Hi Everyone – It’s been a while since I’ve made a post, but since some of you guys posted comments wanting me to jump back on, *and* the very interesting pricing debate/discussion that has been going on recently, well … here I am with a couple of important updates!?
First off, has Warhawk gone “gold”??
Hells Ya! The PSN and Blu-ray versions have gone “GOLD,” completely finished and will go on sale August 28th … just a few weeks away! We’re all really proud of the game, and those of you who got a chance to participate in the BETA know why. We can’t wait to get online with all of you so we can beat the hell out of each other!
Next, what does Warhawk cost?
Ready for this? One Million dollars!
Ok, now for reals … If you didn’t already know, SCEA is taking an exciting new approach with Warhawk – making it available for download directly from the PlayStation Store *and* releasing it at retail simultaneously. Each one has a different price. Why different pricing? A couple of reasons: first off, we wanted to give all of you the option, the retail game is more of a premium version with some expanded video content, traditional package and manual (this seems to mean a lot with some of the gamers I have spoken to), and a Jabra Bluetooth headset bundled with the game – all for $59.99!
We’re also looking at including a set of Ginsu knives, and an extra-jumbo tub of Oxy-Clean!
Alright … I’m lying about the knives and the Oxy-Clean … Oxy-Clean does work really well though and I highly recommend it.
Anyhoo, back on track ….
The PlayStation Store version will be $39.99 and I’m really glad that SCEA came through with a “good value” price for this – it’s the right thing to do.
I’m a firm believer in the Google founders’ motto “Don’t be Evil” and the $39.99 PlayStation Store price is a good example of that.
Warhawk is a great looking, great playing multiplayer game but at the end of the day, it’s a multiplayer-only game and if you decide not to get the premium version at retail with the headset, this is a great option for you – at a great price.
Like I said previously, those of you who’ve had a chance to play Warhawk, know how good it is, and why a game that is fun to play for 70+ hours offers more gameplay than a lot of single player games that cost a great deal more.
…and yes, that’s just one of the statistics that is tracked by Warhawk’s Stat system. During the BETA we saw users log crazy high numbers – 70 was by far *not* the largest … most users had over 30 and we had to ultimately turn the servers off!. Who knows how high those numbers would be if we were to keep the BETA open?
Speaking of the BETA, I’d like to let you guys know that we were watching the Warhawk Statistics database during the BETA, looking for the top players. We ultimately used the Bonus Points category since it covers all play modes, levels, vehicles, troops, weapons, kill types, etc.
So…for the top 100 players, we have prepared a “Top-BETA-Players” award that you will be receiving in the mail soon. It includes a really nice print of the box-art, signed by the team *and* a very, very limited edition metal Warhawk Wings pin! So guys and gals, please keep your eyes out for this in the coming weeks!
Well that’s all for now. Hopefully that was informative.
I think for my next post, I’d like to show all you guys some of the great work that our IT-Team has been doing “behind-the-curtain”. Since Warhawk is a multiplayer-only game, for those of you who choose to play online, I think it would be good for you to see some of the server work that we have done since the BETA closed.
As always – Rock on!

I was hoping it would be $30 at the most. :(
Impressive. There was a lot of talk about the price – This was noted and responded to. Nice feedback there and well needed. This is great stuff!
Any ideas on the EU (UK) pricing? More importantly, the release date for the EU stores? ;)
2 questions
1. is there any way to see what rank i had i dont remember.
and 2. if someone didnt actually get into the beta will they still get the pin? if so im not gonna get it lol, i was just over 100 i think, but idk.
Ditto….on the believe when I see it, wasn’t LAIR “Gold” or off to manufacturing ;)
I know this is asked way too often in other posts but will there be a demo available?
also, what are the controls like? mostly curious about the on foot controls..
wow some ppl are thinking that 40$ is to high 0_o thats rather cheap if you ask me. And to the guy who said no one will download this….I bet you 1000000000$ that so many ppl wil DLthis tat sony will have to beg the gamers to stop downloading so tat their servers dont crash =\
Soo…. what about a “non-premium” Version I can buy in the stores?
