Warhawk v1.3 Patch details

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I’m excited to announce our new, and FREE, update for Warhawk – the v1.3 Patch!

There are 5 key additions in this update that add a ton of value for our current and future Warhawk players. First, I’ll cover the 2 new troop items that we are adding to the game.


So far, Warhawk players have logged over 7.3 million hours of gameplay and have scored over 206 million kills! And during this time, we’ve keenly observed the battles, looking for opportunities for us to further balance Warhawk’s gameplay and over-arching “combat economy”. The result of our observations comes in the form of two upgrades for ground troops – to help promote teamwork, lengthen troop lifespan, and expand Warhawk’s fast-paced, emergent gameplay that players around the world have come to love.


This is gonna be a long post and I want to give you all a rundown of the new equipment but I can’t ramble on for pages about it so I’ll just write a quick summary here. I can always follow-up with you guys later in the comments….you know how I love to respond to comments :-)


#1 Mechanic’s Field Wrench:

As you might expect, this piece of equipment is used to repair vehicles. Once you get the pickup, you swing it just like the combat blade. Then, just walk up to, or onto an allied vehicle and “whack” it with the wrench. It repairs wicked fast so it’s very effectively during combat. On the offensive side, not only is it still a one-hit-kill against troops, but it can be used to damage enemy vehicles as well!


#2 Bio-Field Generator:

To use a Bio-Field, grab the pick up and throw it down like a proximity mine. It sticks to walls, ceilings, anything…including vehicles. Then, if any ally stands within its bio-reactive field, his health will quickly regen. Alternatively, and this is where some neat tactics emerge, if an enemy walks into the bio-field (yes, bio-fields are color coded), they’ll take damage – their lungs sizzling like bacon….mmmmm bacon.


This new equipment makes life as a ground troop more balanced, and we’re really looking forward to seeing how the battlefield changes once the patch is released!


#3 HOME Game Launching:

Yeah Baby…So our HOME integration is coming along nicely and this update includes a great, and much needed feature for Warhawk. With the release of v1.3 patch, players will be able to form groups, meet in their apartments, discuss tactics, and then launch a game of Warhawk…all together!

When you’re in your apartment, all you do is whip-out your virtual PSP, select ‘create game’ and pick Warhawk. From there, you get to start your own player server, pick a game rotation, set server options and then…BAM !! Launch Warhawk with all of your friends!! You can also pick to not make your game viewable to the other Warhawk players around the world, or you can make it a ‘public’ game that puts all of your friends into the server together, and leaves open slots for other global Warhawk players join.

Games launched from HOME show up in the global games list in an attactive gold color.


Now this is just the beginning of what we’re gonna to be doing with HOME and there’s some really neat stuff on the horizon. I’d love to show you more of the cool HOME stuff that we’re working on but I suspect I’d get a PR-shank to the spine…or possibly a lung.

So I gotta say that I’m actually super relieved that we’re putting in *REAL* legit value for players and *NOT* making HOME a portal for SONY to jam branding and marketing schwag down player’s throats!

As a gamer, I’m excited *and* relieved to see the direction HOME is taking.

#4 New VOIP Options:

We have also received a lot of feedback about VOIP stuff. There were a couple of features that players really wanted, and hopefully this gives them a big chunk of their crazy, crazy VOIP desires. :-P

We now allow players to select between PTT and Open-Mic. Players can also tune the voice-activation level so they don’t accidentally broadcast their girlfriend or boyfriend blabbering-on in the background. Players also now get to more clearly see who’s talking. It’s displayed on the right side of the screen. And yes, the picture below is correct. We also now support an “all-talk” server option so that you can enable cross-team trash talk.


What else…oh yeah, we now display which player is speaking at the score screen too. And…we let you pick players from the score screen to mute/un-mute their VOIP.

#5 New Paint Schemes & Insignias:

If you’re an avid Warhawk player and/or read this blog with any regularity, then you know that we are sponsoring a contest that allows players to submit their own, custom, paint schemes for the Nemesis and Warhawk. We’re also allowing players to submit custom insignias too. We’ll be picking the winners and including these new customizations with the v1.3 patch.

