Astro Bot arrives on PS5 September 6

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Astro Bot arrives on PS5 September 6

Join Astro on his own supersized space adventure.

Hi everyone! On behalf of Team Asobi, I have the immense pleasure to unveil our new game Astro Bot coming to PlayStation 5.

A video speaks a thousand words so please check out our first trailer to see the game in action.

Astro Bot arrives on PS5 September 6

Since making an appearance at the launch of PlayStation 5, Astro has introduced many players to the magic of PlayStation. We received a ton of heart-warming comments about how much fun the game was, how it utilized the DualSense wireless controller in fun ways and how it paid tribute to 25 years of PlayStation history. From the bottom of our robotic hearts, thank you very much for all your support!

We listened to your comments and now, Astro is back in a super-sized space adventure, his biggest to date.

This image shows Astro riding his Dual Speeder above the clouds. A flock of pink flamingos fly around him. Poking through the clouds in the distance are mountainous outcrops with green grass and pink trees at their top.

In this brand-new game, you will explore 6 galaxies and over 80 levels in search of Astro’s scattered crew. Hold on tight to your Dual Speeder and dive down to each unique planet, from lush forests, sandy beaches, hot volcanoes to more surprising locations such as a gigantic hourglass or the canopy of a singing tree!

In this image, Astro stands on a lush grassy field. Towering behind him is a thick trunked tree, adorned with a  mouth-like cavity and two glowing blue eyes which observe the tiny bot in front of it.

To get help on his mission, Astro can use over 15 new abilities offering unique play styles. As you would expect from an Astro game, these take full advantage of the DualSense controller, its haptic feedback and adaptive triggers so you can feel every little step along the journey. Among the many new powers, you will find Barkster, the Bulldog Booster that lets you air-dash and smash through enemies, metal and glass, the Twin-Frog Gloves that offer long-range punching and the ability to swing and the Giant Sponge that lets you suck up water from the environment to grow huge and cause massive (and slightly moist) destruction. Combined with improved Astro controls, these new powers take the Astro platforming experience to new heights, while remaining accessible for all. We can’t wait for you to get your hands on these and let us know how they feel.

In this image, flexing a pair of green Twin-Frog Gloves, Astro attacks a towering creature that engulfs that majority of the screen.

We also cranked up the number of baddies too with over 70 new types, including massive bosses at the end of each galaxy. Special mention to the deadly cobra queen Lady Venomara who appears in the trailer, waiting for you in her golden lair. Defeating each boss will uncover a wonderful secret but we don’t want to spoil that, so our lips are sealed😊. And for the brave ones of you craving even more challenge, the game comes packed with die-and-retry levels to test your reflexes.

In this image, with a metal rooster clad to his back, Astro Bot observes a mammoth metallic cobra, the tail of which slithers across the platform in front, kicking up dust. Behind that green and gold-bangled body rises the snake’s head.

But that’s not all, during this epic adventure, Astro will reunite with many friends from the PlayStation universe. The trailer shows only a few but we double down on the cast and hope to delight every PlayStation fan out there. And who knows, maybe this time, these characters will play an even bigger part in saving the day?  (wink)

This image is a close up of a winking Astro Bot, who proudly displays a robotic hound who’s positioned on his back like a backpack.

That’s all for now. Thank you for reading. At Team Asobi, we believe in the second-to-second fun and joy of video games. And with this new Astro Bot game, we invested all our love and craft to bring a constant smile to your face, as you run, jump, bop enemies and find the many secrets and jokes we dotted around.  We will be waiting for you on September 6!

This image shows a Kratos-like Bot facing the camera, tightly gripping his Leviathan Axe, which hovers above a tree stump.

We’ll be back soon with more details about the game as well as pre-orders opening up June 7. Until then, power up your DualSense, Team Asobi and Astro are taking you on a PlayStation space adventure to remember!

An image of the Astro Bot PS5 retail box.

Team Asobi out!

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  • Please add psvr 2 support!

  • SarfLondonGeezer

    Please tell me your joking! If this ain’t on vr2 it’s a no buy.

  • Please consider adding PSVR2 support! Astrobot, is Sony’s VR mascot, needs a sequel or remaster on PSVR2.

