Hey ya’ll! This is David Jaffe, co-founder of Eat Sleep Play and former SCEA Santa Monica Studios Game Director/Designer.
When myself, Scott Campbell (my partner in crime) and a handful of other Incognito folks left the SCEA mothership about eight months ago, we told everyone we were working on three new games for PLAYSTATION 3. And we are … work is moving along nicely on our first new PLAYSTATION Network title and we’re hoping to let you guys/gals in on it soon. But we’ve also been working on this:
Twisted Metal: Head-On: Extra Twisted Edition
Now when SCEA first asked us to make this game, we were a bit hesitant. It was our first game from our brand new company and we didn’t want players to think we were making “just another port.” Eat Sleep Play is a lot of things, but one thing it’s not is a “port house.”
But then we started talking and thinking and wondering: what if we could make it so much more? What if we could just stuff the thing to the brim with bonus features and new levels and updated graphics and really give the Twisted Metal franchise a fantastic send-off on the PlayStation 2? And when we thought about it like that, we got really excited.
And so that became our mission, our goal. And while ya’ll will – as always – be the final judge, we feel we’ve succeeded.
Here are some screens of the game to give you an idea of the new levels and the updated graphics for Twisted Metal: Head-On: Extra Twisted Edition:

Twisted Metal: Lost:

Man, it’s been so much fun to work on a new Twisted Metal again. I thought I was burnt out on the whole franchise but the second I sat down to design, it was like coming home. It’s been so much fun! So there she is. Our first game from EAT SLEEP PLAY! Our love letter to Twisted Metal fans old and new. We hope you’ll give us a shot when we hit this Spring and we hope you’ll feel – like we do – that with all that’s been crammed onto this little PlayStation 2 disc, that this game is the Ultimate Fan Edition… This is – Twisted Metal: Head On: Extra Twisted Edition.
Talk to ya’ll soon!
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