This roaming ronin of a game has been many places during development, but now its sanguine sword rests in place. And if the sleek, black samurai shoe fits, wear it.
And why are PS4 and PS Vita a perfect fit for Samurai Gunn? Well, that’s a dumb question.
- Samurai Gunn brings people closer together through tight controls, deadly matches, and commonly occurring bouts of friendly rivalry.
- PS4 actually brings people closer together. With magnets.
- Only PS4 and Vita have enough power to run these intense pixel graphics at ludicrous speed.
- The PS4 and Vita versions emit sounds at sub-sonic frequencies which trigger endorphins in your brain that make the incomparably smooth plastic of the square button actually feel like the worn cloth binding of a samurai sword. Combining that with the unique way PS4 pumps color into your television, you will actually believe that you are a samurai.
- Sony is not responsible for any damage caused by you fighting your way out of the soft center of battle — or to your television, home furnishings, pets, close friends, and relatives. Teknopants Ltd. might be, but will be in Hong Kong at the time.
- By using the PS4 microphone alongside Doseone’s phat beats, this game will make you better at freestyling.
- The microphone doesn’t have to be on or anything, you just get better with practice.
If you find that after one round with Samurai Gunn your heart beats passionately for it, Sony will happily cover the cost of getting a neck tattoo of the Samurai Gunn logo.*
*Not really but do it anyway.
Technical Requirements:
Samurai Gunn on PS Vita plays best when installed alongside Luftrausers, Hotline Miami, Spelunky, Hohokum, and Lone Survivor.
If you have any questions about Samurai Gunn or where to find the right tattoo parlor for you, feel free to comment below.
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