Now I’m not posting these because they have already won…but these are some neat designs and I wanted the blog readers to see some of the great paint schemes that have been coming in.



And one last thing…we want insignias too. Send us your insignias…and please DO NOT just scan something out of a magazine. Seriously!

Well that’s it for now, there are some other features in the new patch too, like some new server options, but we’re not sure if we’re going to ship them or not. They need more play testing.

So this patch is a big update for Warhawk: New troop equipment, HOME Game Launching, VOIP updates and player-created customizations!

~guy in back of room yells “yeah, yeah….but when’s it coming out”~

We’re testing the Warhawk v1.3 patch right now and we’ll update you on timing in another post. Sorry I can’t be more specific…you know how it goes. As soon as I have the “official” release date, I’ll let everyone know.

As always…
rock on

Comments are closed.


72 Author Replies

  • Oh and another thing Dylan, there are some games out there with great functionalities like, MOH: Airborn, they utilize a peek and lean function when looking stright down the sights so you can better use cover to your advantage without putting yourself completely out in the open. This should be incorporated into the game. As well as being able to customize your flag for CTF. There are so many things that you and your company should do for the benefit of the game, it’s unreal.

  • this is amazing man! this adds loads of replay value!

    but are you adding wrench and BFG badges?

  • Hey Dylan, where there be a rumble support patch when the new Sixaxis Dual Shock controllers come out?

    • Ha…we already fully support rumble!

      It was integrated in the v1.2 patch…its just that the new controllers aren\’t out here in the states yet.

      so as soon as you buy one, you\’re all set!

  • Moldy, game does already support DS3 controller rumble since last patch.

  • @TTP, thank you, I do not own this game yet, but definitely will!

  • Sweet…looks like a great Update Nice job guys.

  • Dylan, are you guys ever going to make games and spend time with the actual warhawk community, u know, make contest, maybe incognito vs the best of warhawk, or something. I always wanted to play with u cause im pretty good, (trust me), but im kinda dissapointed that you never go on the forums, theres people that cant get the omega ship and they got a thread that has over 300 replies and u never looked at it. i mean i know you bussy and stuff, but it would be nice if the people from incognito and you would be more involved with us and play with us a couple of times.

    well if u decide to actually add me heres my psn= Santana_is_back, and if you want to check that im not a scrub, check my stats.

  • I hope in future updates parachutes would be in the game. so you can jump out of a warhawk. say if your a passenger in a warhawk instead of being stuck inside and can’t get out you can jump out at any point of the map.

  • This makes me very happy! Awesome news, glad Warhawk is getting more depth in its gameplay.

    One question Dylan, will you get points for healing vehicles/teammates? A la BF2?

    Can’t wait either way.

  • wow thats awesome. cant wait till it comes out

  • You say that “This patch is aimed at helping ground troops and ground vehicles be a bit more balanced against aircraft” – THANK YOU!!
    The planes have tow missiles and cluster bombs…which are pretty much 100% sure shot kills by a decent pilot. There is nothing a ground troop can do against them. We on the other hand really have nothing against the planes. A good plane will destroy nearby turrets, can chaff an RPG, take out a tank… and with a few great planes on the opposing team, we pretty much get decimated.

    How are you going to balance the planes against troops though? Lessen the tone time on the RPG? (because dumb firing it rarely works against a plane that’s bobbing and weaving, even though it’s 10 feet in front of you), strengthen the turret?.. or even strengthen the rifle against those planes that like to get in your face and MG you when you’re running on the ground with nothing more than a rifle, the water pistol and a knife?

    However you manage it, I’m just glad to hear that those of us that enjoy the ground battle won’t have to give it up as we rank up and face those increasingly awesome pilots.