I want the game completely with a package and manual… but I own two Headsets (1x USB from Socom and 1x Logitech Bluetooth).
So yeah, I really would love a package for 50 squids without the Headset.
Oh and for the Beta-Winners:
Are the european beta testers included?
To cruisx…
$40 dollars is high for this game, I mean…it’s only 5 maps man.
the BETA was AWESOME and i am picking this up day one! the 60 dollar version just because i have a thing for collecting boxes. i cant wait! YES!
No offence guys, but you [DELETED] up big. ~$50CDN for a downloadable game… That is alot of money especially condsidering that there is no single-player. I understand that you need to make a little money on this but seriously… I am still going to buy the retail version, but only because I dont have a good headset. There are alot more people who can afford and are willing to pay for a 30$ game compared to a 40$ one.
I think Jobe even said $20 would be a reasonable price. Because if you think about it:
Bluetooth headset = $40
That means they’re only actually charging around $20 for the game. Come on now.
This has CAC’s ghost town after a couple of weeks.
Hope it goes good for ya.
[…] at the official US PlayStation blog, Warhawk director Dylan Jobe announced that Sony’s online title has gone gold and will be hitting the PlayStation Network and retail […]
[…] has finally revealed the launch date for the hotly anticipated title Warhawk, as well as the pricing for both the retail […]
@ the warhawk team..
quick question.. i was in the beta, and i know there was a big discussion about having the ability to choose split screen vertical or horizontal.. any news on this??
sweet deal, but ill get the psn, i dont need a headset
good news!!! i liked the beta so much
dont know what version ill get but i will get one for sure!
Loved the beta!
Did you guys increase the max number of clan members?
I wish the download was only $30, but I do understand a lot of development went into this game and it may be more expensive in the end. I was all set on getting the download, but now I may have to get the disc based version instead.
Anyway, glad to hear Warhawk is done and will make it on release. I somewhat wished the game was 100% ariel and had single player, but I can’t always get what I wish for.
I can’t wait to play this online. :D
If we go with the DL version, how many times can we download it? The reason I ask is I am going to be replacing my HDD soon and if I download it and 2 weeks later decide to upgrade my HDD, can it be redownloaded to the same machine that now has a different HDD but the same PSN username?
Sounds good, really does. At first when I saw “gold” I thought lair, but if you’re assuring us I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt.
Some people say that the price isn’t worth but to be honest after playing offline on resistance once bymyself, another time bymyself with new weapons and another time co op with my brother, I play online all the time. I haven’t touched the campaign so online only can stand by itself.
I’m must interested in the ability to allow more then one player to play together online. This is the best idea to happen to gaming in a while. Too many people neglect the fact that people want to still play with their friends and this is the perfect solution.
I have mine reserved at gamestop, I’m going to get the bluetooth and a game for only 59.99! Holy [DELETED] what a deal…I mean a freakin’ bluetooth headset, COME ON!
[…] has finally revealed the launch date for the hotly anticipated title Warhawk, as well as the pricing for both the retail […]
How can people be upset that a company is putting out a game like this and they’re giving the option of NOT paying the accepted standard price of 69.99? I mean just look at the trailers for it… this isn’t Stardust or Nucleus.
The praise from the lucky beta folk has been glowing and yet there are still people upset because the game costs 39.99 online. Unbelievable. I’m sure if you wait long enough the price will eventually come down…. eventually…
I’m going to buy the boxed set and start rip/shredding folk as fast as i can
I’m sure they could’ve implemented a staggered release date to hopefully sell more units at the 69.99 price tag but from what i gather the launch of PSN version will be simultaneous.
I know this is early to think about but is there any ideas as what is planned for future DLC?
Hey sweet! I think $40 is great but I’ll be picking up retail cause I’m probably going to replace my 20GB hard drive soon and redownloading would be a pain. Plus headset!
