We are delighted, happy, excited — all of the good words — to announce that Surgeon Simulator, Anniversary Edition is almost here. On August 12th, we’re going to unleash it on the PS4 in North America and then stand back and marvel as the universe changes.
In all seriousness, we know that you’re thinking. You’ve seen this game before, you’ve watched a million YouTube Let’s Plays, and you’ve maybe even dressed as a surgeon or nurse in your free time to hone your surgical skills. Perhaps you even sent us photographs. So this A & E edition — what’s different?
We had a lot of feedback from our fans about the operations we released exclusively on iPad. Many didn’t have iPads, and wanted to be able to complete the new eye and teeth transplants. They were sad. This made us sad.
There was only one solution: the A & E edition. This version of the game contains all of the best parts from the Steam and iPad release all in one convenient package, for your gaming pleasure. The eye and teeth transplants and trolley mode from the iPad version of the game are all here, as well as the original operating theatre, ambulance, space and alien spacecraft operations. All of the operations that you have no doubt perfected, and can do with your eyes closed, well. They work on a CONTROLLER too. A CONTROLLER. The future is here!
We’ve also have something very cool that is exclusive to the PS4 version of the game. Our awesome (and twisted) dev team wanted to make sure that this newest version of the game was even more nightmare-inducingly fun and are just making the final touches to the new mode making sure everything is tickety-boo . . .Nigel’s arm shaved, his nails manicured, new watch batteries, that kind of thing. You know what we do. We will be able to reveal all VERY soon, but not right now. Where would be the fun in that? All we CAN say is that it’s something our community asked for. Daily. And we hate to disappoint.
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