New PS3, New Price & More News Coming

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As you may have seen tonight here, here and here, we’re kicking off this year’s E3 with some big news (and the show hasn’t even started yet).

In short, we’re introducing a new PS3 model with a 80GB hard drive which will include a free copy of MotorStorm, all for the retail price of $599. This 80GB package will be available starting in August, just a few short weeks from today. The larger hard drive will give players more of an opportunity to take advantage of all the downloadable games and trailers on the PLAYSTATION Network, including the content from our forthcoming download service which will include videos, movies and other entertainment content.

In addition, as some of you speculated last week, we confirmed today that we are lowering the price of our current 60GB PS3 by $100, to $499, effective immediately in North America. I know many of you were eager to hear this and we’re thrilled to share this with you now as we head into E3.

Lastly, to keep up with the latest news, you can view a live stream of the official E3 SCEA press conference this Wednesday, July 11th, starting around 11:30 a.m. pacific time. About a half hour before the conference (11 a.m.), click here and we’ll have a live conference feed available.

And if that isn’t enough for you, we’ll have tons of content hitting the PLAYSTATION Store this week, including the SCEA press conference and exclusive first and third party videos and trailers, only available through PLAYSTATION Network. These will be available shortly after the conclusion of the press conference. We want to make sure that you’re getting the info as soon as possible. Rest assured, there is much more to come this week, including the conclusion of our Inside the Developer Studio series, so stay tuned….

Also See
SCEA President & CEO Jack Tretton outlines the details of today’s announcement (YouTube)

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2 Author Replies

  • Is this price cut for europe also? I think it might be a kick in the ass for current owners in europe as the console is out for just 4 months there.

    I’m really looking forward to E3 and as a huge F1 fan I hope that F1 07 will be announced.

  • Now all you need to do is start back pedaling a bit and taking care of a lot of the recent bad news bits.

    -Get Katamari back(as a downloadable on PSN)
    -Get more PS1 games out(the GOOD ones in US/UK)
    -Make sure MGS4 stays exclusive(everyone is expecting it to defect to 360 this week)
    -Change Square Enix’s mind about PS3 development not being worth the install base
    -Make sure Silent Hill 5 is exclusive
    -Put the rumble in the controller and DON’T change the price

    A lot of these things could help you out. I know plenty of people give you these little lists but im just giving you a list of ammo that the enemy is using against you. Most of this is all the consumer cares about right now, so you might want to be a bit more aggressive this generation.

  • An 80gig model now? I don’t think it’s going to sell well EVEN with the free game. A lot of people weren’t buying the $600 PS3 recently because of it’s high price point, so now the 60 gig is cheaper, but the high price remains for another model. I think people will get confused and still think it’s TOO expensive. DAMN IT Sony you should have just stuck with the $100 price cut and keep it at 2 SKUs, it’s not even working out that well for Microsoft.

  • And another thing,
    #249 is 100% correct, you should have concentrated on those points rather than introducing another SKU that a lot of people probably won’t buy.

  • Just re-release the 20GB PS3 for $299 and you will compete in price.

  • @mana knight-

    Yeah, I realize the situation I’m in. I COULD have waited, but didn’t. But I didn’t wait, basing my decision on my (it seems) incorrect perception of previous console releases.

    However, I still think Sony is headed down a dark path, just as Sega did. The difference being that Sony’s first party games, tend to run the gamut from good to horrible. Most people don’t buy a Playstation for Sony’s games; I know I didn’t.

    But either way, whatever. $105 gone (tax) isn’t THAT big of a deal, but it does disappoint. And the price drop is Sony’s admission that they [DELETED] up.

    For those wanting a larger hard drive without having to spend $600 + tax, here you go:

  • Ok… please. Enough of this different SKU business. All this is going to do is confuse the consumer. How’s about get rid of that 80GB deal and just bundle in Motorstorm with the 60GB for $499.

    ONE SKU = Consumers don’t get confused

    Apart from that gripe I wish you guys all the best in an awesome E3. Only request: wow everyone, silence the critics, bring the whole boatload home to my PS3 in a timely fashion.

    That includes demos ;)

  • @ 249

    I agree with your list totally. And that is what the competitors are using against Sony like you said. And thats the area that they need to focus on more than ever. Forget about all these firmware update features for right now, Sony should now concentrate on how to dominate the market once again with this lower price cut. The firmware updates will surely come in the future,(as I stated already in an earlier comment), but maintaining exclusives, and bringing out killer games is what will drive the PS3 to success….

  • @nmc75
    Better idea is to check with the European backwards compatibility list as they are the only ones at the moment without the EE+GS so their list would be more representative of what games do and do not work over there.

