PlayStation VR2 launches in February at $549.99 

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PlayStation VR2 launches in February at $549.99 

Pre-orders for the PS VR2 headset, games, and PS VR2 Sense Controller charging station are underway starting today. 

Update: Pre-order directly from PlayStation’s online store at before PlayStation VR2 launches on February 22.

Over the past several months, we’ve introduced PlayStation VR2 and provided glimpses into the next generation of virtual reality gaming, which will allow you to escape into new worlds  while feeling a groundbreaking sense of immersion. Today, I’m very pleased to announce that PlayStation VR2 is officially launching on February 22, 2023. PlayStation VR2 Sense controller charging station, designed specifically for the PS VR2 Sense controller, will also launch the same day. 

Here is the PS VR2 lineup and recommended retail pricing for each product. Availability in each country is subject to local import regulations. 

  • PlayStation VR2
    • $549.99 / €599.99 / £529.99 / ¥74,980 recommended retail price (including tax for GBP, EUR, and JPY)
    • Includes PS VR2 headset, PS VR2 Sense controllers and stereo headphones 

  • PlayStation VR2 Horizon Call of the Mountain bundle
    • $599.99 / €649.99 / £569.99 / ¥79,980 recommended retail price (including tax for GBP, EUR, and JPY)
    • Includes PlayStation Store voucher code for Horizon Call of the Mountain, PS VR2 headset, PS VR2 Sense controllers, and stereo headphones 

  • PlayStation VR2 Sense controller charging station
    • $49.99 / €49.99 / £39.99 / ¥5,480 recommended retail price (including tax for GBP, EUR, and JPY)
    • Players can charge the PS VR2 Sense controller through a simple click-in design, without having to connect to a PS5 console – freeing up the console’s USB ports.

Standalone software titles, including Horizon Call of the Mountain, will also be available for pre-orders starting this month. More details will be provided at a later date.  

During this initial launch phase for our next-gen headset, players in the U.S., U.K., France, Germany, Belgium, Netherlands and Luxembourg will initially be able to pre-order PlayStation VR2 solely through PlayStation’s online store at Pre-orders will begin on November 15, and players may begin to register for pre-orders starting today. Orders from for PlayStation VR2 headsets and bundles will ship throughout the week of launch.  

In other markets, PlayStation VR2 will be sold at participating retailers, with pre-orders beginning on November 15. Information will be provided through participating local retailers in these regions.

PlayStation VR2 Sense Technology includes key features that enable unique gameplay experiences, such as headset feedback, eye tracking, 3D audio, and the adaptive triggers and haptic feedback from the PS VR2 Sense controllers. Together with compatible games they will captivate players’ senses and offer an incredibly deep feeling of immersion. 

Additionally, with enhanced headset-based controller tracking and high fidelity visuals in 4000 x 2040 HDR video format (2000 x 2040 per eye), PS VR2 adds a true next-gen gaming experience for players to enjoy. 

We’ve created the PS VR2 headset with comfort in mind, in a slightly slimmer and lighter design compared to our previous headset. We’ve also included an integrated vent for extra air flow, and a lens adjustment dial for a more customized feel. We hope players will enjoy this new design.

Today, we are also pleased to reveal additional titles coming to PlayStation VR2, with fresh new reveals on new titles that are currently in development for PlayStation VR2. Read our announcement here.

It’s exciting to see how game developers are taking advantage of the PS VR2’s headset features to design the next generation of VR games. We’re expecting more than 20 titles at launch, and we can’t wait for February when PS VR2 launches so players can give it a try.  We’ll have more details on our launch game lineup in the future, so stay tuned.

PlayStation VR2 launches in February at $549.99 

PlayStation VR2 Specifications

Display method​OLED
Panel resolution​2000 x 2040 per eye
Panel refresh rate​90Hz, 120Hz
Lens separation​Adjustable
Field of View​Approx. 110 degrees
Sensors​・Motion Sensor: Six-axis motion sensing system (three-axis gyroscope, three-axis accelerometer)​・Attachment Sensor: IR Proximity sensor
Cameras​・4 cameras for headset and controller tracking​・IR camera for eye tracking per eye
Feedback​Vibration on headset
Communication​ with PS5USB Type-C®
Audio​・Input: Built-in microphone​・Output: Stereo headphone jack