Thank you for the great news on Warhawk…
I see the comment about “Both versions of Warhawk are the same”, but am still unclear about one thing:
Does the Blu-Ray version require the disk to be in the PS3 in order to run, or will it run directly off the Hard Drive as if it were downloaded from the PSN?
The answer to that question will determine which version I purchase. The short term convenience of receiving the headset is not worth the long-term inconvenience of requireing the Blu Ray in the drive.
Thank you for your answer.
great i can’t wait. Retail it is, and for those thinking that $40 is to much, remember that they spent money to make the game, and they need to make money off this game if we want more games from them, so stop whinning.
Need the headset, need the game. The $59.99 version is the obvious choice for me. mcpeepants80 is coming to Warhawk town to blow all you mothas out of the sky! Just kidding, I usually suck online.
Niles, how is that such an inconvenience?
I’ll just get the $60 Version since I don’t have a headset and have wanted one for sometime. BTW get Final Fantasy 7 on the Network!
The disk is the way to go just in case you want to take it to a buddies home or something. A great deal considering the bluetooth headset. The Microsoft one is 40 bucks alone but sucked.
I will 2nd HK-48 request for FFVII. Can you put a word in to the right group to add more classics to the ps1 and 2 dl games please. THanks
Thanks for the news! I’m picking up the $60 because I’m old fashion. I lucked out on the beta, but I appreciate what you guys did for the top players. Great job!
Glad to see all the excitement for Warhawk!
There are a lot of very good questions on here and truthfully I don’t have the time to try and answer every one, so here is what we will do. Monday Scott and I will pull together a Q&A to address the majority of the questions we are seeing being asked. Once we have answered them and run em by Dylan to insure accuracy, we’ll get it over to Patrick and figure out whether to drop it in the comments or have an additional post. We will do our best to get it up by Tuesday and one of us will be around to keep you all updated.
hattrick I think I saw you in the beta. anywho, will you guys host developers vs the world servers or special events like that?
I can’t wait for this game. I’m looking forward to seeing the improvements you guys have made. I’ve done a crap load of beta testing for underground, but this one was one of the few that has ever had a lot of dev interaction.
Can’t wait to play :)
I’m really excited to see you giving back to the community with the poster and little badge for the top 100 beta players!! I am looking forward to this game but haven’t decided whether to pick up the retail version or download it. Could you tell us in advance of the game going on sale how much space the game will take up (the download)?
I have been holding off buying a bluetooth headset for 2 months! I am very pleased to hear that the game will not cost more than the standard $60 packaged with a headset.
However I am confused about the PSN strategy. This is related to Warhawk but keep in mind that I am not going off on the Warhawk developers, since I doubt this was entirely their decision. It just seems like this is being released over PSN so Jack and Kaz can blabber about it, “PSN has full bluray games for download and sale!”
You say the game is a “bluray” game so I automatically assume it will be larger than the DVD standard of 9 gigs. So why, instead of releasing the game for $40 dollars over the PSN and taking up a chunk of my 60 gig hard drive, do you not package the game and sell it for $40 retail? This blows my mind.
Seriously, someone please inform me why this is a good idea? By the time this game downloads, I guarantee I will have been able to run to the store and buy a copy 10 times over. So not only do I get the game faster by going to store to buy it, I do not have to waste my precious limited memory on my hard drive.
So lets assume this strategy will continue and Sony releases more and more bluray (9+ gig) games over PSN. Eventually our little 60 or 80 gig hard rives will run out of space and we will have to delete stuff to make room. The problem with this is that in order to play that deleted game you will have to freaking download it again and make room for it by deleting something else! Then you when you want to play the game you just deleted, the problem resets itself! Why not just release all versions of the game on bluray in the first place and avoid all of this?
Now please do not give me crap about how “if the game is distributed electronically the savings of not manufacturing the disc/box/etc. is passed down to consumers.” Well I would believe this if the price tag wasn’t $40. That is a crazy price for a game that has no single player campaign.
