Early look at the user experience for PlayStation VR2 

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Early look at the user experience for PlayStation VR2 

Check out the new see-through view and broadcasting option for PS VR2.

The road to launch for PlayStation VR2 is in full swing, and we can’t wait for you to try the exciting new games and experiences you’ll be able to explore with our next-generation virtual reality headset.  As we continue with our launch efforts, today, we’d like to offer a quick peek at some of the user experience features you’ll discover on PS VR2. 

Let’s take a look. 

See-Through View

With PS VR2, you can see your surroundings while wearing the headset with our new see-through feature. It comes in handy when you want to easily check where the PS VR2 Sense controllers are in your room without taking the headset off. Thanks to PS VR2’s embedded front cameras, users can press the function button on the headset, or use the Card in the Control Center, to switch between viewing your surroundings, or viewing the content on PS VR2. The Card in the Control Center also gives quick access to other PS VR2 settings, such as adjusting your play area.

The see-through view is just for viewing only, so there’s no recording option.

Broadcast Yourself While Playing

A new broadcast feature for PS VR2 will allow you to film yourself while playing, by connecting a PS5 HD Camera to the console. It’s a great way to show your movements and reactions during a boss battle and share your reactions with your fellow gamers as it happens! 


Customized Play Area 

The play area for PS VR2 can be customized by using the PS VR2 Sense controllers and the embedded cameras. The cameras will allow you to scan the room, while the PS VR2 Sense controllers allow you to expand and further customize the play area to fit your play style and room environment.

While playing, if you get close to the boundary you have set up, you will receive a warning that you are closely approaching the play area boundary. You can modify your settings at any time while PS VR2 is connected. Once you set up your play area, the settings will be saved unless you move into a different play area.

VR Mode and Cinematic Mode

In VR Mode, players can enjoy VR game content in a 360 view in a virtual environment. Content will be displayed in 4000 x 2040 HDR video format (2000 x 2040 per eye) with 90Hz/120Hz frame rate.

In Cinematic Mode, players can view the PS5 system and UI and all non-VR game and media content on a virtual cinema screen. Content in Cinematic Mode will be displayed in 1920×1080 HDR video format with 24/60Hz and also 120Hz frame rate.

PS VR2 game developers will begin to access the latest user experience for PS VR2 in a new system software release coming soon as part of the ongoing development. There are lots of exciting things to look forward to for PS VR2, and we can’t wait to share more details about our next-generation virtual reality headset that takes a dramatic leap forward in gameplay innovation. We’ll share more information soon, including launch date and additional games coming to the platform.  

Design and specification within the images are subject to change without notice.

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  • Would this set be backward compatible with the PS4 VR games?

    • They would be smart to do everything they can to develop a top down solution that makes it as easy as possible for developers to patch PSVR2 support in for their games, if not outright make them work without any patch required.

      The most difficult challenge would be games that use the Move controllers. But if the VRSense controllers could be positionally tracked by the headset to appear where the Moves are supposed to be, that could solve that. And then the headset itself has inside/out camera tracking and doesn’t require an additional camera.

      If they could launch with 500+ PSVR games for their headset, and offer several hundred of those on their PS+ Extra/Premium tiers as well, people would be much more inclined to buy a VR headset knowing they could try hundreds of games out that are included in their monthly subscription cost. Sony’s move.

  • Will this be available for ps4 use also, the market is high right now where I can’t afford a ps5

  • pretty cool, but we are going to need a little more information than that. this is some next-level stuff.

  • I just want fully adjustable diopter for people with big heads, and better clarity in the periphery. Also not having to put it on just right before the whole thing becomes a blurry mess.

  • 1. Really disappointed that the PS5 does not support 3D BluRays (as watching on the PS4/PSVR was one of the only ways to view my collection).
    2. Don’t understand why we can game in 4K HDR but the Cinematic View is limited to 1080p HDR. There’s tons of 4K content that could be streamed on services like Netflix, AppleTV, Amazon Prime, Vudu, Disney+, Hulu, and so on. The resolution of the Cinematic View was the weakest element on the original PSVR and it makes no sense to not utilize a resolution that at least upscales content to 4K, if not supports it directly.

    Would love to see something like PS Home return with VR2 support. And a theater right in the center, where you can rent 2D or 3D films or view your own BluRays in a variety of settings (or support BigScreenVR, which does essentially all of that). 3D films might be a dead tech due to the TVs, but what is VR if not a really expensive pair of 3D glasses, without the added darkness that the old methods utilized? Being able to see 3D films in all of their depth and brilliance would be most welcome, and if there’s no plan to patch the PS5 to support 3D BluRays, then perhaps a way to use the VR2 headset itself as a display unit when hooked up to a 3D BluRay player’s HDMI output would be a middle ground solution.

    • YESSSS, Bring back 3D… Im am currently importing Spiderman No way Home 3D From Freakin Australia “Random Space Media” since crappy American companies killed 3D too soon! ( Releases August)

      They still are making 3D blu rays internationally! Bring it back!

    • Edit for below since we cant delete nor edit comment…

      I said crappy American companies killed 3D im the US but I meant all Media companies internationally killed 3D in the US to soon.

  • Awesome, can’t wait.

  • Exciting news! I love PSVR! I had the OG model as well as the new updated model. I have the converter to play it on my Ps5 and it works amazing! RE7 in VR is such a cool experience and it felt like I was placed into a horror movie!

    A simple boring action in a game with a regular controller becomes exhilarating in VR when just Hiding behind walls Peaking out…

    I like 1st person horror games in VR are really cool for many jump scares!

    Theres so much more for me to still discover with the current set and now Im really excited we will get a superior PSVR set that looks loke it

  • Hey PlayStation will this be compatible with ps4 or just ps5 and this looks great and so do the controllers. I am most impressed with the see through feature so that way we won’t crash into a bed or wall. When will the launch date post be posted

  • If this system is the same price as the PS5 it would still be worth it. When it goes on sale please don’t allow bots to buy these headsets. If yous do the same type of conversion into a new system by having all PS4 games work on the PS5. So if you do the same for the PSVR with a backwards compatibility patch that can have a big library at launch. Which definitely will help with sales ….. I want one definitely … lol

  • Maybe this can lead to better 3D movie viewing with headsets . I would like to watch movies with the most full experience of 3D that ever been seen. Allot if Sony movies are amazing but how much better in 3D.

  • Looks really cool and cannot wait just hope its not too expensive as the oculus is 400. Ater buying a ps5 for 500 id hope that it is around the price range of 200 to 250

  • I would also like to see native PC support with that USB-C cable. Marketing a Playstation VR headset that is compatible with Steam VR could easily make Sony the leading VR contender.

  • Ready to be digitized into the grid.

  • Psvr2 is going to be sick and well done playstation they outdone themselves 😎

  • People keep saying; “hype it up”, “spread the word”, but honestly… just leave it alone. If I have to wait as long as I did for a PS5 to even be available, I’m going to lose my… well, you get the idea! As far as I’m concerned, they’ve said everything they need to say. Console native VR? Yes please! All the compatibility issues with PCVR, needing to run Steam, and nearly every individual game having different spec requirements has just been a massive headache for me. ‘Shut up and take my money’ is my philosophy here!

  • Really awesome VR headset. They have made a big leap from the first PlayStation VR headset. But it seems that this VR headset is even better in most cases. Can’t wait to get it! 🔥

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