UNCHARTED 3 Multiplayer Experience: Way of the Iron Fist

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UNCHARTED 3 Multiplayer Experience: Way of the Iron Fist

Believe it or not we’re now in the final week of the Subway Taste for Adventure, UNCHARTED 3’s full competitive Multiplayer experience! Not only are we in the single digits as we countdown the days until the release of UNCHARTED 3: Drake’s Deception, but we also recently revealed our launch trailer and the final UNCHARTED 3 TV Spot. If you haven’t watched those be sure to check them out!

We hope you’ve found your time online playing the Uncharted 3 full competitive multiplayer experience enjoyable and wanted to share a video that includes hints on how to effectively use melee, cover, evasion, aiming, and other skills while playing multiplayer. Moves like executing stealth kills and doing an edge grab are great ways to earn medals and achieve a medal kickback quickly. You’ll learn about this and much more as Robert Cogburn returns to talk about the Way of the Iron Fist (or how to use melee and other techniques to your advantage in multiplayer). Check out what he had to say to the PlayStation.Blog in this video:

For week four, we’ll be rolling out the revamped Museum map. If you were lucky enough to attend our AMC events and make it to the final round you might have gotten a chance to play on this map. If not, you’ll have a few days of practice ahead of you before the full retail release of Uncharted 3.

In order to get into the multiplayer before November 1st, you’ll need to hurry down to your local Subway. After you purchase any specially marked 30oz UNCHARTED 3 themed cup from a participating Subway, head online to the Subway Taste for Adventure website and redeem the Subway code printed on your cup. That redemption will give you a PlayStation Store download code redeemable for the full competitive UNCHARTED 3 multiplayer experience before the full game launches on November 1st!

UNCHARTED 3: Taste Adventure Subway Cups

So get in and be one of the first to play, create and share your matches of the UNCHARTED 3 full competitive multiplayer experience! You can still potentially win a variety of other cool prizes such as a collector’s edition of UNCHARTED 3: Drake’s Deception or an adventurous trip that Drake would be proud to take. A full list of prizes can be viewed at the Subway Taste for Adventure website. Of course, one of the coolest parts of it all is that all of your progress earned during the Subway Taste for Adventure carries over into your profile in the final retail copy of the game.

We are only a few days away from 11.1.11 and the release of UNCHARTED 3: Drake’s Deception. Be sure to get your final rounds of competitive multiplayer practice in before the full game release by participating in the Subway Taste for Adventure today! See you online!

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