PlayStation Around the Web: What We Read

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I wanted to use this space to specifically call out this link, written by fellow San Jose Earthquakes fan Owen Good of Kotaku:

Activison’s Ex is Now Playboy’s Miss November (And She Prefers Rock Band!)

Like well over 100,000 other readers, I clicked on the story for the article. And… eventually… I noticed the following quote:

She owns four consoles, a Playstation 3, Playstation 2, Xbox 360 and Xbox. But — and Sony fanboys, go get a glass of ice cold water for this next paragraph — she only plays on the PS3.

“Really, the PS3 or the 360? It’s like comparing a Lamborghini to a Pinto,” Grace said. She started playing on the PS3 when a now-ex boyfriend loaned one to her, and bought her own when Sony cut the price to $399.

:-D Hey, my gf is in Vegas, I’m allowed to read these stories. Until tomorrow.

As usual, share your favorite links of the week in the comments area below.

The PS Blog weekly reading list (Week of 10/20)

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