It’s Tuesday, and the still night air is tainted by a soft, yet distinct, rhythmic beat of battle drums … small feet scurry about lining up in battle formation, their brave little eyeball faces hiding all fears of the mission that lies ahead … each little hand holding up either a spear, club or sword. That, in short, is the brave tale of the Patapons – a legendary warrior tribe exiled to the edge of the world and forced to combat giant creatures, traverse through hostile lands and overcome the evil powers that have gained control of the world.
That is a quick (and I must admit, quite dramatic) description of Patapon, the new PSP rhythm/action brainchild of French toy/graphic designer ROLITO and Japanese game designer Hiroyuki Kotani. But before we move … err … march any further, I should first introduce myself: I am Chris Hinojosa-Miranda, Associate Producer on Patapon. For the next few moments, I will be your guide into the world of the Patapons, their home Patapolis, and the overall game design and play mechanics that have melded 300, Simon Says, and LocoRoco into one gigantic tap-your-feet-while-you-march-and-conquer adventure.
As stated before, the Patapons are a warrior tribe exiled from their home. They’ve lost all will and direction until you, the Great Patapon, comes along and quite literally beats new life into the tribe. You’ll learn that the Patapons follow the beats of your mighty war drum, and as lead them through their world, you’ll find different drums that will help you instruct the Patapons to attack, retreat, and invoke secret JuJu chants.

Your sworn enemies are the Zigotons, a rival tribe that will, by any means necessary, try to keep you from getting to Earth’s End.
That’s it for now, but make sure to keep an ear to the ground… I’ll be checking in for every week with more updates, screens, videos, and some cool news from this side of the Patapolis.
I’m eagerly anticipating this game! it looks/sounds so unique & interesting.
Pata Pata Pata Pon
Pon Pata Pata Pon
Pata Pon
I’ve been looking forward to this game ever since it was first announced at GDC.
2007 was pretty good, but with Patapon, Wipeout Pulse, EchoChrome, N+, FF7 Crisis Core, GT4 Mobile, the MGS Digital Graphic Novel 2, and God of War all on the way, 2008 is going to be an absolutely STELLAR year for the PSP!!
How hard could it be to release this on the PSN and let PS3 owners get a crack at it? Don’t narrow your potential customer base!!! RELEASE THIS GAME FOR PS3!!!
Sweet, I’ve been looking forward to this game since TGS. Glad to hear that it’s finally got a US release. Man, PSP is set to have an awesome first quarter in 2008 with Patapon, God fo War, and Wipeout Pulse!
Okay look, I like the look of all these little minigames that seem to be popping up for the PSP. Sony, if you please, I’d like a PSP emulator on my PS3. I’d buy some of these little gems, if only they’d work on my PS3.
They’re cute, and odd, and well, different. I like little silly things like this. Of course I love the big games too, but for the odd moment of sillieness, I’d like to drop into one of these.
I guess, what I thinking is that these odd ball games by themselves aren’t enough to make me buy a PSP, but are novel enough that I might buy them for my PS3.
Anyone else feel similarly?
I love the video, very funny. Pata pata pata pon pon pata… Hahahaha
Can’t wait for this game.
This game looks really interesting. Wish I had a PSP to play it on :(
@# 54Spaceghost4284
“How hard could it be to release this on the PSN and let PS3 owners get a crack at it? Don’t narrow your potential customer base!!! RELEASE THIS GAME FOR PS3!!!”
Think about it, Patapon is a PSP seller, people wants it. If they let it out on the ps3 now, many of ps3 only owners will buy it on PSN instead a psp + patapon.
But I hope it will come on PSN too. But it wont come there for some time.
what tf is this? is this the future of gaming. is this what ps3 super cell proccesor is good for.
stop waisting your time and release something that we could actually play. this is not nintendo. this is ps3.
by the way im selling a ps3 for $100 no games because there isn’t any but you could use it to play bd movies.
@60 your post makes no snce since this is a PSP Title.
this looks intresting..
@ 60
haha.. you should be more worried about the brain that nintendo or ps3
This game reminds me of when I was a little kid, I use to draw on a single piece of paper a line for the ground and little men on either side of the paper pointing and shooting at each other, tanks, aircraft and jeeps, bases as well, they didn’t move, I had to use my imagination for that, don’t know why I even brought it up, oh this game yea
great art style. I’m looking foward to this. LOL at the first user for being seemingly ignorant of good game design.
Wow. Was I just sold on a PSP? I think I was just sold on a PSP.
Wish people on the internet lived by the rule “if you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all”.
If this game isn’t looking interesting to you, then obviously you aren’t their target for the game. As you can see in the comments so far, MANY are interested in this game.
Also, this Playstation Blog is for all Playstation products, not just the PS3. Get that through your heads.
Keep up the great work with these creative games, just ignore the people aren’t happy unless every game is a FPS with realistic graphics.
Can’t wait for this game… yay giant enemy crabs!
Are we going to have to attack the giant enemy crab in its weak spot for massive damage?
If we aren’t able to we can’t call Patapon a game ;(
Can you guys please release a video of gameplay? It looks really interesting, but I have no idea what to expect. I do have a PSP and I have a feeling that if this game is what I think it could be, my girlfriend could really dig this as well.
I’ll sure be buying this if it ever comes to PSN.
This game is not enough to promote huge sales of the PSP. I do think its an appealing game and certainly would love to play it. I think what would promote huge sales of the game is if it was on the PSN for both the PS3 and PSP. You get 5 downloads of any title you purchase so one on your PSP and one on your PS3 would be awesome value, it would promote the interconnectivity of the PSP and PS3, imagine playing on your PS3 at home then uploading scores and progress onto your PSP and continuing on and then being able to transfer that back to PS3. Not to mention, it would sell WAY more copies by broadening the customer base. The only exclusivity issues that really matter with PSP is whether the game is out for PSP and not DS or vice versa. Opening it up to the PS3 crowd will not have a significant negative impact on PSP sales.
They should load Beats onto every new PSP, now that would be a system seller.
Patapon is a 2D title, sporting colourful visuals, and will include 30 missions and all manner of power-ups and the like.
“For the next few moments, I will be your guide into the world of the Patapons, their home Patapolis, and the overall game design and play mechanics that have melded 300, Simon Says, and LocoRoco into one gigantic tap-your-feet-while-you-march-and-conquer adventure,” associate producer Chris Hinojosa-Miranda told the PlayStation blog.
“As stated before, the Patapons are a warrior tribe exiled from their home. They’ve lost all will and direction until you, the Great Patapon, comes along and quite literally beats new life into the tribe. You’ll learn that the Patapons follow the beats of your mighty war drum, and as lead them through their world, you’ll find different drums that will help you instruct the Patapons to attack, retreat, and invoke secret JuJu chants.”
The game looks really unique and cool.Cant wait for its release!
Cool and since we’re talking about the psp check this out readers and sony!
BTW, contact me if you like this idea
This is the kind of stuff the PSP needs, haven’t seen a game like this on any other platforms. Day 1 purchase for me, keep ’em coming.
sounds and looks good so far we shall see, boom boom dada boom tatat szzzzzz!
Too bad looks like I will miss out on a good game and only because I do not own a computor. l pay for internet to use.And I have A PS3 and PSP.
And because of my set up I have no access to this or any other content on the so called psp/PC store
As you can see all these factors add up to being a VERY frustrated demographic. Honestly Im not meaning to rant but I wanted to add my two cents.
PLEASE in all seriousness any info/action on this subject would be great.