Thanks Everyone, We’re Listening

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I was going to continue to chime in on the comments thread but it occurred to me that most of you would miss this as there were more than 500 comments on that first post, so allow me to simply extend an official thanks to everyone here and outside this blog who have taken the time to share their feedback and support for this effort over the last 24 hours. This is going to be a great and wild ride.

Kotaku, VH1, LevelUp, Joystiq, Destructoid, and 1Up, we appreciate the link love, guys. Likewise, GameCovered, TrueGameHeadz, GamingBits, and Opposable Thumbs, we heard you too and we’ll try to address some of your questions (and expectations) over the next few weeks. And please, Andrew, we read your stuff religiously; the last thing we want to do is to compete with your blog. We even got an official welcome from our industry-friend the Major, which we appreciate.

I’m going to get out of the way now and let others here share their posts, but please continue to comment and email us with your thoughts, cares and concerns. We’re reading everything (cough, korlithiel) and trying to respond to as much as we can (cough, whatthegeek), so bear with us. There’s much more to come….

Comments are closed.


  • Yeah, you’re listening… just not very good. The PSN update this week is just as weak as last weeks. What gives? Why don’t we get demo’s of games not yet released? Why not demo’s of games released? Something!!! I want to see more PSX classic games added, myself… I guess you forgot about that option in the PSN. Man, I’m disappointed in the Ps3 so far… Really disappointed.

  • Like evrybody esle i want more content.
    I live in France, and bought a PS3 the day it came out with Resistance, Motorstorm, Genji + flow & blast factor, not bad for Sony he ;o
    Loved Motorstorm online but there alot of cheaters, so i stop playng it, 3months later no update about that :x
    flow and blast factor are great with some weed ;p
    So in Europe, we get a lesser PS3 (no hardware compatibility) a more expensive system 600euros (798USD) and we dont get the PSN update, no PSone games, no Ninja Gaiden demo (fu Eidos), no calling all cars… no update of software compatibility on your official website. And since the launch no good games exept virtua fighter 5 but that not my cup of thee and alot off 1year later xbox360 games.
    So has a customer, and like alot of us, we have to go on us/jap PSN store to get content… and there isnt much in this store too…
    So do i like my PS3 ? yes ! but there isnt much to do with it right now :/
    Oh and thanks for free GT HD ! THIS was good ! too bad only one track :(
    But i dont understand why with all Sony has, movie, music, ect we dont get those on the PSN sotre with nearly daily update, we have to wait one day a week to have ONE trailer on the EU store…..
    Alot of pepoele are sayng Europe = Sony Land, but where is the love ? hardware delay, higher price, lesser hardware, no games, no PSone games, near no PSN update… So stop listening, ACT !
    anyway thanks from France for GT HD, Resitance, Motorstorm, and the small price (but right) for Flow & Blast factor ! :)

  • If the PS3 isnt capable of In game XMB I will sell it. I cant believe such a basic simple function is beyond the technology in PS3.

  • your right i love 2 here old school while im play my games they need 2 add b4 warhawk comes out (by the way got push back a month) how can i fly around in my warhawk without my music

  • i agree with you gigakain i will sell mind 2

  • Is there a reason why we are getting such horrible horrible PSN updates every week? Its enough to make you cry.

  • Darn Sony what’s up with the PSN store? Why not put out 10 PSone games on the weeks that you guys don’t have PS3 demos?

  • comments 200 and 203….thats the main reason I am not interested in ps3 now….its a super basic function on my 360 to chat cross game, send invites, etc….i could never give that up going to ps3…..i read an article a few months ago that talked about the reason you guys dont have it now is, sony didnt reserve a small portion of memory for such things and did not make it a requirement for game developers so even if u had the feature, without it being required it would mean some games do it some dont….its a requirement on 360 with reserved memory for it to happen….if u like I can try to find the resource…..i;’ll never consider a ps3 until its required across all games…its one of the best features of live…..guys on the 360 complain you cant have more than one person in a pvt chat across games, but its confirmed that feature is coming…were so spoiled i guess


