Hi all, Kevin from Wonderful Lasers here to announce a new take on futuristic racing games. Super Impossible Road is a racing game with a twist: it’s all about the shortcuts.
Everyone knows that in the future, there will be no accelerator or brake, no cheap lead-stealing power-ups, and thanks to on-the-fly procedural generation of tracks, no race line memorization.
And there definitely won’t be any rubber-banding: that’s right out.
So how do pilots of the future get the drop on their fellow racers? The answer is shortcuts, and lots of them. The only way to get ahead of your competitors is by taking huge leaps across the roller coaster-like speedway. These risky overtaking maneuvers can take you straight into the lead, or drop you mercilessly into the void.
The shortcut rule is simple. When you leave the track, you have around five seconds to touch down again, otherwise the screen will white out and you will re-spawn. And you’ll be re-spawned back at the last gate you went through, so you’d better make sure to roll through a gate here and there on the way down. It’s a simple system to understand, but it adds a lot of depth and strategy to race management.
I’m very excited to bring Super Impossible Road to PS4. Hopefully you will all like it too, and we can get enough players to get a tournament started!
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