Dear readers, we are Roy, Geert and Thijmen, soon to be known as Digital Dreams. As you’ve probably never heard of us, a short introduction might be in order. We’re from the Netherlands and we share a building with other game developers like Ronimo (Awesomenauts) and Vlambeer (Super Crate Box). We have a short history in AAA development but quickly found out that we wanted to start our own company and work on our own projects. As a small indie company we strive to create elegant and meaningful experiences in the form of downloadable console games. With that said, we are very proud and super excited to finally announce Metrico, a unique PS Vita exclusive!
Metrico centers around infographics, as you might have noticed from the teaser above. It’s an atmospheric puzzle action game that strives to create a unique mindset of its own. The idea has been in our heads for a few years, and was born out of noticing how beautiful infographics can look as an art form. It was reinforced by seeing that infographics have become increasingly important in contemporary pop-culture. While they haven’t made their way to videogames yet, we think it’s a place where they can work exceptionally well. This is not just because of their pretty aesthetics as much as it is about actively changing data and how that can be visualized.
Metrico has been in development for a while; we created several unreleased prototypes for ourselves to flesh out the design. Our last prototype won the Indiepub propeller Award in 2012 in the category of “Best Design”, after which we got into contact with Sony to develop the full game for PS Vita through the help of the Pub Fund program – and we are thrilled with the opportunity to do so! Especially because the gameplay mechanics of Metrico work particularly well in combination with the unique hardware features the PS Vita has to offer.
Stay stuned for screenshots, gameplay and other announcements surrounding Metrico. You can also find us on Twitter @MetricoGame and keep up with us via Facebook. In the meanwhile we are working as hard as we can to make it as awesome as possible! Let us know what you think!
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