    Yes I’m weird since I want the PS3 for PS2 functionality. Eventually the games I play on it will shift to PS3 only, but that’s a couple years off. I think you will agree that having the EE+GS instantly makes the PS3 a better candidate for playing PS2 games on it. I’m not sure which games I have that would have problems without the chip, but I don’t want to find out the hard way. I haven’t heard enough about CECHCs from Europe in terms of how good the compatibility is. We call hope that eventually through software, all PS2 games will be playable, but that may not be the case.

    All PS3 controllers have a place for an LED to be soldered on behind the PS button, they just don’t. Maybe this was the plan all along? Lights can tell you at a glance which one has rumble? If I get a 60 this week, I’ll wait for rumble controllers later…

  • And one more thing;

    anyone that doesn’t think MS will respond to this price drop is diluting themselves. If I were MS, I’d drop the Core to $199 and the Premium to $299. Then phase out the LE Elite and make THAT the new “Premium” system. That would rain all over Sony’s parade. They’d be back to $200 more expensive with the only advantage seemingly being the ability to play Blu-Ray out of the box.

    This also does nothing to correct a huge flaw in the PS3 financial model… games are more and more frequently becoming platform agnostic, and high profile games like GTA IV are getting 360 exclusive content, content that despite previous 6-8 month “exclusivity” on the titles Sony once held, will NOT be made available to Sony buyers.

    There are a lot of problems Sony needs to correct. The price is one with the most impact with consumers, since consumers want everything for nothing, but this still doesn’t make a person any more likely to decide on the system based on system exclusives.

  • i agree with #249 as well… however i’ll add this…

    *Make a good showing at E3 this year
    *Don’t let the 60gb model get overshadowed by the 80gb unit
    *Get Assasins Creed back as an exclusive
    *Convince Rockstar Games to add exclusive GTA4 content to the PS3
    *Improve the PS-Store

    i think in the end though… they need to give everyone else out there, mainly the consumer, a reason to buy it over the XBOX360 and Wii… if they don’t they’ll never recover…

    also… i really hope sony is taking notes on all these comments… if they would listen to what the consumers want over top of the little voice in there head then i think they have a shot at winning the console/format wars… however only if they start listening to us…

  • **Meant to agree with the list poster 252 wrote. Sorry for that mistake.**

  • Don’t know if anybody else has mentioned this (becasue there are too many posts to read through), but is it possible that the bundled version of Motorstorm also has an update to support rumble? We’ve already seen rumors today regarding the Touch Sense controller being bundled with the new SKU – wouldn’t it make sense that the game supports it?

    Price drop WILL stimulate sales, and this in turn will encourage more developers to take the PS3 seriously (EA anybody?). This just got interesting.

  • Hey Sony is the new Dual ShockAxis controller coming with this package?

    We know (and saw) the new controller you guys will have this Fall.

  • Yeah, I don’t think ms is going to drop their price any time soon, cause you know that warranty you got for 3 years, so they didn’t have to do a recall, that is estimated to cost 1,000,000,000 dollars, that’s alot of councils that need to be sold to make that up. Sure they got exclusive content on gta 4 but it cost them another 50,000,000, that means for them to break even, every live person needs to buy at least one of the 2 downloads.

  • E3 is the time to shine for you Sony. Especially with announcing such great news before the event even takes place. But as I’ve read before on another site, don’t leave the bad news up until the end of the keynote. (Last thing mentioned at the last E3 was the PS3’s price). I understand denying all the rumors of having a PS3 price drop, for that would be the sort of news you would want to release to people at your keynote, and then be spread all over the internet world.

    I’m expecting little from you Sony at E3, so that you would satisfy my needs once you announce ALL the great plans you have for your system. But not just plans, because plans can easily be cancelled, but make them facts!! I enjoy the quality you guys put out there, so please help the developers and yourselves of course, to show us QUALITY

  • E3 is the time to shine for you Sony. Especially with announcing such great news before the event even takes place. But as I’ve read before on another site, don’t leave the bad news up until the end of the keynote. (Last thing mentioned at the last E3 was the PS3’s price). I understand denying all the rumors of having a PS3 price drop, for that would be the sort of news you would want to release to people at your keynote, and then be spread all over the internet world.

    I’m expecting little from you Sony at E3, so that you would satisfy my needs once you announce ALL the great plans you have for your system. But not just plans, because plans can easily be cancelled, but make them facts!! I enjoy the quality you guys put out there, so please help the developers and yourselves of course, to show us QUALITY through the games, and not the system itself.

  • Patrick Seybold

    Just want to clarify for those wondering why the PS Button on the controller is red. That is what happens when you charge the [UPDATED-edit] “debug” controller. It is not a sign or indication of a new/different controller with the 80GB model.

  • @PFKC

    I don’t know if the North American backwards compatibility is going to change though come August when the 80gb bundle hits North America, right? At the least, when the new PS3 model comes out sans EE+GS, it’s got to have at least the same B.C. as that list for N.A, so I think the link and it’s validity still stands.

