The Shoot is a title exclusive to PlayStation Move, an arcade shooter where you are an action hero and the PlayStation Move motion controller is your gun. Listen to the director and shoot your way through five different spoofs of classic B-Movie themes: the Wild West, undersea monsters, haunted house, mobsters and a robot invasion. Shoot through parts of the highly destructible set to see what they’re really made of.
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You can use the PlayStation Move to activate special powers. Shoot into the ground to generate a Shockwave and destroy all your enemies in one blast, spin on the spot to slow time with Showtime, and fire in the air to activate your all-powerful Rampage gun. No more need for buttons or foot pedals – just duck behind cover and dodge projectiles, using the PlayStation Move. You can even co-star with a friend in your own action movies!
Oh, and don’t forget our Challenges. We’ve taken our movie themes and applied them to motion games like underwater baseball and haunted house bowling, and a few more surprises…
Putting The Shoot together has been a brilliant experience for me and the team at Cohort Studios. The PlayStation Move has been a joy to work with from day one, giving us amazing accuracy and opening new opportunities to take the shooter genre forward in the game’s design. Putting the PlayStation Move and the PlayStation 3 together, we’ve created a fast-paced, fun-filled action title that wouldn’t be possible with traditional controls or even a lightgun. Check out the video to get a taste of what The Shoot has in store for you.
We really hope you enjoy the game when it comes out around the launch of the PlayStation Move. Looking forward to seeing all your high scores!
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