Good evening, PlayStation.Blog! It’s a little later than we usually post, but we wanted to bring you this bit of news as soon as it broke. Today, er, tonight, we’re happy to announce that Final Fantasy Type-0 HD is getting its very own Collector’s Edition. Available in limited quantities, you can lock in your order on this premium collection of cool stuff now, for $99.99. Ah, but what’s in it, you ask? Well, in industry circles, we call the image below a “beauty shot,” and with good reason! Look upon its majesty.
Let’s discuss what you’re seeing, shall we? We’ll start with the golden Steel Book case, featuring what I personally think is one of long-time Final Fantasy artist Yoshitaka Amano’s finest pieces — the goddesses of Orience. On the inside is the Japanese kanji for the game title: 零, or “Rei,” meaning “zero,” and 式, or “shiki,” meaning “type.” We know you guys appreciate authenticity.
The Steel Book holds both the game disc and a 15-track collection of songs hand-picked by the game’s composer, Takeharu Ishimoto. If the name doesn’t ring a bell, he also did the score for Crisis Core -Final Fantasy VII-, among others. He’s one of my favorite composers in the business right now, and Type-0’s soundtrack is stellar.
Let’s move over to the books. A 200 page manga that takes place alongside that super emotional opening of Type-0, giving you deeper insight into the characters, and next to that, an 80 page art book, featuring the art of some of our most talented artists who worked on this title. The foreword is even written by the game’s director, Hajime Tabata.
Last but not least, five life-size replicas of the iconic cards you’ve seen Ace holding in all our promotional materials. The fronts feature illustrations of the Type-0 Eidolons: Odin, Ifrit, Shiva, Diabolos, and naturally, Bahamut.
If all this stuff wasn’t enough, we’ve even got some neat incentives for you to pre-order this from us at Square Enix — you’ll automatically be entered into a sweepstakes where you could win a Final Fantasy Type-0 custom PS4, an art canvas of Ace, a Vermilion Bird lapel pin that retails for $200… and a whole bunch of runner up prizes, too.
And finally — getting the Collector’s Edition will guarantee your access to the Final Fantasy XV -Episode Duscae- demo. We’ve gotten a lot of questions about this demo, so while I’m here, I’ll drop some knowledge on that too.
First, as Tabata-san said in a recent episode of Square Enix Presents, this demo is exclusive to Final Fantasy Type-0 HD. We’re never going to release it as a stand-alone piece down the line. Secondly, it’s intended to be a special gift for those of you who purchase early — the demo will be limited to the “Day One” edition of the game, meaning that only the first shipment is going to have the demo in it. So if the demo is something you think you might like, we highly encourage you to pre-order or to be quick about getting to the store on launch day, March 17th, 2015.
I’ll close with one more announcement — On January 23rd at 10:00AM Pacific, Tabata-san himself is going to be doing a Final Fantasy Type-0 HD Reddit AMA.
You guys here on PlayStation.Blog have had a lot of great questions that only someone from our development staff would be able to answer, so I definitely want to invite you guys to participate! That said — considering you won’t have gotten a chance to play the Final Fantasy XV demo at that point, we’ll only be taking questions relating to Type-0 HD. But don’t fret! The Final Fantasy XV demo is just the beginning, and we’re looking forward to talking to you more about that when the time comes.
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