wipEout PULSE Update

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Hello everybody – I’m the SCEA Producer for wipEout PULSE on the PSP. I just wanted to give you a quick update on what’s currently happening with the franchise from the very talented SCEE Liverpool wipEout team.

I want you guys and gals out there to know that this will be the biggest installment of the wipEout franchise to be released to date on the PSP.

There are some screenshots below that I’d like you all to see, it will be interesting to know what your thoughts are.

We plan on having a specific website available that will allow everyone world-wide to have access to in order to get different information regarding the different tracks that are available. Also, we will have a unique ship customization tool that will be available for the first time in the wipEout franchise on the PSP. Players will be able to design their own skins, logos and basically give their ship its own unique identity.

We’re currently in some of the final stages of development, and I’ll be back in a couple of weeks to update you all with regards to some more of the cool features that will be available, and also news on the 8-player Infrastructure Mode.

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