    Also… yeah, I have to say it… give us women a female head option!! We don’t even care if we have to use the current male body pieces, but give us the option of a female head – that can’t be too hard can it? :)

    I love Warhawk… in fact I convinced my husband to play splitscreen and I ended up buying him his own PS3 this Christmas because we both enjoy the game so much! Keep up the great work! We really appreciate that you keep the game fresh with updates, patches and new content!

  • i like the fact that its free and that there are more updates to it. but i want you to add the ability to change from third person to first person in the character options menu. then the game would be awesome and better than halo3.

  • Hopefully, this will give me a good enough reason to start playing Warhawk again. Unfortunately, I bought it on another psn id, can you guys make it so that ppl with multiple psn ids can still access their game?

  • Thanks Dylan and incog!

    Any thought of releasing a SNOW map and replacing the jeep in that map with a snow mobile???

  • I’m going to SAFELY assume that this patch will be out sometime around when Home is, as it wouldn’t make too much sense to release Home functionality, that can’t even be used, too early before Home launches, as the Home build may change and that part of the patch might need to be retooled or modified to accommodate- so why even include it if it’s just wasting space?

    Thanks so much Dylan! Glad to see you guys have ferociously taken on all of the whining about Warhawk’s price in the beginning with free updates, and patches that actually ADD VALUE instead of fixing bugs that should have been ironed out before release anyway. I think CoD4 actually has a lot to be jealous off now, seeing as the average user probably sees no difference when they release patches. NO NEW CONTENT! :D

  • Could you please have a double XP weekend (sort of like what COD4 did) as a celebration of this patch? I’m sure it’ll bring back a lot of old players.

  • One thing me and my clan have been discussing is the addition of a water based level. Having boats, aircraft carriers, and more would be great.

  • DYLAN JOBE, I have what I think is a good suggestion.

    I noticed that the points earned in CTF games has been changed, so now less points are rewarded for flag carrier kills/flag returns. I guess this was done for the stat padding.

    I think it sucks though, that people who want to play the game properly get punished because of other people’s actions. CTF is the only game mode I play, and, without bragging :-), I could usually get 150+ points per game, which I would take with joy since the points required for ranking up are pretty high. However, since the point update I am struggling to reach 100, and it’s taking me forever to get the points required to rank up; and because of this I don’t really play the game anymore ( I clocked 100+ hours, don’t shoot me xD) because I know it’s just gonna take forever to rank up. I am sure many other people are like this.

    Anyway, to the point, my suggestion is to return the CTF points back to what they were. This is what a stat whore would enjoy BUT,

    Would it not be ok to just set a limit to the number of points people earn in one round? For example, if a person earns X amount of points in a single round, then their stats for that round wouldn’t count. Or likewise, it could be if a person earns X points per minute in a round then that also wouldn’t count.

    This might seem like a flawed way to do it, but let’s be realistic, who is honestly going to get 1000+ points in a round, or 20+ points a minute without cheating?

    So, what d’ya think?

  • Elsa43, Jobe stated in many posts that they liked to put Female charecters in the game, but it is not gonna work good with an update on Warhawk, that is why there next game will have female charecters selectable in it, which is awesome and frankly, I can’t wait for their next game, I hope it will be online only which is one of the reason that made Warhawk one of the best, if not the best, multiplayer game.

    OrganicShadow, I agree, the patchs are amazing, I like it how most of the team on SCE really care about gamers, they don’t toss a product just to bring money by including some old famous charecter in their games. Also you see a company like Microsoft fought with Epic Games in order not to make the additional downloadable contents free for Gears of War, which already ruined the relationship between the two company.

    I am well sure that Incognito already working on their next game, and still they put some of the best additional contents for free while they are busy on their next game, your works are really appreciated guys.

  • Wow , thanks for getting this info out. Dude, I love that the bio-generators work through walls, that will help cut down on the CTF “stand-offs” as me and my friends call them. (you know, where each side has the other side’s flag holed up in a bunker.) sweet. oh, and the wrench os sweet too. any plans for something like and APC on the ground? Anyway, awesome update.

