Yes, The Heavenly Sword Demo is Coming …

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Heavenly Sword Box Art

Hi, this is Kyle, I’m a producer here at SCEA’s Santa Monica Studios. One of the titles I am working on, and quite frankly playing most often, is Heavenly Sword. I’ve read a lot of your comments on this blog about this title and I’m happy to confirm the reports that we’ll have a downloadable demo coming this week to the PLAYSTATION Store.

The complete game is still set for September, but I think you’ll find this demo is a great sample of what’s in store and it’ll certainly give you a good idea of the look and feel of the game. To set the stage here, at the beginning of this demo, our heroine, Nariko, gains consciousness after a violent encounter with the evil King Bohan and his army. Nariko learns that Bohan is holding her father, Shen, prisoner inside a massive temple complex so she sets out to fulfill her destiny and embarks on a quest for vengeance against the invading King and his army.

Keep a lookout for the demo on the PLAYSTATION Store this week, I’m anxious to read what you guys think of it.

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7 Author Replies

  • This is a nice treat from Sony to give us a sneak peak at this GEM of a game! This game truly looks to be a QUALITY title.

    Now and the up-coming months are an exciting time for PS3 owners.

    Thank You Sony!

  • All of your demos belong to us.

  • @juanleche

    Buy a new TV then kick rocks.

  • Great update!!! Thank you Sony for finally giving us the Wallpapers, Eject Disks, and organization of game files. This will be a tremendous help for me.

    4 Things I would love to see in a future firmware update is:

    1. The Time in Home Playstation button when it is pressed or on the “Select” button when pressed.

    2. Being able to stretch wallpapers to full screen for any HDTV or SDTV.

    3. I would like to see the PS3 have a system to where your able to finish downloads or recharge the Sixaxis and after words, the PS3 can totally shut itself down.

    4. Last thing, If playing a Blu-Ray movie or DVD, you able to pull the disk out, come back later, (later that day or evening; even in a few days) your able to put either media back in and the PS3 is able to remember where the movie left off from.

    Hopefully, you can can make this happen in a firmware update. I’ll look forward to this an all other firmware updates you have in store for us.

  • @Juanleche: OMG a game doesn’t support 1080p! I won’t play it, The worlds gonna end, the game won’t boot up on my 1080p screen…….yada yada.
    If you’re whole purchases a based on whether a game is in 1080p mode, i’d just give up and stop gaming.

    For all the people wanting 3rd party demos: here’s an idea……try emailing the 3rd party in question and give my eyes a rest from looking at off-topic questions.

    @Kyle Thanks for this demo, really looking forward to it and after reading Ninja Theory’s blog on what it took to get this game made, I’m gonna appreciate it more!

    ….I bet Travis is playing this demo now…..lucky sod!

  • @Juanleche

    Heavenly Sword is going to be so good that I would play it in black and white.

  • Hey guys, lets take the PS3 to great grandmas house and play some Heavenly Sword.LOL

  • thanks alot

  • @LeShin

    That’s not the problem, the problem is that it doesn’t support 1080i

    Most 2001-2004 “HD” TV’s only support 480p-1080i, NOT 720p, so if a game isn’t supporting 1080i for those people it gets downscaled to 480p, which sucks. Luckily I am not one of those people but I do feel for them.


  • @xplosneer

    Ah, if that’s what he means, i take it back. Sucks to be an early HDTV adopter.

    Time to get a new TV son.

  • I said this so many times before. All PS3 games should display at 720p, 1080i, and 1080p. For 650 dollars I deserve the right to choose.

  • @ xplosneer

    How would you know if your tv supports 720p,1080i, or 1080p. I for example own a 360 along with a PS3. On the 360’s display settings, I put 720p as my display, and it changed its from 480i, and looked much better. Then, I tried putting it on 1080i, and it changed yet again, and make things look even sharper. But when I tried putting it on 1080p, it did nothing, the screen just turned black once I clicked the option, and scaled back down to 1080i. Does that mean my tv supports 720p, and 1080i? I’m not a big TV person, so don’t know too much about them.

  • OH HELLZ YEA!!!!!!!!!!!

    I will be all over this one.
    Thank you Sony!!!!

  • I can’t wait to finally get my hands on this game!


  • Replacing superior high end home theater equipment because one HD device wont play all hd games in HD on all HDTVs is not an intellignet way to spend my money, neither is 60 dollars for an HD game that wont play in HD on my HDTV, so no I will keep my superior tv and forgo spending 60 on this and any other game that will not support 1080i – there are quite a few others that will do the same so as good as this game is, not supporting 1080i is lost potnetial $$$ for Sony and Ninja Theory,

  • Sony you guys should have or should just bring back the 20GB version and have it look like the 60GB with the chrome. Alot of people preferred that look. And since the masses dont have a wireless router it shouldnt be a problem. Backwards compatibility by software not an issue. After seeing these new games who is even going to think about the old for now. take out the chips lower the cost and just give us from time time classics of the old via PSN in 1080p. thank you for reading.

  • @juanleche

    How “superior” is your HDTV? Mine supports all Definitions form 480-1080. Push a button on the remote and look its 720.

    You not buying Heavenly Sword will end up being YOUR loss as a “gamer” and Sonys loss as in $60.00.

    And buying a new HD reciever should not cause you to have to replace your home theater equipment?

    I understand the situation that you are in, but think that it is unfair to blame Sony for your TV purchase.

  • HEY






  • Nice update.

    Not sure why I need XMB access in-game though. I’m not going to browse my vacation photos while playing. Chat and friends list in-game of course, but don’t listen to the nuts who what the full XMB.

  • Great news, I can’t wait to check this out!

