In less than three months, the ModNation Racers community has created and published over 1.1 million unique creations. This means there were roughly 633 karts, mods, and tracks published per hour, which equates to roughly 15,000 creations published per day. We are filing this one under “Awesome!” Congratulations, guys. The team at United Front Games and PlayStation are extremely impressed by your creativity.
Interested in checking out some of the creations featured on our video above? Visit our Community Site where we will be listing out the creations and creators who’ve helped us reach this amazing milestone.
The “OFFICIAL” ModNation YouTube Channel
Today we officially launch ModNation Racers Channel on YouTube! The ModNation channel is the place to see the most creative tracks, mods, and karts. To make ModNation’s YouTube channel truly awesome, we need your help. We want to see your videos!
Submit all your videos and pictures to Once approved, we will publish them on the site: Tutorials, a track fly-by, pictures, anything ModNation Racers with a video or picture we want to see. We have also uploaded HD versions of ModNation Racer’s tutorial videos for easy access when you’re away from the game. One last note, be sure to subscribe for all the latest updates to ModNation Racer’s YouTube Channel.
YouTube Track Creation Contest!
To properly launch the YouTube channel, we are having a “Show us your Creations” contest. Contest rules are simple submit a video or picture of your very best Track (original intellectual property only; no copycats allowed) to The winners will be announced in a ModNation Racers blog post in September. For more information, including prizes and complete rule details, visit the News and Updates section of the ModNation Racers Community Site.
YouTube ModNation Channel DLC Giveaway
Check the comments section on our YouTube Channel we will be giving away some DLC vouchers for Kratos, Nathan Drake, Nukular, and Ratchet and Clank.
MouseTrap and Kart Available Tomorrow
Previously only available via special pre-order offers, this week’s DLC is MouseTrap and Kart. They can be purchased separately or as a bundle from the PSN.
ModNation Creations of the Week
Amazing creations in ModNation get shared every day, and we are playing a ton of them. If you are interested in submitting your mod, kart or track to be a future “creation” of the week be sure to visit up on the official ModNation Community site, and who knows? You might see your handiwork on the PlayStation.Blog.
Mods of the Week
Mod Name: ”Zylneth”
Creator: Stitchless
Karts of the Week
Kart Name: ”Digital Remix”
Creator: StargamerX
Tracks of the Week
Track Name: “ModNation Gardens”
Created by: Devin93
Devin93 says: “This track takes you through the beautiful Modnation Gardens. There is a ton of scenery to look at. There are also a few shortcuts.”
Track Name: “Spagonia: Rooftop Run”
Created by: IvoYaridovich
IvoYaridovich says: “This track has you rushing through a European-style city. This track boasts swooping turns, tight alleyways, an uphill section with oncoming barrels, and a rooftop section to race upon.”
Hot Lap Roster for this week
Continuing with the trend we started weeks ago, this week’s Hot Lap roster features all-new community created tracks.
Monday: Lake Side View, by paradise132
Tuesday: Summer Beach Circuit, by dragon_Bremen
Wednesday: Mystery Track
Thursday: Downhill Mountain [OFRD], by VintageOctopus
Friday: Beware of High Tide, by ck2875
Saturday: Coastal Climb, by atheistsw
Sunday: Mystery Track
More news next week, until then… see you in the ModSpot!
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