    Look at that link SONY!!! IGN has address this issue since last year during November’s launch….why aren’t you doing anything about it??? Instead fixing this dumb RGB bullcrap??? Come on now….I am one pissed off PS3 owner….mark my words, others are too if you read the comments in the link above…I have told all of my friends and families about this to boycott the PS3….wake up SONY, you have this blog, time to listen to what we want!!! Go google Ps3 1080i fix/problem……..see that a lot of people feel the same way I do….you piss me off Sony…I’m going to go buy a 360 game now because all of my PS3 games looks like my Wii games…. (Resistances, Tony Hawk, Fight Night Round 3)……..COME ON ALREADY, FIX THE BIG ISSUE NOT THIS LIL CRAP..

  • Hey patrick…Hear this:

    Im with you all the way to the last days…Keep up the good work. Sony PS3 Lives and will never die. :D

  • SONY frikkin’ rocks. Despite all the hate, I continue to maintain that they got all the big things RIGHT with the PS3. And by that I mean giving gamers the ultimate machine with the maximum potential and incredible capabilities out of the box.

    The worst you can say is that they’ve been beaten on the PR front, by some very well organized haters and ruthless competitors (*cough* classic Microsoft FUD *cough*). This blog should help to combat that garbage.

  • Dose anybody at sony know if theirs going to be news on the game “EIGHT DAYS” at this years e3. At last years e3 this was the game to me that defined what a ps3 game should look like. Would love to hear more about it.

  • #209…chill, it all will come, these things take time!

  • i guess three speech made an impact, sony should just keep things real and don’t go out and do weird things like hire a marketing team to make a blog.

    let the people who do the work for Sony do the talking and not some Marketing company.

  • Hello, I am from Germany and asked some to the PS-Network! Why are no demos like Ghost Recon or Rainbow Six or other top titles? on Xbox market place, there are all demos of all games!!! there it gives six ghost to recon and rainbow also in the German xbox market place, therefore it cannot be because of the old-age-limitation! more demos of top title must ago! then, the chat must still be improved about some! the privatchat also must in plays works! the user-interface looks steriel very much, she/it must be made more kindly for something! when does “home-beta” come out for Germany? moreover, the price of the ps3 is in Germany like they very highly equally plays! there, also what must be altered! much Germanizes can simply not afford itself this! this because of what can this be doesn’t play explorer of the ps3 the trailer of internet? so, now, I annoyed enough and hope this to Germany also the HOME-beta soon comes and the other problems soon are fixed

    yours truly: sascha
    Playstation ID:Spider0205

  • Im feeling sick my ps3 is really silly enough to force me not to play it, My godi think im gonna sell my ps3 and get the new 360 elite it has more features, simply i dont see 360 owners complaining about theire consoles !! and i see %90 of ps3 owners complaning alot and i can see my self one of those who’s complaining. seriouly sony ” i wanna see somethin new next thursday OR u lose a sad ps3 owner who’s me,, i had a lot of hopes on my ps3 cause im a ps faboy since the ps1.

  • Nice blog, it’ll be interesting to see how this develops.

  • Long time PS owner, haven’t bought a PS3 because of a lack of 1080i support. I am currently leaning toward buying a xbox 360 when the new Madden/College football games arrive in August.

    Will 1080i support ever be included in a future firmware release? Is there a hardware scaler in the PS3? Do developers have access to use either a hardware/software scaler? I’ve read a bunch of crap on the ‘net, but would like to hear it straight from Sony.

    Thanks, I have a large PS2 library, and don’t necessarily want to buy a xBox 360, but I’m itching to get some next generation games that I like to play, but of course I want the new system to look awesome. I think PS3 may be the way to go, but not if it ignores 1080i for an extended amount of time.

  • Sony i’m behind ya all da way I’ve had my PS3 since January 07 and i’m quite proud of it and what patienly waitin on is custom soundtracks and I really like the XMB and I did remote play with my PSP and loved it PS3 UP!!!!!! xbox down

  • You’re Welcome, lol, I’m glad you finally made a blog because in the GAP I’m really not sure if you were listening.

