Greetings! As you’ve seen lately, we’ve released some additional information here and there on Gravity Rush and I wanted to give you all a bit more info on this PS Vita exclusive.
First off, if you haven’t already, meet Kat:
You’ll be assuming the role of our cel-shaded heroine, who wakes in a strange city with no memory of how she got there. While exploring the town, she encounters a black cat (clever, huh?), who grants her the ability to control the gravity around her.
From there, the story unfolds across multiple chapters as Kat uses her newfound powers to not only help a city that’s (literally) breaking apart, but to figure out the mystery of her past and what (or who) has brought her here. Using the PS Vita, you’ll be able to release Kat from gravity’s hold and shift her center of gravity to completely change her perspective and gain access to previously unseen areas of the stages you play in. Whether “falling” towards the side of a tower or virtually any visible surface, Kat can be brought back to a floating state with a simple trigger pull, or be forced back to following the laws of real-world gravity by deactivating her skill, dropping her down to the ground without a scratch. I think you can see how this will give a whole new meaning to the term “world exploration.”
Aside from her name and her look that definitely shows she’s not from around these parts, there isn’t much she knows. What she does know, however, is how to fight.
And fight she will. Little is known about the entities that show up as she explores this new world, but they definitely have something to do with everything that’s going on. Combat is going to occur differently as gravity now plays a pretty important part in how you approach enemies. While she can punch, Kat is far more adept at kicking. She can amplify these attacks by implementing get gravity-based skill to target enemies before allowing gravity to take over and deliver a stronger attack. We have to admit, there’s something about being able to use gravity to plant Kat’s feet into a enemies’ face. As you go through the game you will gain more combat abilities. Some of them are going to add to your basic stock combo, mostly kick-driven. Because, well, Kat’s a kicker.
You really can’t understand how beautiful it is until you see if on the PS Vita’s OLED screen for yourself and we can’t wait ’till you do.
Don’t cry, Kat! If you keep an eye out here, you’ll find out more information in the coming weeks.
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