  • Astro Bot was such an amazing game. The gameplay alone was great, but all of the easter eggs celebrating PlayStation’s storied history made it the perfect game. Can you maybe port ASTRO BOT Rescue Mission and let people play without the VR headset?

  • Zoinkkz_Official

    Absolutely phenomenal that Astro’s Playroom lead to a full-fledged game! Looks amazing!

    • Huh? PSVR had the first full-fledged game and it was amazing. I’m drowning in sorrow the new Astro bot game is not in VR.

  • This is such a stab in the back to all of us PSVR2 owners who supported astrobot from day one on the PSVR. We supported you and begged for an upgrade path for astrobot for the psvr2, only to fall on deaf ears. And now to add salt to the wound you showcase a ps5 astrobot game that is literally the same PSVR1 astrobot game that we have begged for and without psvr2 support?!? Who ever thought this was a good idea should be fired. What happened to all the hybrid games? All you had to do was add vr support. The same exact game with the ps5 controller just put the 3rd person camera on the headset. This is not a complicated move guys. @teamasobi this choice to not add psvr2 support is a BIG L

  • So no mention of PSVR2 support? Hugely disappointing. Can we at least get Rescue Mission ported across?!

  • Psvr2 support please ! Terrible look for the hardware

  • I would love to play this game in VR.

  • PSVR 2 support please? Astrobot rescue mission was one of the best psvr games. A psvr 2 hybrid for this game would be a very great opportunity and adventure for all your VR fans.

  • Hi, 😊😊😊😊😊

  • If “We listened to your comments” how on Earth didn’t you hear the praise for Astro Bot Rescue mission and make this a hybrid game with PSVR2? It honestly feels insulting. We bought your hardware and you’re not giving us a sequel to your best first party VR game?

  • If “We listened to your comments” how on Earth didn’t you hear how loved and impressed everyone was with Rescue Mission?! Frankly it feels insulting. We bought your hardware, and you won’t give us a sequel to the best first party VR game you’ve put out, even in the form of a hybrid?

  • No psvr2. What a slap in the face to psvr 2 owners who spent over 500.00 to purchase it. Never again will I purchase a peripheral from Sony. In fact I am going to swich over to xbox and gamepass for the next gen. Sony lost me and my money today. What a screw up on a massive scale. One of the main reasons I purchased psvr2 was that I was expecting a sequel to Astrobot. I thought that was given. If you are still excited about psvr2 after today you are in denial. If you think 3rd parties are going to keep the system going, you are mistaken. Companies are not going to spend the money to port things over. Sony knew they were not going to support it so they should have just canceled it but they knew they could rip people off. What an evil and greedy tactic. Well guess what Sony? No more!!!!!

  • Astrobot was born in VR. Not atleast making with a Vr mode makes me lose faith in VR2’s support. :( ouch

  • So hyped for this new Atros game 😍😍😍

    • Happy for you but very disappointed for all the PSVR2 owners that have been waiting for this game for years. Very sad day for them.

      Hope you enjoy Astros next outing, though! You’re in for a treat with the talented and creative team at Asobi.

  • Everyone has been clamoring for an Astrobot psvr2 update or new game. Yet we get this. Even in the game trailer they show every accessory except the psvr2. I guess we don’t exist. No purchase.

  • Trash without PSVR 2 Support.

    At the very least give us a damn Astrobot Rescue Mission port I just wanna play that masterpiece again.

    Very disappointing by Sony

  • Astro was born in VR.. this Is absurd.

  • Absolutely ridiculous if this doesn’t have a VR mode! Sony what are you doing? This could be your huge VR IP with an absolutely amazing PSVR1 entry, Astrobot could be a huge seller for your PSVR2! I’m going to be honest and say this makes a lot of people think you are giving up on the PSVR2 already! No new big exclusive AAA titles announced everything coming out is coming out for every other VR headset! Why! Why would you do this to your VR community! Making this non VR is a straight up smack in the face to your PSVR2 users and I always back you guys on everything always defending Sony and sticking by your side but this is the straw that broke the camels back! Huge missed opportunity and a lot of people will not buy this game strictly because it doesn’t have VR! Please do something about this! I was so excited for a new Astrobot to be announced for the PSVR2 and this was very disappointing.