  • Sorry if this has already been posted but…

    huh…nice trick Dylan. Everybody, look at the picure where he highlights the game launched from HOME. A server underneath is playing on a map called Vaporfield Gl…

    hmmm…new map Dylan?

  • “Dylan Jobe replied on February 15, 2008 at 9:35 pm
    Dylan Jobe’s Avatar

    Sorry about not having the contest in Australia…we are working with our team at SCEE to get a similar contest setup.

    We’ll let you know when we have it all setup!”

    Will there be one for Canada as well?

  • Love the updates announced !!!

    as per post 269

    I take it vapourfield gl… (glacier?)
    is the “broken mirror update”


    Is there any likelihood that one day in the “create a game” option that certain weapons could be disabled to have say a match without TOW’s or maybe a knife only battle (unranked of course)

    Think that could really mix up the game !!!

  • Hey Dylan, i dont know if your still reading the comments, but i had to ask.

    Will there be any points for ‘Team Players’?
    Because im always the guy risking my @SS to drive the flag carrier to where he has to go, or im the one flying over him in the warhawk, providing air support.

    I like going for the flag as much as the next guy, but i find the role of helping the team out more then helping out your own stats more rewarding.

    And i never get any points because the game does not recognize that i just drove the flag carrier all the way to the base risking my own butt to do so. There are many other example of ‘Team Player’ support, but im just listing my experiences.

    So anything on that?

  • http://www.flickr.com/photos/playstationblog/2267487192/

    Anyone notice the map name 3 below the yellow-name?
    “Vaporfield Gl…”

  • ^^^read my post #269

  • http://www.flickr.com/photos/playstationblog/2267487192/

    Anyone else notice the map name 3 below the highlighted server?

  • ah ****. Sorry, first of all I didn’t notice you already posted it >_<
    And as for 273, my IE shat itself, I didn’t think the message was posted, so I re-posted it.

  • Thanks so much for all the updates, guys. The Home and VOIP additions are sure to add a lot of value, but the two new weapons are going to be absolutely HUGE in terms of gameplay!

    Can’t wait.

  • Dylan – first an intro:

    Bought my friend Warhawk just because of its multiplayer capabilities and modest revies.
    I fell in love immediately. Massive online games with teamplay are my style (Natural-Selection
    anyone? I am the best lerk w/o a doubt) 2 days later I bought a ps3, and had to search
    miles for an actual copy of the game. Needless to say it is the game of all games.
    Play it like its my job.

    Anyways, there are a couple suggestions and things you should keep in mind.

    1. the Dropship – I believe the dropship was a great addition to the battlefield.
    It is the epidemy of teamwork; however, alot of players shy away from the dropship
    for several reasons:
    a- chances are the driver has no mic
    b- chances are the driver is an idiot
    c- “I can get more kills in a warhawk/nemesis”
    d- chances are the driver is an idiot
    e- turret players get peanuts for points
    f- no medals? lamez.
    a* eh, the nature of the game
    b* eh, the nature of the game
    c* eh, probably can
    d* so true
    e* add assist points, and add a badges(bandit, master, warhawk) for turret
    f* add various medals/badges; Dropship commander, turret, dropship time played,
    flag carries… Whatever
    adding an incentive to play the dropshp means what? more experience, more teamplay,
    more coordination, more friends, and more fun

    2. Custom paints – What is a fun aspect of Warhawk? designing one’s customizations to be unique.
    UNIQUE. If everyone gets the opportunity to obtain the paint skins, what incentive does
    someone have to play if they can aquire their desired paint scheme with a simple update?
    * add 1 or 2 paint schemes to each rank. So, people do access the schemes in a way,
    but they still need to work for it.
    * For each scheme, maybe place the author’s name somewhere. Give them some credit!

