Lots of news to keep track of this week, from the launch of Taco Bell’s exclusive PS Vita giveaway to first details on SSX’s PS3-only Mt. Fuji mountain , to the release of MLB 12 The Show’s first trailer . Ubisoft stopped by to give us a quick look at its PS Vita launch lineup: Michael Jackson The Experience , Asphalt: Injection , Rayman Origins , Lumines: Electronic Symphony , and Dungeon Hunter Alliance . The crew of The Tester Season 3 even released a video tour of the winner’s future workplace at Sony Santa Monica Studios.
What are you playing this weekend? Don’t forget: PS Vitas are ready and waiting for you now in eight major US cities as part of our Vita Hill social clubs. There’s no catch, no RSVP, and it’s open to everybody — just go! Most locations run from 2pm to 8pm on weekdays and Saturdays, and 2pm to 6pm on Sundays.
Most-Watched Video of the Week: Armored Core V Walkthrough
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The 10 Most-Viewed Posts of the Week
PlayStation Store Update — Scarygirl, PS Full Games Mortal Kombat and Duke Nukem Forever, LittleBigPlanet 2 Muppets Premium level kits, Mediterranean Map Pack for Assassin’s Creed Revelations and more.
Jak and Daxter Collection Hits PS3 February 7th, 100+ Trophies to Collect — Naughty Dog’s other huge trilogy gets the deluxe PS3 treatment.
Special Launch Day PS Vita 3G/Wi-Fi Bundle Announced — An ultra-limited launch bundle designed to warm those of you standing out in the cold on February 22nd. The big day is almost here…
Twisted Metal Goes Gold, Comes with Starhawk Sweet Tooth Skin — Twisted Metal is top of mind for many PS3 owners, with the February 14th release date looming ominously just over the horizon.
Pac-Man and Mega Man Join Street Fighter X Tekken’s PlayStation Exclusives — You’ve changed, Mega Man. Actually…no you haven’t .
Ubisoft PS Vita Week: Dungeon Hunter Alliance Brings an Epic Fantasy Journey — I was a sucker for PSP launch action-RPG Untold Legends, so I’ll be delving into this PS Vita launch title for sure.
MLB 12 The Show Franchise Mode Improvements — More realistic trading logic, a revamped interface, PS3-to-PS Vita cross saves, overhauled player cards and much more.
Creating Monsters for Doctor Who: The Eternity Clock — Get an insider’s perspective on this upcoming PS3 and PS Vita exclusive title straight from the source: BBC.
David Jaffe Wants YOU: Twisted Metal Tournament in San Francisco on 2/2 — If you’re in San Francisco this Thursday, swing by Mezzanine to play Twisted Metal and win rare prizes. I am told that Jaffe will be in attendance, so make of that what you will.
Yetis vs. Hunters Invades PlayStation Home This Wednesday — Get the full download on PlayStation Home’s new content here.
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