrench last? Like, around how many vehicles do you think I would be able to kill/regenerate before I lose it?

    2) Where did you come up with your AWESOME avatar? :-P

    3) Do you pronounce your name with a long “i” or a short one?

    Can’t wait for this to launch! The land mine demon is about to become the biofield demon!!!!! (evil laugh)

  • @ post 372 Danger-X

    You should really LEARN how to write a sentance in english! With a sprinkle of GRAMMER and punctuation every one can under stand you!. I hate people that think they can act like a RETARD on the internet to other people, just because they are hiding behind one way glass.

    Nice one on the update Dylan. Can’t wait

  • Sweet Update!!! I can’t wait!!!!

    And what’s this I hear about Home?

  • Boats or submarines would be sweet! Lets take this battle 2 the air!

  • Dylan,
    I hope your still reading the comments, I know it’s a lot to keep up with… I just wanted to voice my concerns/ideas. You’ve probably heard some of em a hundred times though.

    First thing is the flag icon disappearing is annoying and it seems random to me. I hate it when a guy with my flag is already out of our base before it even shows on the map. While I’m on the subject, I think tanks should always be on the map when they’re inside your teams zone circle o’ influence.

    A couple ideas on team damage: my dad suggested turning it off for lower level servers, but having it on higher level ones. Personally though, I’d like to see a system where teammates take damage when an enemy is being hit in the same shot instance, but no damage taken when friendly fire would only result in a teammate being damaged. That way team-killing would only result incidentally from damaging an opponent, and not from intentional attacks on teammates.

    Newbies on lvl3/4 servers… do I really need to say anything more? :P There’s a limited amount of lvl3/4 servers to begin with… when they’re populated with low rank players, higher rank players have no where to go (as far as official servers go anyway)– they’re takin up slots, not to mention how games can become so one-sided.

    Also here is a fun idea I just came up with :D! Another mine like thing (like the bio-field) that can repulse vehicles with some sorta magnetic field. My idea being if you put it on the front of a jeep for instance you could push a warhawk out of the way so he couldn’t plop down in front of you to keep you from going anywhere. But if the other vehicle has one on it too then it would cancel the effect out. Or you could put it near the flag to keep vehicles from getting too close. Or you could put one on the ground somewhere and drive over it to make a jeep take a jump (requiring a certain speed/momentum to get on top of the field generator so as to provide the desired upward movement, thus preventing tanks from making jumps as well). I’m just thinking out loud here though on my whim of an idea.

    thanks for reading! (hopefully)

  • Dylan

    My roommate [PSN: kynde ] has been stuck at his current ranks, which are incorrect since September of last year. Can you please check this out for him? Thanks. And I loved the Omega Dawn stuff can’t wait for the free updates in v1.3. Thanks.

    Wingman [Almost]

  • Hello

    Some things I do notice when I play warhawk is..

    1. That when a third person is in the jeep, why cant the player be able to shoot or something towards other. Seems like the player can be an easy target.

    2. When you complete a battle with some very good stats. The owner or creator of the of that server will automatically disconnect. Whats wierd is that your statistics or medals you own from that battle will not show up in player stats. Seems cheap, even when a rookie can feel good defeating an advanced player.

    Besides those two… the game is a very good addition to the ps3. I like it more than halo, better than close combat areas.

  • @cmargary

    the long wait for connection is only noticeable to that degree with Warhawk.
    and it’s like that since it was released.
    my bandwidth is 3,5Mbit and pings are around 90-120, and it doesn’t matter how full the severs are, i can’t even join a server with just 1 player in it right away. I think they changed the error message with patch 1.2 though ;) … instead of ‘game is full’ (which actually wasn’t) now there’s ‘unable to connect’ or something like that. friends of mine experience the same.

  • Probably too late for this now, but I wondering about the new map.


    Just wonder if a new vehicle will be available with this new map? Can’t wait to see some pics.

  • My question is how are you going to equip the wrench and bio, all 8 spots are taken already?

    Also I play this game with several women and girls, when is Sony going to get pc and make a female troop character?

    Ok there ladies I asked for you lol.

  • Re: Dylan

    Crazy update I have to say. It might just be me but I would like to see a parachute at sometime, lol steal Metal of honor Airbornes thunder. Nah but for real somtimes I get stuck to far up in the air with my warhawk and there’s no way to escape from enemy fire up there. A good trade off would be to make it so that once you bail your parachute takes you down very slowly (so no cheating death kind of things).

    You were talking about team based vehicles & I’ve wondering about the jeeps for a while now.. Would it be possible to be able to have the passenger seat person in the jeep shoot (with a pistol or somthing)? Cause I know in almost every vehicle (besides the warhawk) the “other person” in vehicle can always shoot or interact somehow. I think it’d add to some team work ^_^.