PlayStation VR2 Sense Controller Specifications

Buttons​[Right]​PS button, Options button, Action buttons (Circle / Cross), R1 button, R2 button, Right Stick / R3 button​[Left]​PS button, Create button, Action buttons (Triangle / Square), L1 button, L2 button, Left Stick / L3 button
Sensing/ Tracking Motion Sensor: Six-axis motion sensing system (three-axis gyroscope + three-axis accelerometer)Capacitive Sensor: Finger Touch DetectionIR LED: Position Tracking
Feedback ​Trigger Effect (on R2/L2 button), Haptic Feedback (by single actuator per unit) 
PortUSB Type-C®  port
Communication​Bluetooth® Ver5.1​
Battery​Type: Built-in Lithium-ion Rechargeable Battery​

Comments are closed.


  • Does anybody know when I will get charged for pre ordering? I will have no problem getting the money for plenty of time before release. However getting it before the pre order date in 2 weeks is not gonna happen.

  • A peripheral that costs more than the console it attaches to… Sega CD situation all over again? Might as well make the PSVR2 its own console at that point, no?

  • hey speaking of gran turismo 7, will headset be available as standalone unit please ?
    won’t need PlayStation VR2 Sense controllers and nice stereo headphones — I’m boring- only gran turismo so I have plenty controllers and headsets thank you.


  • I’m not even going to consider buying that until Sony rectifies their European pricing. Both for PS5 and PS VR 2.
    It would be already bad with the infamous “€ = $” but this is beyond disrespectful.

  • im not sure why anyone is surprised at the price, im sure not

    not quite saved up for the preorder but im hoping for a day one purchase :)

    bring on the matrix wooooooo

  • Wow the price is not what i thought but i am ready to buy :-)

  • Whoa, please sign me up, Sony! I hope I have better odds at an invite than I did for PS5! <3

    • Yeah, stop selling through retailers and just sell to us who have verified psn accounts. You might make more money selling to people who buy and play games rather than scalpers.

  • Too expensive. If its not mainstream there won’t be much content. To go mainstream its gotta be much cheaper.

  • I’m interested in buying it day one but I have an important question before I purchase it, can I use my ps5 controller with the PSVR 2?

  • Registered for pre-order early in the day but never received a confirmation email like some did. I have registered many times with Direct even before today but never received any email from Direct. I get purchase notifications normally when downloading or buying a game but never regarding PSVR 2. Should I be worried I might never get an invite to pre-order this?

    • I’m in the same boat, absolutely nothing about it in my inbox

    • I don’t know how Sony is sending out the confirmations, but I went to register and clicked on the button only to find that before I even registered, I was invited to pre-order via a special link in my email.

  • I wasn’t expecting it to cost more than the PS5, after the increase.

    A bit rich for me I think, I’d love one but even the console at that price would be a hard sell.

  • This sucks for Sony because they’re pricing even their more hardcore core customers out of buying this. Which is me. I don’t care what all the people are saying that this is a value, because it is not. All those other headsets out there are expensive because those companies have to have high margins on their headsets because they don’t have closed ecosystems attached to them to make up the difference. Sony has its entire system walled off which is where they make all their money, on the software.

    There’s no way the tech in this setup costs more than $300 for them to manufacture. Black and white cameras are dirt cheap. OLED is veteran tech at this point. Fresnel lenses are the cheap way to go. The controllers barely have more tech in them than a single DualSense controller. There’s no extra processor box like the PSVR. There’s no SoC, WiFi antenna, SSD, or battery in it like the Quest. This thing is barebones, guys.

    It should absolutely not cost $600 for the game bundle. $400 MAX! Sony is shooting for way too high of a profit margin on this and it’s only going to be a disincentive for software makers when nobody buys this. Sad. Very sad

  • I can’t wait! I’m glad so many people on here are B*thing about the price, that and the fact that it’s only available through PS direct should mean it will be much easier to get

    I wish it had come in at $500:even but I’m not mad about the extra $50. It’s still a hell of a deal for the tech in it. Not to beat a dead horse but it’s crazy how many people on here think it’s overpriced… Clearly they voted for Biden because, like our pres… They don’t know how anything works or how much things actually cost and what value actually means .. doesn’t just mean the cheapest thing possible guys.

