Hey guys,
As mentioned in our last post, we’re trying something new to keep you up to date on all things LittleBigPlanet DLC. So on Mondays we’ll be here filling you in on the latest DLC coming to the PlayStation Store. In time, we hope to fill out this post with more DLC-related news, announcements, highlights, etc. But for now, this week’s post…
As Valentine’s Day draws near, PSP fans will be able to dress up their Sackboys and Sackgirls with costumes of ‘Luvre’! Two new packs will release on the Store this Thursday, February 11:
Luvre Costume for LBP PSP (FREE) – Show the world that you’re all heart, with this free costume that’s, er, filled with hearts…
Luvre Theme Pack for LBP PSP ($2.99) – Here’s an idea. Create a lovely custom level for your special valentine with this new theme pack. Then have your valentine play through the level designed specifically for them – it will be the best valentine ever! To help you, this pack offers 15 valentine-themed stickers to decorate your level and 4 costumes to dress up your Sackboy/girl in. And when you’re done, upload it for the rest of the LBP fans to play – and maybe use for our own valentine :)
Valentine’s Day Mini-Pack for LBP PS3 ($2.99) – If you missed this last year, now’s your chance to get the Valentine’s Day pack for the PS3. With a special Cupid outfit, 10 love-themed stickers, lots of objects and 5 different types of materials, you can make enough levels for all your Valentines this year! LIMITED TIME – Hurry, these items will disappear from the Store on 2/25.
Chinese New Year Costumes for LBP PS3 (FREE) – In celebrating the upcoming Chinese New Year, be sure to download this free costume pack, complete with his/her traditional costumes for this special time of year. LIMITED TIME – Hurry these items will disappear on 2/25.
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