Players’ Pawns take the spotlight
Last week, we asked you put the spotlight on the Pawns of Dragon’s Dogma 2 and share portraits using #PSshare #PSBlog. Here are this week’s highlights:

secondcapture shares a female Pawn wearing a circlet raises a goblin-faced staff

lunar9p shares three Pawns standing side by side with a 4th waving from the background

shimo_ps shares a female gray-haired Pawn glances forward
TheFinestJoe shares a male Pawn wearing glasses and a bear skin over his head stands with his arms crossed

kopicawcaw shares a players’ eyepatch-wearing Arisen and armor clad Pawn stand side by side

xenobitz shares a Pawn wearing glasses and a Beastren Pawn stand together in a cave
Search #PSshare #PSBlog on Twitter or Instagram to see more entries to this week’s theme. Want to be featured in the next Share of the Week?

THEME: Robots
SUBMIT BY: 11:59 PM PT on April 24, 2024
Next week, tech takes the spotlight. Share portraits of robots or androids from the game of your choice using #PSshare #PSBlog for a chance to be featured.
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