This weekend, PlayStation took center stage at Lollapalooza in Chicago. In addition to participating in various show events, we invited media to the Windy City to experience our holiday social game lineup. On Friday night, we took over the House of Blues and announced the November 13th launch date of SingStar PS3 and the first 15 of 30 songs that will be on the Bluray disc. The best part of the night was the contest. Six journalists got the chance to try and sing their way to a PS3 and an early copy of SingStar PS3. After narrowing it down to the top three, each then had to do their best rendition of Been Caught Stealing by Jane’s Addiction. We recorded the performances via PLAYSTATION Eye and Perry Farrell made a surprise visit to pick the winner. Congratulations to Jose Sanchez of Electric Playground who was crowned the king of SingStar – if only you could have seen him sing the encore with Perry as all of us screamed along in the background. Congrats to second place winner Greg Miller of IGN and third place winner Sterling McGarvey of GameSpy. You guys rock!

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