Right Around the Corner…

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I thought you might be interested in seeing this short time-lapse video from the recent May Gamers Day held at our Motion Capture Studio in San Diego. I thought this might give you a taste of what we have in store for everyone now that E3 is only three weeks away. If nothing else, this should give you a sense of how much effort and planning goes into organizing a press event, and just imagine, the SCEA E3 Press Conference is typically 3-4 times larger than our annual Gamers Day!

There is a lot of talk out there about the new format for E3. You probably heard that it has been moved from the LA Convention Center to a smattering of hotels in Santa Monica. I guess the show’s tagline says it all — “Get Ready for Something New.” The crew over here is racing like mad to get everything ready, so while we’re preparing for setting this year’s benchmark, take a look at this video and we’ll have more on E3 soon….

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