  • Yall better say somethin

  • PSVR2 support please!

  • I’m sorry I have to leave 2 comments! Just so upset with the new Astrobot not being for the PSVR! What a crazy, absurd, horrible decision it was to make this game not on PSVR2!

  • Well, I’ll be interested if there’s PSVR2 support announced. Until then, this will be off my radar.

  • The decision to not make this VR has completely changed my mind about Sony. If this game is not coming to the psvr2 I’m selling my ps5 for a PC! I’ve had enough of the half a$$ed VR attempt you have made! So much potential yet you refuse to listen to the people that made this game popular to begin with!

  • Ummmmm….no PSVR support? Really? Why did I drop so much money on a headset and you don’t support us with quality a VR port? Silly…should have known better.

  • No PSVR2? Please make it hybrid!

  • th3_blind_thief

    Any news on PSVR support for this?!

  • PSVR2 support PLEASE. I bought a VR2 because Astrobot on the VR was the most fun I’ve had gaming in YEARS. It’s TRULY something special. Please, do your OG Astrobot fans a service. It would be a day 1 preorder from so many.

  • No support for psvr 2 ??!

  • BGNgon asked;

    “End of the Astrobot trailer says it’s coming to PS5R. What’s PS5R?”

    as well as;

    “Could the ‘Coming to PS5R’ at the end of the trailer be some sort of hybrid branding?”

    Sorry my friend, but the “R” is just a symbol designating a trademark.

  • Looks great. Real shame there’s no PSVR2 mode, seemed like it was a slam dunk for playstation to show they were still trying to support the system

  • Sadly, this is the same position I am taking. One of the best VR games on ANY platform to date, and PSVR2 isn’t even mentioned.

  • What? No PSVR2 support? Just which users did you listen to? Obviously, not the hundreds/thousands of PSVR2 owners who have been clamoring for the game.

  • Where’s the psvr 2 version? Bring all the astrobot games including the new one to psvr2 … why isn’t Sony supporting their own hardware…

  • Genuinely looks amazing but really needs to be compatible with the psvr2 if this was released before the psvr2 I would have brought it but no vr version means I won’t be getting it

  • Would love to know if it supports two player!

  • I’m happy for the team to be making something that looks great, but as a PSVR2 owner it does feel like a slap in the face.

  • Team Asobi…love you guy but….”We listened to your comments?”…Are you sure cause I don’t see Astro Bot PSVR 2! KILL ME NOW!!! THE BIGGEST L FOR PSVR2! How could this be? Isn’t Astro bot for PSVR 2 common sense? Isn’t obvious? Haven’t we pleaded from Astro Bot VR again and waited enough smh.

  • Please add PSVR2 support!

  • Please consider adding PSVR2 support if that’s not already in the works. Not doing so would be a major blow to that community and undermine faith in Sony’s commitment to their products.

  • Why no psvr2 support? Many of us purchased the headset with the anticipation of astrobot.
    One year of barely any support and now you bail on us who paid $550…shame on you Sony

  • Really…this isn’t coming to Psvr2?

  • As nearly everyone else has said, you’ve shot yourselves in the foot here by not adding psvr2 support.

    You’ve also shot all of your psvr2 users, so thanks for that. What did we do to deserve your lack of support, Sony?

  • stage300handsome

    Not something I would buy for over 40 bucks, but the Japanese get gamers and this and Monster Hunter was about all you had worth anything here. Playstation Studios and the brand is in trouble though. I guess they decided to not embarass themselves with the Horizon mess, save that for making the next one even worse than this one I guess.

  • Please support psvr2

  • Highly disappointed there is no PSVR2 support for Astrobot PS5. Please add and make it a hybrid game.

    Also please port Rescue Mission and Playroom VR to PSVR2.

  • No PSVR 2 support or mode, what a shame ! whouah, sony still backstabbing thier own vr’s customers which paid an hardware more expensive than the console. Crazy

  • Add PSVR2 support por favor

  • wacky-tobaccy_50


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