  • Sony please tell us more about the new Dual ShockAxis at E3. I’d love to hear about how you guys are using rumble in your new controller.

  • Cool, this is good for system and therefore good for the owners of the system, but what is Sony going to do to prevent this feeling like a kick in the face for early adopters?

  • You people act like you never bought a piece of electronic equipment before, or a computer, or a car for that matter. You will ALWAYS be able to buy that exact same thing for cheaper later on. That is just how it works. You don’t return to the car dealership 8 months later and demand a refund for the difference, the same thing applies here.

  • The only thing I would suggest Sony do with their SKU models, is to please add at LEAST HD premium component cables, along with a headset maybe…(Maybe not). But the cables would really help those who want to have a taste of High Definition experience right out of the box. That is what you guys claimed after all when the PS3 was announced right???…Having a High Definition experience out of the box, compared to the 360?

  • Also:

    “In addition, as some of you speculated last week, we confirmed today that we are lowering the price of our current 60GB PS3 by $100, to $499, effective immediately in North America.”

    So does this mean the PS3 is also $500 in Canada and Mexico?

  • I too want to know what’s happening with the backwards compatability, if it’s already gone out of some models or if it will go out of the 80 gig. It’s a rather important feature to me, so I need to know what versions of the system I can and can’t purchase.

  • Nervous Giddy Excitement

  • @ Early Adopters

    Please for God’s sake STOP COMPLAINING!! You got your playstation experience before late joiners, thats good enough.(Not for me). But I can’t agree more with poster 272. Stop fussing so much about what Sony can do to meet your needs for something YOU decided to do when they released their system. Instead, you should be giving advice to Sony on things they should do to win the console war. Suck it up already please!!

  • Official, PS3 price drop and 80GB model coming » GAMINGtruth

    […] Source: Playstation Blog […]

  • @268
    Mine doesn’t turn red when charging, so it has to be different in some way :P

    Anyway I’m glad the 60gb is getting a price cut, it will bring more people to the PS3.

    As for the 80gb, it really isn’t worth it. Unless of course you threw in another SIXAXIS for free. Then it may be.

    Otherwise comparing the 60GB for $499, + $60 for Motorstorm = $559. There is no way 20gb of disk space costs $40. Even in a mobile drive. Maybe if it was 100gb I could understand.

    In regards to the EE chips, who knows if the new units have them, but I’m happy that I have mine.

  • Sony
    – Secure MGS4 as a 100% PS3 exclusive
    – Secure FFXIII as a 100% PS3 exclusive

    People will then pay whatever you want for your system. If you lose these you will won’t see your system selling well this generation.


    to all the muppets crying about the price cut please dry your eyes!!! if everything stayed the same price forever where would we be?

    if you have not got one yet but you want one now is a good time to get it. if you paid full whack for one when they first released and now your angry about the price drop… get over it cos by christmas you will be saying “oh my god this is the best thing i ever bought”.

    sony is just trying to do the right thing by us and get the ps3 ball rolling, the more owners the more the game developers are gonna bust their nuts to give us the best games possible, they are not gonna want to put the effort into developing a game for a console that is 3rd in a 3 horse race so lets stop crying, get our noses infront and then reap the rewards when we win the race. it will be worth every penny in the end im sure.

  • @ 280

    I’m pretty sure SOME or maybe A LOT of people will pay whatever just for MGS4 and Final Fantasy. But of course there will be a limit for MOST.

  • @nmc75

    Well yeah I don’t have any proof other than the picture posted. It has that text on the side of the box whereas current boxes do not have that text. There have been announcements that they are taking the chip out worldwide. CECHC models should be the 60GB ones in Europe (I tried checking the EU manual which didn’t list model numbers which are listed in the US model as FCC info)

    I need to find a serial number label for the new bundle.. But that’s when they come out.

  • But the question is, dun..dun…dun…dun…


  • @275 – Sony is not and has not taken out Backwards compatibly. What they are doing is swapping out the hardware solution for a software solution when it comes to backwards compatibility. So instead of adding a chip that did the backwards compatibility they now have a program installed to do it. That in turns cuts down the cost.

  • Kratos_ate_Snake

    Cool price drop, hopefully sells will pick up


    this are all big news site, that will have us updated with the lates news, previews, and VIDEOS from E3.

    What is the only thing that the PSN can have that this sites will not have 3 sec. after every announcements?

    clue- DEMOS!!!


  • Kristin G GOnzales

    The people with the 60G PS3 will they be able to get a Free Upgrade going to the 80G? because of the price cut

  • Yea, I don’t think a lot of people’s controller’s PS button light up when it charges.

  • Playstation 3 will günstiger!