    While I’m typing maybe you should have suggestion blogs like for the next PSP firmware, alot of people have good ideas (other than enabling homebrew, which we all dream of, but sadly know it’s not happening) like for new features. Maybe some new music visualizations, as said at the top, in game XMB, but that might take to much memory. I am a PSPWxp user and it would be cool if you could disable warnings asking for a confimation when a plugin is about to run. Still waiting for a 3.40 downgrader (I only updated because I wanted to play a new UMD game) from the ‘dark side’ :p – GameBox 47

    Oh Sony, Thank you so much for listening! Maybe your customers can have some more influence on the PSP & PS3 development. :)

  • I have a whole list of firmware update ideas, and they are senseable!

    Keyboard Art:
    Is there life without a PSP? – B4K4

  • Please! More PSN stuff!

    How about older trailers from Killzone PS3 and MGS4?

  • Wow, this is great. The comments keep on coming. Believe me, I’m reading them all and doing my best to respond. Mostly, it is great to see this enthusiasm for feedback and participation. Also we received a few hundred contacts via the ‘Contact Us’ link on this blog, so continue to use that as well.

    Ultimatley, we are going to do our best to keep you all up to date with the latest and greatest developments from SCEA, and this blog will be a great source of that level of communication from the amazing people that work here. You don’t want to hear it all from me or any one person, so we are including as many different authors and topics as possible to give you all a holistic view of what we have coming. We’ll also be including various polls and other interactive elements that will give you all the chance to help determine the type of content that appears here. Sounds like the PlayStation Network is one of the main themes rising to the top, and we’re taking steps to address that. Of course, there are certain business elements that we will announce and release strategically, so please keep that in mind.

    Thanks everyone.

  • Here is some content you should grab for the PSN sotre :
    its (really) good, and its cheap, you should make a deal with those guys, because its a great idea to distribute new show content. And you need those kind of content.
    Plus it feet the playstation brand i think :o
    But please dont forget EU this time :p

  • True Story here , befor the Next Gen consoles came out me and my homies were playin’ PS2 and he came to me and said that he was tired of the PS2 because I was servin’ up some pipin’ hot a** whuppins on him but the 360 came out and he bought a used 1 and he was all happy and laughin in my face and tellin me to upgrade to tha 360 , I patienly waited and in Jan 07 he took me to get my PS3 and when I released it out of tha box he wanted it and he called his 360 ugly and white it’s been burnin’ him ever since. HA SONY UP!!! xbox DOWN

  • Got a quick question… Originally, the PS3 was to be able to support dual HD monitors. Is there any possibility that a future firmware can do this or would that fall under hardware capabilities?

  • Can we have an online site like Microsoft’s xbox homepage where you can log in and register friends, see how’s playing what? I get given gamer tags at work and have to email them home so that I can do it in the evenings. It would be handy.

    Also we can see what friends are playing in the xmb list which is good but there are no pop-ups saying when someone has logged in or off, when you are watching a movie or playing a game) I guess this ties in with in-game xmb perhaps, but that would be great.

    Superb system, keep up the good work.

  • First let me say that this is awesome, and i hope you guys are really listening because that would make this even better. Although, as much as i like this blog i have a few bones to pick with this company right now, so if you dont mind:

    1st: Whats the deal with the sony store, there is NO content. Sure, i can get tekken, a few trailers, and some demos of games that are already out, but why is it that i can got to the store and play a killer demo of Devil May Cry 4 or Heavenly Sword but i cant download these demos. Come on!! WE HAVE ALL THESE KILLER APPS COMING TO PS3, why are you not exploiting them to sell more units. 360 has a demo of BlackSite: Area 51, why cant we get a copy. Look trust me, i know many will agree that you can chill on games like GOPUZZLE for a little while and let us get playable demos of whats to come, this would also help development. Cause i can say right now, DMC4 needs more enemies on the screen, its too easy, even for a demo.