    Excited for PSVR2 really hoping they come out and say Fireteam Ultra will be a launch game.

  • Really excited about the PSVR2, more than any gaming tech for many years. Saved up for it before it was announced. I registered as soon as I found out the registration was live, no email yet, are they still sending them out or is that it?

  • Sony only gives you something that will be good for the next 7-10 years! How many Quests have there been since psvr1 launched?

    If I knew the line up and it was good it would be day1 for me. Call of mountain WILL be good, I just know :p.

    Want my points from game as Elite member so thats where I will pre order.

    Come on Sony make me want this for actual games and not just small experiences. Astro bot to launch please.

  • I don’t care how much other VR headsets costs. THIS PRICE IS RIDICULOUS. And why tf does it cost only 550 dollors (not Euro) in USA and f!king 600 EUROS in EU. It costs more than the PS5???? WHAT.

    And btw when you talk about other VR headsets, keep in mind that some of them don’t even requires a console or PC. Also keep in mind that a PS5 in only used for games, so dont compare it with PC.

    Lastly. If you think PC VR headsets are expensive, well at least i can play ALL VR games. Not like PS VR2 where we are only going to be able to play the games that are specifically mad for the PS VR2. We are not even going to be able to play the old psvr games on it.

    You want me to pay 600 euros for a vr with nearly no games? after paying for the ps5 itself?

    I was so excited and ready to pay max 450 Euros for the headset but nope not 600.

  • 1. The price is extortionate considering the lack of triple-A games announced – rendering this headset akin to a Quest 2+ quality experience, with wire however and at over double the cost when combined with the price of a PS5 console.

    2. The PS5 console needs to be available for sale without the Dual Sense controller, for people who wish only to purchase and use PS VR games, in order to help drive it’s retail price down.

    3. Sony Computer Interactive needs to succeed at bringing a substantial catalogue of triple-A VR games to its PS VR2 platform in order to make the value proposition of buying into its VR ecosystem considerable in the very first place, as opposed to gaming on a competitor’s VR platform.

  • Free updates for psvr 1 game’s please

    And a new handheld

  • This is ridiculously expensive.
    I’m seriously disappointed. I was an early adopter of the first PSVR, and to be honest, there was not much games to play with. So 649€ to have fun but short experiences again ? Not sure about that guys. I kinda feel like Sony turns out greedy with this ps5 generation. I’m sorry, I will pass this time.

  • 50 bucks more than the system you need to you use …. i get they’re costly to make but no .. you don’t do that . i didn’t expected to get one anyway but seeing the price just no thanks. as it is its not backwards compatible making it a hard sell even if you were ok with the price.

  • This thing seems doomed to fail

  • Read any article online actually breaking down the price and it makes sense. I will absolutely be purchasing one, and you’re silly if you think this is a bad deal. Dramatically better than the $800 I spent on an HTC Vive several years ago. No more whining!

  • The truth is, is that this is actually the biggest bargain in modern VR tech. By a long stretch.

  • I registered months ago but still no email to pre order – hoping one pops up soon!

  • I’m dating myself here but I remember when the Atari 2600 came out. We paid $199.00USD for it. That would be about $900 today. Games were anywhere from $40-$50 each. That would be well over $150 PER GAME today! For what we are getting and all the tech that’s going into the PSVR2, I think its well worth the price and I hope I can get my hands on at least one. If you haven’t tried gaming in VR, its truly amazing.

  • Hey Sony. Love the news and will be getting this day 1!!
    The price is getting lot of negative press which is overshadowing the positives at this time. You now have the 2 bad news out of the way with back compat and higher price. Now you have 3 months to build up hype and market the product that it justifies the price. Some suggestions, reveal some banger games like half life alyx, a launch ps plus collection with og psvr remasters, Gran turismo 7!! The next three months needs to be really solid for marketing. Due to supply chain, i beleive the initial batch will sell out. Holiday 2023 will have need some revised pricing when quest 3 launches.

  • I have signed up for preorder each time when prompted only to find out now that Canada has been left out of the preorder queue! I am so sad about this, as a VR only player I feel let down, I have this empty feeling that I can’t shake. Thanks Sony!

  • Definitely gonna get one. Got original PSVR on launch day and can’t wait for PSVR2 Horizon Call of the Mountain bundle. Wish Grand Turismo was a launch tittle along with Half Life Alyx.