    Im Playstation Blog ist es zu lesen und berichtet auch davon: In den Staaten wird die Playstation 3 mit sofortiger Wirkung $100 günstiger (also "nur" noch $499 anstatt $599). Dafür wird ein zusätzliches Bundle zum alten Preis gesc…

  • It’s obvious Sony isn’t going to admit the rumble controller NOW. Just like they deny anything until the time they were going to announce it.

    If it gets leaked before they were going to announce it they deny until that time. If the rumble controller is included they are going to deny it until E3 when they were originally going to announce. Just like they denied the price drop.

    But, for all we know they decided to go ahead and announce the price drop since there were reports of them already being sold at $499.

  • @zefie

    There is a spot for the LED in the current Sixaxis controllers, but there isn’t one. I guess there will be soon? Charging or no, I haven’t seen such an LED since it isn’t there…

  • Exellenet and welcome news. E3 is going to be amazing,

    ALSO, when is that inside the developer’s studio Guerrilla edition coming out? Isn’t that supposed to be today?

  • More MotorStorm freaks = greatness!

    The PlayStation3 fanbase will grow =)

  • Sony lowers 60GB PS3 to $499 and introduces 80GB PS3 for $599 | Krunker

    […] rumors can finally end folks. Sony has officially rejiggered it’s price structure effectively cutting the price of the 60GB PS3 to $499 – down from $599. Interesting enough, Sony decided to take the moment to also announce a new high […]

  • @Patrick Seybold

    I’m worried about this price drop. It may not help, like at all. I’m not a hater, as that I’ve been a loyal Sony gamer for many years, and I already own the PS3 (getting better by the day I swear!) But the underlying problem still stands. Jack Tretton said in an interview with N’Gai Croal that the challenge for you guys is marketing such an expensive machine (which is primarily a game console, but also has PC-style functionality) to the average consumer, yet there has been no evidence of marketing towards any form of idea conveying the justification of the price point. Dropping it 100 bucks is a start, but if Microsoft drops their price this E3, OH, AND THEY WILL, you guys are gonna be in the exact same place as you were a month ago. The fact that Microsoft is basically (IMO) nickel and diming people to death over accessories and add-ons to their system is horrible, but average joe consumer doesn’t know any better. I did, which is why I bought a PS3, but that is me, and tech junkie aside, I wouldn’t have if I didn’t know better, as that the 360 is a far superior deal, based on just the commercials they use to advertise. The lower price point, and huge wave of games are undeniable selling points for the system. You need to find a positive way to market the system alongside the games, and no, some weird crying baby isn’t gonna do it. You need to find a way to market the Blu-Ray, the Cell, etc. You need to have commercials explaining how good this stuff is for the people wanting a game console, as well as a multimedia device. Show how this will be taken advantage of with the games you shovel out, and then people will turn their heads. I know a few people that are still angry about the cutting of the 20 GB model, as with this price cut, it couldve been $400, perfectly set to compete with the 360. But instead, you are at the exact same price point, for 2 SKU’s and the reaction, despite what you think, is going to be exactly the same. NO ONE WILL CARE. Microsoft is going to drop their price, and you are gonna end up SOL. Don’t be disappointed at the sour reactions of the crowd from this one boys, it’s impossible to avoid. But be honest with us. We are well aware that you couldn’t price slash like madmen, as that the cost of manufacturing still heavily outweighs the price points, especially now. But this is an upward struggle, take some of that (well earned) money, and put it forth into some advertising that’s worth a damn. Fix the Playstation Storefront, and add some small features on to the XMB to make it comparable to the 360’s feature set. Do that, and then MARKET THE HELL OUT OF IT. If you dont, this year will be painful. I am extremely excited for E3, but you better be able to wow us. And I mean, “HOLY GOD THAT’S IMPOSSIBLE TO IGNORE” kind of wowing. Like everything, that people have been saying on this blog since it started, you should’ve made progress on. Show us you are really taking in our advice, and demonstrate good consumer leadership. That is all we ask. Give us what we want, not what you think we want. Thanks, and hope to see an interesting E3.

    Keep a tight grip on it, MGS4 is the big game you guys need to sell systems and it’s the biggest reason I and many other people bought the PS3 and letting this game slip out of your grip is just a HUGE LOSS!

    So please keep EXCLUSIVE!

  • So um…do the people that bought the original $599 60GB PS3 get hundred dollars back or atleast a free game. O_o?

    Feeling a little ripped off here.

  • Nice move Sony but I kinda wished I waited instead of waiting in line the cold night in november!

  • Why is the need of a 80GB HDD Ps3 when the 60GB version is upgradable? Sony you should make this new version a limited time deal. Whoever thought of adding a new SKU after lowering the price should be demoted.

  • @ 295


    ahem, yes.

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