    2nd: Why cant i have my own wallpaper on my PS3? When i first turned on the PS3 i swore i could do it like the PSP but NOOOOOOOOOO. Okay, the transparent ribbon, color changing with the time of day thing is cool but DUDE!!!! i want to put my own image up or maybe you can put some wallpapers in the sony store, i dont know maybe that is just me. I know its a small update but dont save it for the “home” update. Its enough to have to wait for “home” by itself.

    3rd: RFOM, can someone say something. people are going nuts in the RFOM community. Soon it will just be a hate forum over there. Say something, i mean even “BAAWEEPGRANAAWEEPNINNYBON” will be good.

    Last: I dont have a pc yet. I just moved to japan recently and i use my PS3 to surf the internet mostly. Whats up with the memory dude, and the cache, and why cant i log on to the playstation blog with my playstation machine. Everytime i try, it freezes up and i have to reboot. Is there an update coming to make the PS3 more internet friendly.

    anyway, thanks for letting me vent. I know you probably wont read this anyway but i got it off my chest. Thanks for that. Have a good night or day or what ever you are doing now. I just want the best for my company. Remember that. Sony is not just yours its ours to.


  • Wishlist.

    In Game XMB access so as to add custom soundtracks to all your games, send a friend a message etc.

    Please, please, please…. All online games also should have the option of local LAN play.

  • omg Sony make Resistance update real, ffs at last do it

  • I was wondering if there would be any chance that at you could go from this blog into the site. Like there is a link here that can take you there and the same over there. So this way you can go to both sites and it would be easy to go back.

    I for one think that would be nice. I hate having no way to get here from over there other then changing the link.

  • If you’re listening as much as you say you are, then please tell me why the PSP hasn’t been upgraded in some way so that the games are playable on a TV, either through the PS3 or through some method of attaching the PSP directly? Nintendo’s been doing it for years with their game boy advance, it’s not that hard to do.

  • If the PSN was anything like the Shop Channel for the Wii (which has over 100 games) you would be doing alot better.

  • I’d rather new titles over rehashed classics that are on the wii store but I guess they’re not all bad.

    Anyway the point of me visiting this blog again was to ask for a Sony Branded BT Headset. It’s included with the 360 out of the box, and I have to use a headset that I got free with my mobile phone . So I have a £400 console, whizz bang gear coupled with a free lousy headset. The problem is I cannot even go out and buy an over the odds sony one becuase it doesn’t exist. Surely Sony you can see you;ve dropped the ball here. I thought you’d be begging to make more money, just like Nintedo with the wii. nunchucks, wiimotes, sd cards etc etc. You needs assessories and quick. thanks.

  • If you are going to rehash old games why not try a modern/console take on a classic like the Wing Commander, Master of Orion, or the Civilization series? Or take advantage of the large Babylon 5 fanbase which is going to be active again with the release of a new movie in July (with a half billion dollars in dvd sales to date and two hugos) or Stargate which has a huge untapped potential for gaming. Sure this is a risk going outside the normal shooters, sports, and driving games but why not take advantage of the PS3 and try to reach out to traditional pc gamers? Like having a real roleplaying game outside of the limited ES IV which would catapult the PS3 beyond the xbox. Take a chance with gamers and provide a quality non-mindless product and we’ll reward your endeavor with praise and of course money. Look at how much praise ES IV has garnered with its crippled AI and system and without access to mods that fix the largest Bethesda flaws!

    I look forward to the possibilities inherent in the PS3 being brought to fruition. On a non-gaming note it would be awesome if we could download tv shows and movies (ala amazon or apple) or transfer divx videos to the PS3 hard drive so I wouldn’t have to keep plugging and unplugging in my laptop to my HDTV.

    Also, a deal with firefox to replace the browser would be awesome! Then I would have to waste so much time with a system designed for use by a controller allowing simple things like hitting the tab button to skip to the next textbar and avoiding the irritating popup screen for the controller and the plugin permission screen or not enough memory crashes. It seems odd to even have a system like this since a usb keyboard/mouse cost less than 10 bucks online and my Logitech wireless system was 30 bucks a year ago.