    40 you must not know alot about this topic, please read and learn, then speak,

  • Hooray for us! I cannot wait to try this one out.

  • I know my comment will probably get lost in all of these other important comments, but I have a request for improving the PS3. Could we have some way to access the store via our PC’s? For instance, when I’m at work, sometimes I’d like to know if anything new has popped up in the store (like a demo of Heavenly Sword). It would be sweet if I could just log in and browse, even if I couldn’t download or buy anything. Anybody with me on this?

  • @InSpectre

    I’m with you, people keep wanting the XMB access while playing games and I can’t figure out what for. Maybe someone can enlighten me…

  • Is David Jaffe getting ready to unveil that you guys are funding his new development studio? Or is he getting ready to unveil his new game which I think is God of War 3 or Twisted Metal PS3?

  • @juanleche

    Easy Cowboy, I did a ton of homework before I bought my HDTV. I am fully aware that you bought a TV that dose not support 720. Great! My friends own a Mitsubishi DLP that supports all definitions and I gave you a link to the TV I own.

    Again, not Ninja Theories or Sony’s fault that your TV doesn’t support 720. Or mine for that matter. Also SONY’S BRAVIA XBR is America’s #1 TV for a reason.*

    *Claim based upon NPD retail tracking service.**Claim based upon the Harris Poll #55 “Best Brands”, Harris Interactive, July 2006

    Yes there are other HD devices that upscale. Dose the PS3 at this time? No. Will it? Probably. Do I care? No!

  • - Gaming Podcast, News, Reviews, Community » Heavenly Sword demo in EU and NA this week

    […] North America and Europe will be able to play as Nariko in a battle for vengeance. This was quite strongly confirmed on a blog post from Sony’s official blog. Heavenly Sword is scheduled for release on the […]

  • @brentos

    The Playstation Underground has you covered.Link.

    I do not know if this is live like the PSN but it should be close.


    So maybe we can shut up about the in-game XMB for a bit…doubt it tho

  • @brentos: nothing some patience cant solve for you there bro ;) i know how it is .. im still waiting for it to be thursday.

  • They also replied to in game XMB on this blog under Firmware 1.90 Coming Soon/ Update. Thank you Sony.

  • Sony: said that in the next update that there will be in-game XMB. Can you confirm or deny this? They said Sony Computer Entertainment America announced it…

  • So when can we get an update on the blog as well? Cuz I think multiple pages for comments would be a nice little addition…especially when we reached 600+ comments. Also a “reply to_” button next to each commenter. Maybe a PS3 avatar instead of gravatar to use? Love ya sony!

  • hey sony what Id like to see the PS3 do is a couple of backflips and maybe pour me a morning coffee…im totally kidding. It just seems to me alot of the posters are giving just rediculous suggestions for future firmware updates. I do however agree though about the whole XMB in game…its practically a must. I understand the system is probably not capable of full XMB access, because I dont see how you could possibly watch movies and play games simultaneously. But imagine being stuck in a portion of a game then switching over to the browser to view online strategies. That has never been done and would be just amazing. Also I would love to see added support via USB. I wish the system would recognize mp3 players so that I can transfer music from the ps3 to the mp3 player. Also when I plug in my mp3 player it says its charging but its actually not. If you can somehow incorporate that into future updates it would be awesome. thanks kindly. have an awesome day. :)

  • @ brentos

    The Playstation Store is available via PC. I check it daily. Go to the playstation website, North America, then click on PS3, find where it says Playstation Store somewhere on the site. You can browse through all the categories like demos, downloable games, videos, etc. But you can’t download anything. Which doesn’t matter since you said it yourself. Hope this helps.

  • @natethegreat1

    If you wanted to install Lunix on your PS3 that would solve your MP3 player issue. Just an idea.

  • cant wait for this demo. i dont even care if its exactly like god of war(which i know its not). but the story is kind of like it. starts off with main person dieing but since there is 2 more i bet she doesnt die.(like kratos didnt) or maybe in the sequels we will be playing as her (adopted?) sister. i dont know but i cant wait for the demo. only about 24 hours left for me

  • This demo will be great. It was just a matter of time before the ball started rolling and we would soon begin to get grade A titles for the system. So many games so little time.

  • I dont know how to install linux? or if its even free

  • I was going to ask the same thing. How do you install Linux on the PS3? And how much space does it take up on the hard drive?

  • @natethegreat1

    Yes Linux is free. Google Linux OS for PS3. Download the OS. Put it in your PS3 and select the Install other OS option from the XMB. You can find more detaled directions online.

  • About #350

    Wow I can’t spell. LOL

  • anyone who won’t buy this game because its not 1080p is an idiot. i love high definition but even i wouldn’t refuse to buy a game just because id isn’t 1080p . for god sake 720p is still high definition would you go out and buy any old cr@p just because its high definition? … no exactly . most people seem to think this is a good game and its gona look just as good as what you have seen so far. stop moaning.
    that said im still not buying it. not because of the lack of 1080p but because im just not that interested in it. im still going to download the demo to see if it can persuade me though

  • Thanks all who replied to my post. I guess I should look around on the interweb before posting…

  • @brentos

    Its all good bro, just glad we could help.

  • Sweet! Thanks! We finally get another demo before the game is released.

  • Has anyone installed the Linux operating system on the PS3 system? If so, is it worth the installation. What can you do in the OS?

  • Can hardly wait to wrap my hands on some Nariko.
    Great box art by the way!

  • Great, since I read the news on monday I’ve been eagerly(spelling) waiting for thursday. This is the type of demo I have been asking since january. Great simply great. I will start using the remote play feature with the PSP tomorrow to start downloading the demo before arriving home. GREATTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!

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