    And another thing (this could be in your next game or somthing lol) but in my opinion I’d love to have some portable turrets or somthing like that.

    Just some thoughts for you guys =].

  • @truckdriverjames:

    He says in a reply that it takes up the same spaces as knife and mines.

  • I don’t often throw my 2 cents in but I have to speak up when I see such an amazing upgrade! Great Work!

  • Write about the theme of ‘madness’ and its importance to the play as a whole. You must refer to the literary and linguistic techniques you have studied.

    Madness is a key part of the play in that it acts as a mechanism, enabling Lear to undergo a learning curve and become a more worldly character. Madness, as a contemporary expression, contrasts greatly to connotations that were present in the meaning of the word, during the 17th century. When viewed with a contemporary perspective, it is often associated with simply outlandish behaviour, and not the, what was, somewhat feared, and spiritual concept of madness, seen in Shakespeare’s time. Nevertheless, during the period, madness was arguably viewed by some as a connection to God, or as an unfortunate handicap that should not be perceived as negative, by the ‘renaissance man’.
    The primary characters that play a part in the play’s development of the theme of madness are in my view predominantly Lear and the Fool. The Fool, in this case, because there is a vast amount of evidence which supports the claim that the Fool was a primary catalyst of Lear’s ensuing madness.
    Lear, toward the beginning of the play, represents a tyrannical king who exerts a traditionally patriarchal style of rule over his subjects and offspring. Lear, whilst requesting his daughters to take part his obnoxious love-test, says, ‘Tell me, my daughters,’ [Act I, Scene I, lines 48-49] Notably, the vocative, ‘daughters’ is used, rather than the names of the respective characters he is addressing. Along with this, the personal pronoun, ‘my’, which has connotations of possessive and domineering behaviour, clearly establish Lear as an authoritative figure in the play.
    Arguably, Lear begins to descend into madness when is, noticeably, most beloved daughter, Cordelia, refuses to participate in his, as previously mentioned, love test. ‘I cannot heave my heart into my mouth: I love your Majesty according to my bond; no more nor less.’ [Act I, Scene I, lines 90-92] Shakespeare’s adept use of vocatives is revealed again, in that he has employed the referential expression, ‘your Majesty’, in order to convey Cordelia’s humble manner. In addition to this, the parallel, ‘no more, no less’, is put to the same use. Despite these signs, however, of Cordelia’s authentic love, Lear reacts erratically – which can be viewed as an indication of Lear’s early decline into an irrational state of mind and madness. ‘So young, and so untender?’ [Act I, Scene I, line 105] Lear’s abrupt interrogative emphasises his desperation, and impending anger.
    Examples of Lear falling further into madness are predominant throughout Act II, Scene IV of the play, as Goneril and Regan harass their father, after he witnessed his servant’s punishment. Relating to the context of the play is the point that the king would have seen this treatment of his servant as severely disrespectful.

  • Hmm I read a game can’t have HOME support without having accomplishments… Fun… >=D

  • Dylan a question about the actual contest:

    When will the winners be announced? The deadline’s passed and around today is the time to pick the winners right? (I read the fine print lol)

    Or will you guys just wait ’till the patch is released?

    -Thanks in Advance!!

  • Awesome news. I love some Warhawk and the weapon additions are going to add some new tactics I think. Can’t wait for that.

    Also, when you guys going to be announcing the Warhawk paint winners? 2 of the designs you posted in the article are mine!!!!! (the one with yellow wings and stars and the pink one for the ladies) I was shocked to see them here, because I saw a lot of good submissions (playstation forums), but I do realize they haven’t won anything.

    Keep up the good work Incog!

  • @ Hiddos – Where did you read that?

  • Good day to you, if there was one game selection type that I think would really change the way we play, it would be some sort of attrition game. You respawn maybe once or twice, then game over for you. The team with say five survivors wins. Waiting for the last two to knock one off (ehem!) would be a bit much. The “dead” guys could drop into spectator mode or something. I feel that without the respawn, I would suddenly change my tactics from run & gun to something more subtle and self preserving. I love the pace of the game as it is, however, the attrition game type might show the contrasting game play, and give more variety. You could still have the game modes we have today, but the attrition would be either on or off.

    What happened to friendly fire? I don’t mean to, but with it, meant I had to be careful. Now, I can just fire blindly into a close fire fight. There’s no skill in that game. I’d like to see friendly fire reinstated, if maybe at a reduced level (say, half as dangerous?)

    I can’t wait to find out, so I’ll ask… Can the passenger in the jeep (not the driver or gunner) use the spanner while driving, and can he deploy the Bio-field generator?

    Thanks! Bloody brillian game.

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