  • Cannot be bothered to read 270+ comments. But might as well purchase a PC, what with various PS games heading there anyway…

  • Are all of you really crying about the price? Let me clear some things off here.

    It is? Ok, Go check out the Meta Quest Pro and some PCVR headsets! Then come back here and look at the price again. Still disagree? Buy an Oculus Quest 2 but don’t be surprised by the lower-end specs.

    So? PCVR Needs a PC, PSVR needs a Playstation. PCS cost WAYYY more than a Playstation and even then the price for performance is hit or miss. Besides, if you already have a PC I wouldn’t be surprised if someone hacks the PSVR into working with a PC. Or even first-party support from Playstation.

    The PSVR had much more cuts than the PSVR 2. The PSVR needed a processor unit for it to function, heck it didn’t even come with motion controllers, and the ones you could buy were for the PS3 so I could imagine how weird they were. Finally, The PSVR did not have built-in cameras, so you had to worry about that weird camera you had to put on your TV.

    The PSVR 2 IS A NEXT GEN HEADSET! Of course, the price will be higher. You need to look at the Price to performance ratio on other headsets compared to this one to realize how good of a price this is. If you are still sad about the price you have a few options:

    1. Buy an Oculus Quest 2 – Like I said don’t be surprised by the lower-end specs.

    2. Wait for a discount on the PSVR 2 – This may take a few years considering how scalpers are going to tear this headset apart.

    3. Wait for an Oculus Quest 3 – It may come sooner than we think. The price will probably be lower for a smaller difference in specs but you can’t be too sure.

    4. Don’t buy it – Simple. Don’t like it? Don’t buy it, but that doesn’t mean you should cry on this blog about it.

    There may be more options but these are the 4 that came to head.

    My point is to get over the price. There is no reason to complain about it when there are other options that could make you just as happy as this headset would.

    I will add more points if I think of any.

    • Nor does it mean you need to cry about others crying lol. Bro people are voicing their opinions. Their is value to that. It provides feedback to the company and sometimes good things come from that. The specs are impressive but it is still a add-on that is priced above a Playstation 5 itself. The Quest Pro is more expensive because it is higher end hardware. It’s wireless. It also offers PC free VR experiences. Personally I was expecting it to match the price of the Playstation 5 Disc.

  • I was expecting PSVR2 to match the price of Playstation 5 Disc Edition because I didn’t think they would price it above the Playstation 5 retail price. This accessory (high end hardware to be fair) costs more than the console that powers it. HAHA! Maybe it would have been $500 without inflation. Maybe PSVR2 price also contributed to Playstation 5 price increases in other regions. Their isn’t even a free Playroom like VR game to play with it.

  • Thanks for not caring about Canada -___________________-

  • Everyone saying that PSVR2 is as good or better than the Quest Pro need to look at the features again. The Quest is PC free VR. it has its own built in processing and storage and its wireless. PSVR2 uses the PS5.

  • Only way I would consider buying this is if Sony announced really compelling VR titles on par with their established IPs, God, Horizon and the like.

    I guess, for now, we’lll see, but I’m keeping my pocketbook closed at this time.

  • Don’t be a jerk Sony !, your VR headset shouldn’t be more expensive than your console, and no Summer Lesson for PS5, that’s just Stupid Censorship Decision 🤑🤣

  • Why would you even be looking at this if you don’t have a ps5 already? My question is will it work with none vr games like the psvr1, looks like a150-200 inch screen

  • Ready to go in debt for this bad boy!

  • Looking just at the technical specs the price seems mostly reasonable, but with no backwards compatibility to the original PS VR games, so few titles announced and the fact that some games, like F1 2022, that are VR supported on PC have no plans to add that support on consoles it just does not seem to be worth it. Not yet at least. I was looking forward to this, but I guess I’ll wait a year or two to see if more games get VR support or the price comes down (not likely).
    Meanwhile, if there’s 500-600 dollars/euros/punds burning in your pocket getting an Xbox and a Game Pass subscription for that or less would seem like a much better deal, if actually playing games is the point.

  • Without the invite email, I wonder what the chances are of still getting a pre order on the 15th?

