Hi all, season’s greetings from everyone here at Sony Santa Monica!
For me, the holidays are a time for reverence, a time to give thanks to family/friends/co-workers, a time to look forward to the new possibilities the coming year has to offer… and of course a time to enjoy some games.
This year, I had the good fortune to work on two ports of thatgamecompany’s games with two amazing developers: Flower on PS4 and PS Vita with Bluepoint Games, and flOw on PS4 and PS Vita with SuperVillain Studios. I’d like to thank all of the fans out there who helped to make Flower the top-selling PS4 (Without Digital Upgrade) game on PlayStation Store.
If you are one of the many people who enjoyed Flower, be sure to check out flOw on PS4 and PS Vita when it comes out on December 17th (that’s Tuesday!) – It’s $5.99 for the base game and $1.99 for the DLC.
And if you’re in the mood for something a little different, something a little dark but chock full of humor, check out Escape Plan – now available on PS4. Escape Plan is a cross-buy title for PS4 and PS Vita available for $14.99.
And just a reminder that these are Cross-Buy games, meaning if you buy it on PS3, PS4, or Vita, you will own it on all three. Enjoy!
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