The game should have a special edition+headset for $60 and a standard edition for $40. Stop with this PSN bluray releases nonsense. Any thoughts?
** Like I said at the beginning, I think $60 is a good deal and will be buying this game ASAP***
I will be expecting my oxyclean in the mail when I buy this. so don’t let me down :)
@Ron Eagle
I have a few questions to ask and it would be much appreciated if you were to answer these questions:
– If we are going to download Warhawk via PlayStation Network, how large will Warhawk be when we download it (game size)?
– Once purchased in the PlayStation Store, are we able to share Warhawk up to five PlayStation 3 units for free?
– Is there a list of the 100 top Warhawk Beta players?
Thank you.
I’m just curious on your thoughts about Warhawk not having single player and it’s price – is that to say God of War isn’t worth it’s price because it doesn’t have online gameplay?
Not picking on you – others have said the same, just wondering where that argument comes from. Warhawk will stand on it’s own merit, in terms of great gameplay, great visuals, and a great community. I think that makes it a real value (yes I am biased and realize that) at either price point.
@Modus Operandi
See my post on the Q&A – will do our best to incorporate.
Oh, OK. Thanks for letting me know! :)
[…] Full Story: blog.wired.com | blog.us.playstation.com […]
I love how the developers r so into our conserns about this game and personally I think its a graet value even though I can’t afford most of the stuff that I want to get right now. I also enjoyed God of War 1 and 2, but seeing as how I play mutiplayer games for such a longer time than I do single player games: this is an even better value in my eys at either price point.
Unless the game isnt actually a 9+ gig game.
I would like to know what the developers have to say about the size of the download. Anything more than 5 gigs and I’m not buying it on PSN. It seems you are giving us the illusion of choice, good marketing…people will be turned off by the size of the game and will opt to buy the retail release. Although I do agree the bluetooth headset instead of a single player mode makes it a good deal. Keep in mind most multiplayer games aren’t this expensive.
I love what you guys are doing with the quick split screen technology, please tell me that youre giving this code to other 1st party devs at sony, i think all games that offer multiplayer should have this (ie KILLZONE 2 :D ).
Ive heard and seen loads of good things about warhawk, cant wait to get it on my hands =)
[…] Jobe, Game Director von Warhawk, kündigt den Goldstatus des Spiels an und nennt den lang erwarteten (offiziellen) Preis der Download-Version. Demnach geht das Game […]
John Davidson was right about the price.. being to high price for a DL on the PSN store. I had fun with the Beta, but not $40 fun for a DL, $30 would have been fine. Thanks but no thanks at $40, there is just not enough of a game for that much money.
Reply to Post 137 – commanderlander:
Having played the beta and other psn games…it just works faster. I like not having to load the disc everytime I want to play a game. Maybe you’ll like it too.
Dylan Job stated this during the Warhawk stage demo with Gamespot at E3: “It’s also available on Blu-ray disc for retail as well. The great thing about the Blu-ray version is one it’s available at retail which I think is going to be great for consumers. Two, its got a bluetooth headset packed in, and it retails for like $40 bucks, which is a great value, so you’ve got the game and the bluetooth headset.”
At the time I took it to mean the retail game with headset would retail for $40. I just realized you could also take it to mean that the headset is worth $40 alone. Either way, the prices announced today are not as sweet.
If the retail package was supposed to cost $40, THAT would have been a good deal (headset and all). Figure the headset costs $20, the game is worth $20. I assumed the download would be around $20 then.
Now if you are saying the headset is worth $40, that means downloaders will get shafted. According to your own numbers the game is only worth $20, yet PSN users are paying $40. And the $20 extra is not only getting retail customers a bluetooth headset, but the bonus video content, and some valuable game features such as ghosting (only one retail copy needed to host a lan game on multiple PS3s).
This game will have the same fate as Shadowrun. The beta for that game had the highest regards, but we’re not idiots… we know when we are being ripped off. Even if it’s a good game.