    3. Cosmetic
    a- Blue on Blue Dedicated Server text
    b- I don’t know what zone 6 is, I’m poor and my SDTV doesn’t show the numbers!
    c- mine laser beams are difficult to see in vehicles (SDTV)
    d- my buddy is in the same server, but where is he? KEEP TALKING FRIEND I NEED TO FIND
    a* Change the font! I know someone posted that earlier, just reiterating.
    b* Maybe replace the circle for each zone with an atual number, no circle, no diamond,
    no square, just the number
    c* reduce opacity to make the lasers darker? Make the lasers visible from a greater
    distance? Just an issue.
    d* outline buddy player circles on the map in maybe a different color, for buddies
    on the maps outline in white, not black.

    4. Gameplay
    a- mines… ugh… everyone uses them and the only way to counter someone spamming

  • (continued)

    4. Gameplay
    a- mines… ugh… everyone uses them and the only way to counter someone spamming
    mines is to abuse them yourself.
    b- knife mechanics – I saw someone mentioned before, but sometimes people aimlessly
    swing, while achieving deadly accuracy. So aggravating.
    c- when you are capping a zone, sometimes people spawn in and peg you with a nade
    while they are invisible.
    d- the binoculars give a player little reaction time to run from the air strike
    a* increase the time it takes for imes to regenerate
    b* programmers :)
    c* prevent nade kills from respawning players? Dunno.
    d* Increase the air strike time from the red laser to the actual strike itself.

    Just a few suggestions that would be able to be added in a 1.3 patch, without having to make
    any models, textures, and minimal programming.

    Keep up the good work, you guys made a great game! You sold me a ps3. Super excited about 1.3
    and broken things :) .

  • damn dude! I didn’t even bother reading it and i think you found too many things wrong with teh game…

  • For some reason, my POSTS here keep getting deleted! YO JEFF help me out!

    This is by far the best update news that i’ve heard for a game yet.
    is there any chance of adding boats to the vehicles in some of the maps( ones with water)? I think it would be just like a JEEP but you have a guy who is on the gun in back and one in the middle that would be like the tank. I think it would add a great bit more realism to the game and an added risk.

    I said that earlier on the blog but cannot find it anymore. Cheers on keep this game AWESOME!!!

    I think home’s coming out next week, is this so? A blog post usually means a week to release.

  • what is vaporfield,on your join game servers? under maps

  • Vaporfield GLACIER???

  • I’d have to agree with 278/279 about the friendliness (or lack thereof) of the game towards SDTV’s. But that’s indicative of many games out there aggravatingly enough.

    Though, while many of the points made in there may have truth to them, I deeply contest the “minimal programming” remark. People just don’t seem to understand how much work goes into “minor details.”

    I appreciate the work you’re doing, man, so don’t stop doing it. :D

  • I’ll be looking foward to the patch, and can”t wait to bash someone with the wrench ;) . Btw, since you like hearing feedback on the game any plans for parachutes for pilots?

  • “I did see this post and while it wasn’t the driving factor for our implementation, your observations are sound.”

    What do you mean with your observations are sound? Anyway thanks for the response

  • Thanks for the update I look forward to testing the game launching out within home.

  • So basically, home will be out soon since you’ve announced integration with it. At least a beta?

  • Hello, I’m new here but I have some suggestions of what can be improved in Warhawk:

    1) First of all I’d like to ask if you’re planning to make a voice chat be controlled by L3, but not holding it? I mean that you have to click to turn it on and off. Is this implemented in the new patch? I think it’s better this way… at least for me.

    2) The second thing I’d like to see is sending messages to your friends from the “buddies” menu or inside the clan menu.

    3) Being able to restrict some of the weapons when creating a game – for example snipers only etc. It’s one of the key features in TimeSplitters and I think it’s one of the best examples of multiplayer ;)

    4) How about a parachute? How many times did I trust the poor novice flying a dropship, when he forgot to land…

    5) The respawn time now can be set to 5 or 0 seconds (or more), but I think we need for example 2 seconds? Look 5 secs is just too loong, but if you have 0 you can accidentaly respawn somewhere else without the ability to “get back”, you know…

    If you’ll reply, I’ll be as much happy as I can, but it doesn’t look like you’re going to post any more replies now, does it? :) But thanx anyway. :D

  • Dylan, I have a problem when I host games. Some time into a ranked game, the screen goes black, and “Network Error” pops up. Then when I try to log back into the online, my system freezes. I am on a wired connection and can host 20.

