Players journeyed to the Three Kingdoms for this week’s shares
Last week, we asked you to travel to the Three Kingdoms and explore Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty, sharing your adventures using #PSshare #PSBlog. Here are this week’s highlights:

profjpg shares a black and white silhouette fighting with a spear
marka_game shares a griffin-human hybrid mid fight

Mannitugames shares a player leaping on their white horse and brandishing a sword

Nu_Lupo shares a player unleashing a red phoenix-like bird

LemonShiko45 shares an adorable Shitieshou demon that looks like a reverse colored panda

themarkplumb shares a player standing in a cherry blossom forest wearing an ornate red armor set.
Search #PSshare #PSBlog on Twitter or Instagram to see more entries to this week’s theme. Want to be featured in the next Share of the Week?

THEME: Green
SUBMIT BY: 11:59 PM PT on March 22, 2023
Next week, we’re seeing green. Share verdant, emerald, citrine, or any shade of green found in the game of your choice using #PSshare #PSBlog for a chance to be featured.
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