Now that some of you early adopters have PlayStation Vita in your hands, we’re going to begin keeping you posted on any changes to system software here on PlayStation Blog.
In preparation for Wednesday’s wide release of PS Vita, tonight we’re making System Software Update (v1.61) available for download. If you are just turning on your PlayStation Vita for the first time, this update will add the following features:
- A new application, (Maps), has been added to the home screen.
- In addition to photos, you can now take videos using the Photo application.
- You can now publish stories about the products that you rate in PlayStation Store to Facebook.
- In near, players’ information is now displayed on the Discoveries screen. On this screen, a list of the online IDs of up to 100 players that you have encountered, and the number of times that you encountered each player, are displayed. Tap an online ID to display that player’s profile screen.
- The Mac OS version of Content Manager Assistant for PlayStation has been released. The Windows version has also been updated.
You can download Content Manager Assistant from here. Refer to the website to find out how to install the application.
If you have already updated your PS Vita to 1.60, 1.61 will improve certain aspects of the system software.
There are a few ways to update the firmware on your PS Vita:
- Select “System Update” under the “Settings” menu and download the firmware directly to your PS Vita over Wi-Fi.
- Connect your PS Vita to a PS3 or a PC/Mac and update via Content Manager.
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