  • Hey Dylan, is there any way to make the numbers bigger on the minimap? I can hardly read the numbers even when I have the map up. It’s frustrating when I’m trying to tell my teammates that a base is being captured when I don’t know what the base number is!

  • “Then, just walk up to, or onto an allied vehicle and “whack” it with the wrench. It repairs wicked fast”

    Looks like someones been playing Team Fortress 2. Nice excuse for ’emergent gameplay’.

    I’m not trying to be a troll or anything, I’m a big PS3 fan and I own Warhawk. I can’t wait for this update but it kinda annoys me to see ideas “borrowed” from Team Fortress 2, a game I also own. It seems that companies also want a piece of its cake. Like the new EA battlefield game which has cartoon graphics (blatanlty based on Team Fortress 2).

    But its not exactly a bad thing I just want to see some more original stuff but this is a helpful addition.

  • That might have been already said but some people use dropship to send you somewhere you can’t leave at least without having to kill yourself.

    It just happened on a official server where “cozmoe209” was droping vehicules (with their driver..) below a bridge a near the main base on Eucadia map.

    (sorry for my poor english, note my language ^^’ )

  • Dylan,
    I don’t know if I’m too late to get a response, but I had an epiphany. What would happen if you were playing DM in Southern Islands, Archipilego, and were in the pop up tank hatch with an enemy driving. Would the wrench damage or repair the tank? I need an answer because it is killing me because its an enemy and a comrade. I think.

  • If you’re still reading comments:

    There seems to be a bug with the server filtering. After each round the Rank filter gets reset to all (i put it on My Rank).

    Someone mentioned the randomization of teams needs work. I agree. What ALWAYS happens is I play on say, Blue, and we completley dominate red, and I’m one of the top one or two players. The next round, I get switched to red team, but everyone else on the team still sucks. It’s like it takes a coupel top players from one team and moves it to the other, but it’s not enough to balance them. When I don’t end up near the top, for whatever reason ;), I usually end up staying on the same team come next round.

    Third, since the last update, mines have been buggy. Many times I have walked right on top of mines that never blow up, and they’re colored as enemy mines. And several times I have walked over a mine that’s MY team’s color and it explodes. It’s strange and annoying. If you google it you’ll find others complaining of this also. Maybe an explot?

    Likewise I’ve had problems lately where I break the lockon on enemy missles while in a warhawk, then about two seconds later I just explode and it claims they shot me. Sometimes I’ll never get a lockon warning at all, I’ll just be flying in open space and I’ll explode. Sometimes it’ll say suicide, sometimes it’ll say someone shot me down. Very strange.

  • Hey man, i dont know if youre still reading these or what not, but here goes..

    One thing that i always wished warhawk had was Parties, and it would work like the ones in BF2, where basically..its 5 people in a party and 1 person is the squad leader and everyone else in the party can spawn on top of him and everyone in the party has open chat with everyone else.

    It adds a new level of teamwork to the game and is tremendous fun. If you guys cant add it in a patch, please consider it for your next game as it is just..the best part of games like these. But thats just my 2 cents :D

    Thanks for reading.


    have u guys thought about adding boats or submarines?

    would it be possible?


    have you guys thought about adding a way to send clan invites during the game??


    setting a insignia for the whole clan?


    a clan battleing syestem(like gamebattles)?

    • I\’m still reading…I am having a hard time keeping up with all these posts :P

      I need to go back through and post some replies…I\’m about a 150 or so behind!!!


  • Dylan, Warhawk would be so much better if it had a matchmaking system! Joining server lists is really annoying most of the times, especially when you are trying to play with friends. At least Home will make the process much easier.

    Hopefully we will be also seeing in-game XMB soon for an universal-invite system.

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