‘Kung-Fu LIVE’ Gets An Official Launch Date And Trailer!

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‘Kung-Fu LIVE’ Gets An Official Launch Date And Trailer!

Hello there, fellow ninjas and warriors! This is Teemu Maki-Patola from Virtual Air Guitar Company finally returning with the big news many of you have been asking me since we first came to the PlayStation Blog earlier this year: When is Kung-Fu LIVE coming out? Well, after months of demo events across the world from gamescom in Germany to PAX Prime in Seattle, combined with THOUSANDS of cumulative man-hours for our small independent team in Finland, burning the midnight oil and sweating like crazy play-testing our game, we’re FINALLY ready to break the news right back here where we started. What better way to do that than with an all-new trailer? Have a peek at the clip below to see what people have being saying all year, and get the leg up on exactly when you too can literally step into the world of Kung-Fu LIVE and lay the smack down in your living room!

[viddler id=553ba8cc w=545 h=327 playertype=simple]

That’s right! If you’re in Europe, then you can download your way into the action on 8th December. We know it’s been a long time coming, and we’ve always wanted to get this game to you before the last of the leaves hit the ground in 2010. So, as soon as it’s officially too cold to practice your kung-fu moves outside, you’ll get an indoor option that will also transport you to a far off land of street thugs, ninja assassins, and four story-tall giants looking to bash your brains in.

Kung-Fu LIVE Kung-Fu LIVE

So, with the launch of Kung-Fu LIVE now just a few weeks away, we wanted to brief you on a few simple things to keep in mind before you get ready to play. First off, remember, you’re going to need the PlayStation Eye camera in order to play Kung-Fu LIVE. You will also need a SIXAXIS or DUALSHOCK 3 Wireless Controller for some menu selection, and you can use up to four controllers to get your friends in on the five player multiplayer that pits one brave on-screen fighter against the rest of the players in the room.

Kung-Fu LIVE Kung-Fu LIVE

The other thing you’ll need is a little bit of space. Remember, Kung-Fu LIVE is unlike any other game to come before it on a home gaming system. You’ll need about 7×9 ft or 2.5/3m of space to play comfortably if you’re more of an extreme fighter. Think of it like setting up a virtual ninja fighting amusement park ride in your house! Our FreeMotion technology will need to track your entire body in plain view, so you’ll also want to turn on those lights to get ready for action. That and, oh yes, you’ll want to stretch before playing to prevent aching muscles afterwards. This will truly be a workout unlike anything you’ve experienced, and will DEFINITELY be a great place to start shedding those holiday pounds. Our lean and mean QA testing team can certainly attest to that!

Kung-Fu LIVE

Thanks again to all of our friends here at the PlayStation.Blog for giving us the chance to bring you these updates, and thanks again to all of YOU who’ve been showing your support over the last few months. This project represents years of independent computer vision research and technology from our team here at Virtual Air Guitar Company, and your enthusiasm to see us finish our crazy idea for the ultimate full body motion fighting game was just what we needed to help get this game completed.
Look for Kung-Fu LIVE on PlayStation Network this December and please be sure to ‘Like’ us on our Facebook page. And before I forget, I wanted to mention our unique image export feature. You can take pictures of yourself inside the kung-fu comic book world can be export them as images straight to your PlayStation 3 photo folder, and then used anywhere you like! We’d love to see you in our game, so please feel free to post those to our Facebook page as well! Remember, our company’s motto has always been: “Serious fun for people who don’t take themselves too seriously.” When you finally get a chance to leap into the world of Kung-Fu LIVE this December, we hope you get a better idea of exactly what we mean. Have fun, play safe, and remember, “Sweep the leg!”

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