State of Play returns today

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State of Play returns today

Watch September 24 on YouTube and Twitch for news and updates from over 20 titles.

State of Play is back tomorrow, September 24! Tune in live for news and updates on more than 20 upcoming PS5 and PS VR2 games from studios around the world.

The 30+ minute show begins September 24 at 3pm PT / 6pm ET | September 25 12am CEST / 7am JST on YouTube and Twitch, and will be broadcast in English and Japanese. See you tomorrow!

State of Play returns today

Regarding co-streaming and video-on-demand (VOD)

Please note that this broadcast may include copyrighted content (e.g. licensed music) that PlayStation does not control. We welcome and celebrate our amazing co-streamers and creators, but licensing agreements outside our control could interfere with co-streams or VOD archives of this broadcast. If you’re planning to save this broadcast as a VOD to create recap videos, or to repost clips or segments from the show, we advise omitting any copyrighted music.

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  • Please Give God Of War 6 🥺

  • That’s it

  • Okay 😁

  • I’m super excited for this! Hopefully we will get a big game announcement like Ghost of Tsushima 2. If not, no biggie, it’s been a great year for PlayStation.

  • All I want is Concord Remastered just give us that and I can be happy

  • Are all SoP trailer from Indiestation or Remasterstation this time?! Because 1stpartystation seems to been put in a early grave together with Jim Ryan and Hermen Hulst’s takeover.
    Only remastes you need to bother with is Bloodborne or anything from the PS3 era!!

  • I don’t mind remakes/remasters but I must ask, why are they PS4 titles? We can ALREADY PLAY PS4 games on PS5. If u gonna do remakes/remasters, do PS2/PS3 games since backward compatibility is lacking and bring back OG IPs yall are sitting on.

  • Please. No remakes, remasters or reimagining of ANY game whatsoever.

    We have PS5’s, a lot of us would have been here for the 30 years of PlayStation, we do not want old games for our new console, please listen.

    What we need is NEW games for this console, we also need all PSVR1 games available on PSVR2, as well as actual first party games being fully playable in VR2.

    You’ve let us down this gen thus far Sony. Do better.

    • Fully agree with you. I’m starting to get sick of remasters? So far, in this generation, there have been absolutely no original IPs or generation defining games.

      Ps5 so far has only had sequels or slightly improved versions of games that debuted in previous generations. We need new original AAA IPs urgently

  • I am only intrested too see what are PS PLUS GAMES FOR OCTOBER 2024:)

  • Stop with the PS4 remasters, those don’t really count as new games, although with all the money and effort wasted on live service games nobody asked for I’m not too surprised. It’s sad to see how Sony PlayStation was doing so well and yet through monumentally bad management is ruining the brand.

  • How much profit do they get from pc games sales after after accounting for investing into studios to port first-party games to pc? Is it really worth it instead of focusing on studios creating new, exciting, system selling PS5 exclusives? I thought when you got rid of Jim Ryan the focus on GaaS and PC ports would come to an end.

  • hi i. wonderin if we are going to see family guy back for ps4 , and im trying to find out hpw to get a free shot of cod6

  • Can’t wait!

  • theres a slim chance of gran turismo 8 but that wont come out till the ps6 comes out, theres propalely going to be spider man 3, and maybe god of war rumored game

  • 19 of them will be a remaster.

  • Spiderman 2 DLC please.


  • PLEASE give us some more Infamous, Resistance, Killzone and Motorstorm! At least give us a collection remaster of the old ones. I don’t want to cloud stream them.


  • Only Japanese Version

  • Would Love to see some gameplay or a Trailer Showcasing Wolverine!!!!

  • Parasite Eve: where is the remake?
    Legacy of Kain should be remade and not remastered
    Resident Evil: Code Veronica needs a remake
    Infamous trilogy
    Listen to the fans, Sony.

  • By reading these comments, you can clearly see why Playstation would be stupid to continue doing these State of Plays.

    Its already hyped beyond belief by most people. Some ironic of course. But a lot of people genuinely think we’ll see big game announcements.

    Sony if just shooting themselfs in the foot. Time after time.

  • Legacy of Kain 1&2 remaster!!!

  • At what time will the PS5 pro and 30th Aniv. Edition pre-orders be available this Thursday Sept 26?

  • Will the video be uploaded to YouTube directly after the live stream? I get off work at 7cst and I won’t be able to watch it live.

  • If we don’t get either or both of Final Fantasy Tactics Remake and/or Final Fantasy 9 Remake, I’ll cry.

  • OMG! Lunar remastered but with widescreen? Please physical release!

  • Hope sony got bot 🤖 protection for the 30 anniversary pro

  • Sony PC interactive presents
    Greatness is on PC
    For the PC players
    PS5 players we are waiting you on PC for the next generation.

  • this was a decent BETTER than last State of Play but I will advise you PlayStation, REMOVE PALWORLD as that game is being Sued by Nintendo from ripoff of Pokemon series.

  • Sony stop playing already just gives us a bloodborne remaster. That’s what we’ve been asking for

  • Play station pro unleashed 🔥💯

  • Awesome to see hitman making the jump to psvr2 !

    I am hoping to see more great psvr1 games following suite.

  • Please remaster days gone

  • Can you please Remaster Days Gone

  • Cuando vuelven a poner el ps plus gratis debería aserlo para el aniversario o un regalo para los que llevan unidos a PS netword más de 3 años consecutivos son causar problemas ni reportar errores

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