Slam Bolt Scrappers Available Today on PlayStation Network!

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Slam Bolt Scrappers Available Today on PlayStation Network!

Slam Bolt Scrappers is available today in the PlayStation Network store! YESSSSS!!! You can start scrapping right now with the full version for $14.99 or introduce yourself to this epic mash-up of brawling and building with the FREE DEMO. Let the celebratory slamming begin!

Slam Bolt Scrappers for PS3 (PSN)

In Slam Bolt Scrappers (SBS to the cool kids) you race to combine colored blocks into squares of the same color. Build big colored squares and they form weapons that automatically attack your enemyā€™s tower. The player with the last tower standing wins! It sounds simple enough, but once you throw in jetpack fueled flight, punching baddies, stealing blocks, awesome power-ups of awesomeness, and fun button-mashing brawling youā€™ll quickly realize how gloriously chaotic our game can be. Both the epic battle mode and crazy campaign can be played with one to four players, making this the perfect game for some rocking party time action.

Slam Bolt Scrappers for PS3 (PSN)

So, PS3 owners, if you have any interest at all in beat-em-up games, puzzlers, or fun, you owe it to yourself to play some SBS ā€“ the ultimate combination of brawling and building. It also makes you a cooler person, but I know you donā€™t need that.

For more information on Slam Bolt Scrappers and Fire Hose Games, stop by our website, reach out to us on the Twitters, or come join our Fan Club.

Slam Bolt Scrappers for PS3 (PSN)

Best friends forever,
Fire Hose Games

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