Hey, all. I wanted to extend KUDOS and our thanks to all the Warhawk Public Beta testers out there who contributed to tweaking and balancing the game so it truly becomes a game for the gamers – which is what Incognito’s goal was all along, right Dylan?
With that said, as a nod to the top Public Beta testers and top Public Beta forum posters – take a close look at several of the Warhawks and Nemesis aircraft flying about, you’ll find your names painted on the ships. Congrats. Regrettably we couldn’t put all of your names down, but know that this was meant for all of you.
Top 5 testers (based on Team Points)
1. Click
2. Enebreated
3. Merovee
4. IComeInPeace
5. ArtemisBane
Top 5 forum posters (based on posts)
1. dk3dknight (sorry you got cut off bro)
2. unusualbob
3. O-R-I-O-N
4. ucigasu
5. LordYod
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