Kratos and Atreus fight to survive against mounting dangers in the brand-new God of War Ragnarök – Father and Son CG Trailer.
God of War Ragnarök is officially coming to PlayStation 5 and PlayStation 4 on November 9, 2022!
We’re thrilled be able to share our release date and the brand-new God of War Ragnarök – Father and Son CG Trailer with all the God of War fans who have been eagerly awaiting news. We hope you’ve enjoyed a glimpse at some of the dangers Kratos and Atreus could find themselves up against as Ragnarök approaches.

God of War Collector’s Edition Unboxed
Don’t miss the official unboxing of the God of War Ragnarök Collector’s Editions with Thor actor Ryan Hurst and Santa Monica Studio Art Director Rafael Grassetti.
Pre-orders for God of War Ragnarök go live starting today! To see all of the editions in detail, check out this comprehensive PlayStation Blog article.
For the latest updates on God of War, make sure you follow Santa Monica Studio on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.
Check out a gallery of stills from the new CG trailer below:
Porquê a edição de colecionador e jötnar de god of war Ragnarök não estará disponível para o brasil sou brasileiro e estou muito triste com isso por favor na data de lançamento libere essas edições que você disse no UNBOXING dessas edições algo como: espero eles têm esse martelo na casa de vários fãs. mas como vou ter esse martelo se não vai estar disponível no brasil ficarei muito triste e decepcionado com o jogo que mais amo por favor lancem essas edições no brasil por favor😔😭
sooooooooo ready
Indeed. 👏
That how I feel as well. I get so tired of the PS5 guys like myself hearing whining from pc players about when they will get to play. I can’t figure who would choose a mouse and keyboard over a controller anyway. And besides, games are always better on a big tv with nice surround sound while in a recliner, the way GoW was intended to be played.
I have been playing GoW since the first one dropped. In my opinion, fleshing out Kratos as more than a killing machine is the best thing SM Studios has done for the game so far. I loved GoW 2018. Imo, the story and cut scenes are what i look forward to the most. Santa Monica Studios knows how to deliver, and i think deliver they shall.
I am soooo excited!!!!!
By far my favorite game series!!! The only negative thing I will say is I wish they had a disc verision available in the collectors and Jotnar editions!! This is disappointing! Honestly Though besides that Huge shout out to Santa Monica Studios And Everyone involved in this game series !!!!! Cant wait to play
Well I will say this I can’t wait I do feel sorry for Canadians they will have to pay more
I don’t get hyped for games anymore. I’ll believe it when I play it, not how it looks.
OMG! Can’t wait for God of War Ragnarok
Alright since can’t stand all the **** comments bout the Tuff as **** Ps5 not being readily available to every soul that desires an deserves 1 which bottom line is a mahf no matter how you shake it..but get your **** n statements correct. Ps5 shortage is because of worldwide chip shortage which WE are ALL to blame not just Sony but obviously some more than others. Reason for this diatribe I truly feel for the real gamers that deserve to be awed by the Ps5 and would like to help pay it forward in a sense. I got mine for bare bottom retail price luckier more so I randomly snagged dual charge stand better than sonys actually and GOTG game when n where was pickin up my system so altogether less than 550. Sorry to say i biffed at least 3 or 4 other gauranteed locks to grab it for same price which makes me feel like an **** now when said anyways I flat out refused to get taken by sum beyond greedy scalper and the stores that allowed them to post n sell it for double what it cost which is beyond **** ridiculous. So if your a TRUE gamer I’d like to help you do the same get at me on here and I’ll enlighten ya on the suprisingly simple way to do so. We gots to stick together if were gonna annihilate gluttonous Thor and his **** daddy allfather Odin an put a stop to RAGNAROK lol the epicness that its sure to be deserves to be enjoyed on nothing less than a PlayStation 5 Long Live Kratos and Loki and all in the galaxy.
why no pc release date? cheat again?
Waiting for pre-order!!
Come on Boy!!
PS5 is trash
I grew up on regular Nintendo on a 15″ screen, ps5 is miraculous and you are spoiled.
Glad someone else realizes that.Worst PS yet and worst gen as well.