    It would also be cool if the PS3 would take advantage of a “readyboost” like design so we can use a memory stick/flashdrive as a cache for improved internet and gaming since the onboard RAM is a weak point in the system from what I can tell.

  • Hey there pretty cool idea this playstation blog… right here in Costa Rica we dont hear much… i was wondering about the PLAYSTATION CARD… i need some funds to buy PSN content… so it would be nice to hear something…
    thanks in advance

  • I love this blog. Very nice.

    The main thing I want (and I’m sure I speak for the whole Australian PS3 community) is a better PSN Store. Most people make U.S accounts just to get better demos and games.

    A official PS3 bluetooth headset would be nice too.

  • this company supports their costumers the best!!!!!!!!!

  • Loves you too

  • Thanks for this blog

    I live in Mexico and i dont see that many promos in latin America, I see a lot of people with big interest in the PSP and PS2 and PS3 but I never have seen a PSP or PS2 TV add pull the ears on the peoble in charge of the marketing in mexico an latin america, Send someone of your people to make evaluations to the people in latin america they are not working that hard. I live close to Sandiego And thanks to the tv adds of the chanels of sandiego i started to know the Playstation imagine the people of the south? they dont know nothing! we are a good marked

  • Glimmerman and anyone that thinks they need a prepaid credit card for the Playstation Store. If you have a debt bank card with a Mastercard or Visa on it use that card. It works fine and comes right of your bank account but no interest or late fees. I hope this helps.

  • WHERE IS THE RESISANCE FALL OF MAN GLOBAL SERVER AND MAP PACK!!!!!!!!! YOU ARE DOING A HORRIBLE JOB AS A COMPANY!!! THE PUBLIC RELATIONS IN REGARD TO THIS MATTER IS RIDICULOUS AND I AM REALLY STARTING TO THINK THAT SONY AS A WHOLE REALLY IS FALLING OF THE INTERNATIONAL MAP AS FAR AS GAMING IS CONCERNED. Until you can provide concrete evidence that you are not losing your grip on things then I will continue to feel this way. We haven’t had a decent PS store update in months WTF is going on????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

  • I’ve followed Formula One for about 14 years now, and have been waiting for a F1 game of this calibre to come out for ever. I live for Formula One Championship Edition, and am a higher ranking member of the F1CE online racing community. I’m currently ranked 36/12,700+ (18th at my best), and my fellow online F1CE racers and I would love to know the exact formula which determines the rankings. We all have slightly different theories, but can’t find an explanation of how the system works anywhere. I’ve even emailed Sony w/o any luck. Any ideas? Anyone know for sure? Feel free to contact me via email at, as well as respond here. Your time and effort are greatly appreciated!

    “Ten Tenths.”
    G.A.P. Member & Future Champ.

  • not to sure this is the right place to put this comment, but anyway. i was wonder maybe in the next ps you guys make. How about you make it able to put like 6 games into the system like a cd changer.

  • I posted this on the other one but i don’t think you huys saw this so

    Put demos out on PSN one or two a week and get the games out fast like three a week. (HOME, SOCOM, warhawk)

    and more content in general such as video on demand

    Fix remote play connectivity issues.

    intigrate the virtual achievments with games that are out now with for HOME

    Get the games out as fast as possible my PS3 is getting very depressed right now.

    Put the date and time on the thing when you press the ps button on the controller



  • over all the ps3 sucks and i want my money back its 600 dollar piece of crap i have a 360 right beside it and it is good 300 dollar investment. sony maybe you need to buy one to see what went wrong. you need to recall all ps3 write it off and come out with a ps4 because ps3 is what it is an enbarassment and to all who got riped off 600 bucks mine going to gamestop to get some of my money back and good jod to Microsoft for a good gaming console and lots of games

  • Looking forward to the future PSN updates!

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