  • ok i have read a lot of the comments and as a person who is a hardware engineer and has over 1600 hrs in VR, i feel i have to weigh in, lets start with the misconceptions I’m seeing in the comments here. !- stop comparing this with the quest 2 pro in price and specs alone- the meta quest pro is a ENTERPRISE\BUSINESS system and was never made for gaming or general consumer use, the PSVR 2 is exclusively a consumer based VR ADDON for the ps5 and the prices for both reflect that. 2- it has the latest tech and that justifies the price, maybe when it started development it did, but not now, go look at what Valve has on its patents for what they want to do with the Deckard and you’ll see what I mean. 3- quest 2 comparisons- these shouldn’t even exist. You have a standalone system that was so botched in development that they had to downclock the processor and add cooling because they literally forgot about it. Im very curious to see how PSVR 2 will handle its cooling and if the headstrap in comfortable- which the quest 2s is not. However, if u want to compare the quest 2 pcvr with psvr 2 yeah the psvr 2 blows it out of the water even if u include the value of airlink- which isnt a value as u have to buy an external battery source since the quest 2s battery is trash. Also the quest 2 is 2 years old at this point so its not a fair comparison anyway. Im not going to to compare ps5 costs and pc costs bc thats whole nother issue. 4- overall price, so given what i know about the system, off the assembly line these are around 350-370 to make, so whats with the extra cost and why does it seem like the profit margins are so high, well unfortunately, thats the cost of doing business- or more likely sometimes the dev costs are passed onto the consumer instead of the investors, it happens guys, plus Sony on top of that also needs to make a profit, then add inflation and boom. I think a lot of the misconceptions is that a lot of commenters are not in the VR space. So their knowledge is limited, A better comparison upon price point for a consumer VR system would be the HP reverb 2, and that thing is massive POS compared to the PSVR2. Also stop saying u need a massive GPU to run PCVR, most games can run just fine with a 1080 ti. Also stop trying to call it premium product, its just marketing. And scalpers use it to justify what they are doing. Premium basically means only the rich can get something, for instance, a Lamborghini is a premium car. If we ever want VR to become mainstream, calling it “premium” is just an overall bad idea. okay this thing is already a heave TL;DR for most of you so im done. Honestly i think that when more HMDs come out SOn will be force to lower this to 500 anyway and maybe even lower so unless you need to be an early adopter, lets see what happens.

  • man i wish i could edit posts, sry about the grammar and spelling errors guys.

  • Can Sony release an advertisement showing all the premium features of PSVR2 to impress upon people how baller this headset is. I’m interested but the price is steep. I hope the price drops to £429 in a year or so and there will be more games by then. Looks amazing but it’s out my price bracket just now.

  • I’m hoping that the best of the best ps 4 ps vr are ready to play on my new headset

    The bigger the library the better the price will go down

  • I’m quite excited for the PSVR2

    I understand if people aren’t excited that’s fine

    Just like that meme where Futurama he says take my 💰

  • Games like: art pulse,borderlands 2vr ,astro bot rescue mission,doom vfr ,3 ,concrete genie ,Star Wars squadron coaster-more a tech demo than a game but it sells vr,hatsune miku,future live,moss ,moss book 2,zone of the Enders,re7

    As many great things from ps vr as I can possibly play with my new headset makes a larger impact as a vr library

    I’m aware that the new headset is vastly better tech but if you can get the new hd camera and patch the old vr games great

    If I can skip the camera and just use the new headset even better

  • I want my email please I’ve not had one yet I love my psvr

  • Have all 2 million emails been sent out yet or could I still receive one

  • Just wondering how much Horizon Call of the Mountain will cost on its own as it is being sold as a download code with the headset.
    Buying it separate would mean you could download and install the game before your headset arrives or choose to save £40 now and purchase it at a later date if you already have stuff to play.
    It just depends on weather there is any saving on buying it with the headset or not.

  • Can’t wait!! I want an invite to pre order so badly! This is my 2023 hype!!!!

  • Haha y’all finally seeing how things are in other countries,this is the reality of most if not all 3rd world countries when it comes to gaming…things extremely high priced and VR being more expensive than the PS needed for it to work was already a thing back on VR1 and PS4 ha.Most of y’all would quit gaming if you were in this reality but yep this price is ridiculous…hope VR2 flops,hope it’s DoA because Sony needs a reality check PS4 success made them arrogant and greedy…if they don’t lose they will keep on pulling bs like this.

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